Reading the documentation, section 8.2 here:
The docs state that the legacy attributes format is still supported in cytoscape 3.8. I have a legacy attribute file in the following format:
PKC = 0.05283780217268941
CDKN1B = 0.9230103703466229
RAS = 0.001407567832956147
BRCA1 = 0.0005058090659030887
However when I try to import the file using File -> Import -> Table from file... I cannot find a way for cytoscape to recognize anything but a single column, and it throws an error:
Table must have more than one column. Please check the selected delimeters and columns.
The import dialog is shown:
I can manually convert the file to CSV and import it, but it's a bit annoying to need the conversion utility since the docs suggest this should work.
I'm not sure why, but I was able to import that file by deleting the first line of the file (e.g. the column label) and using "=" as the delimiter. Obviously you have to rename the column before the import, but I was able to get it to work without having to convert it. The documentation is clearly wrong and we'll make sure to remove that comment as I think we removed support for that format several releases ago when we cleaned up our File menu.
-- scooter
So the question is actually simple, but I have no idea how to approach this issue. I know this code is generated by template based on this question:
XCode automatically generated comments?
I want to use the <name> that xcode provides on each mac machine which is unique for it's user, for some types of logs.
This is how the swift template file looks before it's used by Xcode to create my work file:
// ___FILENAME___
// Created by ___FULLUSERNAME___ on ___DATE___.
Surely, there is no point in parsing it.
The question is: Does anyone knows how I can get this name using swift in my application?
I searched for an answer here/Google but so far no luck.
I don't know how to read the header. But you can do it otherwise.
First if you need the creation-date of a file, you can use the NSFileManager:
var path = "path/to/your/file/"
var fileAttribs:NSDictionary = NSFileManager.defaultManager().attributesOfFileSystemForPath(path, error: nil)!
var creationDate = fileAttribs.objectForKey(NSFileCreationDate)
Also if you need the full username, you can use the function NSFullUserName() or NSUserName(). It should return the same string as __FULLUSERNAME__
var fullUsername = NSFullUserName()
var username = NSUserName()
Sometimes in the iOS Simulator, this username is empty, but in a real app, it should work properly.
That text written at template instantiation time β that is, when you create a new Xcode project (or a new file in an existing project using the File > New > File... templates). You can't read the contents of the source file your code was compiled from. (Well, unless you ship that file along with your compiled binary, and read it in like any other text file.)
But that's just text substitution β it can be done anywhere in the file, not just in the comment headers. So you could create your own file or project templates, and in the template files, put those substitution macros in code instead of in comments:
let schmoeWhoCreatedThisFile = "___FULLUSERNAME___"
Here's a tutorial found in a couple seconds of web searching that has the full details on creating templates and the substitution macros you can use in them.
Remember, substitution happens when you create a new file or project β if you're looking for who made the latest change to your source file or who built the app that shipped to your customers, you're barking up the wrong tree. Some of those sorts of things you can do with source control; others are more a matter of (human-defined, human-executed) policy for you or or your organization.
I have a spss syntax file that I need to run on multiple files each in a different directory with the same name as the file, and I am trying to too do this automatically. So far I have tried doing it with syntax code and am trying to avoid doing python is spss, but all I have been able to get is the code bellow which does not work.
VECTOR v = key.
LOOP #i = 1 to 41.
*Do stuff to the opened file
key is the only column in a file that contains all the names of the files.
I am having trouble debugging since I don't know how to print to the screen if it is possible. So my question is: is there a way to get the code above to work, or another option that accomplishes the same thing?
You can't use an expression like that on a GET command. There are two choices. Use the macro language to put this together (see DEFINE in the Command Syntax Reference via the Help menu) or use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES extension command or your own Python code to select the files with a wildcard.
The extension command or a Python program require the free Python Essentials available from the SPSS Community website or available with your Statistics version.
I was using Deedle in F# to read a txt file (no header) to data frame, and cannot find any example about how to specify the schema.
let df= Frame.ReadCsv(datafile, separators="\t", hasHeaders=false, schema=schema)
I tried to give a string with names separated by ',', but seems don't work.
let schema = #"name, age, address";
I did some search on the doc, but only find following - don't know where I can find the info. :(
schema - A string that specifies CSV schema. See the documentation
for information about the schema format.
The schema format is the same as in the CSV type provider in F# Data.
The only problem (quite important!) is that the Deedle library had a bug where it completely ignores the schema parameter, so no matter what you provide, it would be ignored.
I just submitted a pull request that fixes the bug and also includes some examples (in the form of unit tests). See the pull request here (and click on "Files changed" to see the samples).
If you do not want to wait for a new release, just get the code from my GitHub fork and build it using build.cmd in the root (run this for the first time to restore packages). The complete build requires local installation of R (because it builds R plugin too), but it should build Deedle.dll and then fail... (After the first run of build.cmd, you can just use Deedle.sln solution).
I have a database which I want to export as an iOS compatible PLIST.
The work around I have come up with is to create a calculated field which adds the tagged padding and header and creates a report using these fields. I then export the preview of the report as a PDF, open the PDF in Acrobat Reader, select all text, copy and paste into XCode which recognises the PLIST format and all works as expected.
Is there a better way of doing this? (This seems a really convoluted way of doing things, high chance of error, etc.) The Export as XML option looks promising but I can't seem to join the dots.
Two ways that I can think of to do what you're trying to do. The most elegant way is probably the XML with XSLT export which you suggest. If you don't already know XSLT, though, you might try the following -- it sounds like with the calculated XML line you've already created, like this would be a simple change to your database:
Create a single new global field, say outputXML
Create a script, say plistCreator
In the plistCreator script:
Set outputXML to ""
Go to the first record you want to export
Loop through every record putting your calculated XML line into outputXML (set field outputXML to outputXML & ΒΆ & calculatedXMLLine)
Go to next record, exit after last
Export Field Contents (note that this is a different command than Export) for outputXML
The cleanest solution is to use the export XML with an XSLT for transforming the output. You'll need to know a little XSLT to do this, or at least be able to customize the examples from FileMaker.
Issues reading CSV file using OLEDB when filename have period.
I have a code in C# that reads CSV File using OleDBProvider. It works perfect with filenames in regular format such as Budget.csv but failed when i renamed the file into Budget.DKK.csv or Budget.USD.csv
I throws this exception:
he Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Budget.DKK.csv'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
I have no idea so far why is this happening.
If this thread is to be believed, then it is a known problem that won't be fixed. It mentions a work-around that allows the name to be forced into the old style 8.3 format.
And just as a random suggestion if you haven't tried it, maybe delimit the filename with brackets [filename.stuff.txt]. I doubt it is that simple, though.