Previous Build Number in Jenkins - jenkins

I have a batch Job (not the pipeline Job) in Jenkins where I am using a plugin called "Naginator" which will check if the current build is failed/unstable - If the current build is failed/unstable it will run immediately the next build to confirm the error is genuine. If the error is not genuine then the run is successful and it will periodically set the next build to run. Along with this, I use some CMD commands to move my data into another folder with the Build number as my folder name.
Now here is the issue, if the previous build was unstable and Naginator runs the next build and that build is stable then what I need to do is delete the previous unstable build data from the folder manually. Is it possible to fetch the previous build number in Jenkins so that I can delete the file in an automated way - lets say in CMD Commands .BAT file.

Jenkins has it's own global variables. You can check whem in your pipeline job -> Pipeline Syntax -> Global Variables Reference.
Additionally check http://jenkins_url:port/env-vars.html/
For your purpose BUILD_NUMBER exist.
Just create new env var like this:
Excuse me if this piece of code will not work, I'm not good about scripting) Just for example.
also you can find in mentioned reference a list of variables:


I have Job A and B in Jenkins. How can I always execute a file in the most recent build of A in the build steps in job B

I have these Jenkins jobs A and B. Job A Builds a bunch of Files for my project. In Job B i wanna execute a command to run a file in the most recent build of job A.
My execution even works fine, but only because I have hard coded the build number and I am picking that from the files stored by Jenkins in my C:JenkinsData Directory, I would wanna have that called from the Workspace instead
See image for clarification.
Jenkins build steps illustration
For e.g my last build right now is 70 I want to know how I can be always executing those same files but in the most recent Build
Or if its even way better Can I execute those same file from Job A since the built files are in the Workspace.
You could get the last build index using this API and "number" property:
This could help:
Jenkins - Get last completed build status

Dynamic Properties file in Jenkins for injecting Env variables

So this is my entire Use case:
I have a parameterized build job which accepts file parameters. After the build I need to send a mail with that file and the size of the file. For this, I'm trying to add the name and size of the file as an Env variable using EnvInject Plugin.
But EnvInject is in the Build Environment step. The file parameter gets stored in the Workspace of the build only in the Build step, not in Build environment. So, there will be an error like File not found.
Due to which, I'm trying a crooked way of defining a properties file somewhere on my local system.I'm mentioning this properties file in "Properties File Path" of Inject Environment variables. In the build step I'm adding FOO=BAR and other values in the file so that I can use those values as my env variables down the line, like when I configure my e-mail template in Post Build Actions.
Can this process be done easily? I was initially making the properties file in JENKINS_HOME. I just got to know that I'm not allowed to do that as in master-agent architecture, JENKINS_HOME will be different and build will fail.
PS-1. The workspace gets deleted after every build
2. Any other plugins which can be used? If possible, please suggest without installing some new plugin as I'm not Jenkins admin
One way of solving this problem is by creating 3 different jobs as follows -
job 1 --> should call below 2 jobs(job 2 & job 3)
job 2:
Build --> Trigger/call builds on other projects --> job 2(block until the triggerred projects finish their builds)
select"Build on the same node" from Add Parameters.
job 3:
Build --> Trigger/call builds on other projects --> job 2(block until the triggerred projects finish their builds)
select"Build on the same node" from Add Parameters.
Job 2 (Create this job as follows):
Execution API --> using "GET_FILE" option you can download the required details on to the current working directory of your job.
Execute shell -->
now within "Execute Shell", download "consoleText" using wget command.
process the "consoleText" using unix command prepare a key-value pairs and store it under /tmp folder. i.e. "/tmp/env.prop"
Job 3 (Create this job as follows):
select "Inject environment variable to the build process" and under 'Properties File Path' enter "/tmp/env.prop"
now you can use the variable which you created in Job2 in the current job without any issue.
please note that it is important to select "Build on the same node" in Job 1, because this will preserve the data and it allows other jobs to access this information.
Let me know if its not clear.

Get build number of triggering project in Jenkins

I configured a Jenkins project B to run when project A completes succesfully.
How can I find the buildnumber of A in the project B pipeline?
If you just need the last successful build of A you can just read it from Jenkins:
If you need the build the triggered B you can use the Parametized Trigger Plugin and use :
TRIGGERED_BUILD_NUMBER_MyJob="Last build number triggered"
You can do the following:
Use the Execute windows batch or Execute shell build step to store the build version in a file during the build of project A - e.g. from a windows batch:
Use the Archive the artifacts post build step to store the file against that build in project A
At the start of project B use the Copy artifacts from another project build step, point to project A and use the Artifacts to copy field to filter down to the file you created and choos Last successful build for the Which build field
Read the file in a shell script during the build of project A to pickup the build number
If you output the artifact in the format:
and you're using Linux on the Jenkins server, you could use the source command to make VARIABLEA and VARIABLEB available in that shell session, e.g.:
source "${WORKSPACE}/"
You could then do something with that variable in the shell script.
Alternately, you could simply use the Trigger parameterized build on other projects post build step (which I believe requires the Parameterized Trigger Plugin) on project A and setup project B to accept those parameters.

Parameterize the approver detail in Promoted Build Plugin in Jenkins

I am using Promote Build plugin in Jenkins .
I need to take the approver information from the user in Jenkins and provide him the approval rights .
Here is what I am trying to do :
Is it feasible ?
Don't think you can use variables there. However, you could skip that condition, and instead have an Execute Shell build step, and there check for variables $PROMOTED_USER_NAME. Parse the name, and make your decision based on that.
Parent parameters don't automatically get passed to Promoted builds. However, you can export them to file, archive the file (important to archive as opposed to keep it in workspace), bring the file over in the promotion step, and either load it to environment variables with EnvInject plugin, or simply use the file as is in a script
On Parent Job
Configure parameter approverid
Have an Execute Shell build step with the following:
echo approverid=$approverid > myfile
At the end, make sure to Archive myfile
On Promotion Configuration
Skip the approval criteria
Add Copy Artifacts from another project step
For Project Name, use $PROMOTED_JOB_NAME
For Which build, use Specific Build, then provide $PROMOTED_NUMBER
For Artifacts to copy, use myfile
Add Inject Environment Variables build step
For Properties File Path, enter myfile
Add Execute Shell build step
In that shell, compare values of $approverid and $PROMOTED_USER_NAME
If they match, continue, else abort/exit promotion.
Or course, the history of execution (and abort) will be noted however.

Jenkins - execute a script before building, then have the user confirm to build

I have a bash script that looks like this:
previousRelease=`git describe --tags --match "release*" origin/release`
git diff --name-status $previousRelease..origin/release
Is there a way of having Jenkins execute it as part of a build process? The intention is to see a list of files that have changed since the last release, as a manual step to confirm that the release should go up. The user who has triggered the build needs to read the output and then confirm the release should go ahead.
Most things are possible to do in Jenkins but if it is the best way of doing it is another question.
To solve this I would use an approach with two jobs one for checking the diff (hock that one on to the git repository) The other job for doing the actual release.
The check diff job
1 Create a job of the type freestyle project with build type "execute shell" and run your script above. Add some prints at the end of the log to create a clickable link to manually start the release job with current git-id as argument.
Just printing an URL in console output will make it clickable so:
export GITID=`git log -n| grep and sed or awk something`
will create the accept changes user interface you requested.
The release job
2 Create another job(above I assumed you named it releaseme) let the job have one parameter as argument (tick "This build is parameterized") make let the argument be the git-id you would like to release. Create your release script in this job.
