I want to take via OData a list of different Ids from a database table. I am doing http://localhost/app.web/odata/MyEntity?$apply=groupby((Id))
Id has folling values: AA12345 and aa12345 (same value but one capitalized and the other one not capitalized). I am getting from group by only one value (the not capitalized one). How can I tell OData that it should return both values?
I keep retrieving the entire LIST of Customer's Total Amount instead of the Specific Customer. I have tried using SELECT according to their Order ID to filter out other Customer. However, the result is still the whole list.
My code here
I have tried to FILTER using Customer Name and Order ID. However, the outcome is still the same, returning the entire LIST of Total Amount.
If you reference connect your line items to your order, app sheet will natively create a reverse reference on the order table that contains a list of all of the corresponding line items for that order.
The list that you're looking for lives in the data inside that column. To get the data out you need to do a list the reference, which will extract the value of whatever column you specify out of that reverse reference, creating a list of the values you want from those child records.
Then if you wanted to create a total for all of those line items, you could wrap that list dereference in sum().
References are the key to making just about everything advanced work inside app sheet, definitely worth wrapping your mind around.
I am working with the VSO REST API and have a question on how Iteration and Area ID's are assigned. Specifically, why is it when I assign a work item to the root Iteration or Area the ID that is returned for the WIT is not returned when I query the classification nodes?
For example, imagine I have this hierarchy when I query /DefaultCollection/my project/_apis/wit/classificationnodes?$depth=2
My Project: id=1234
Area 1: id=5678
Area 2: id= 9012
And I then query for a work item using /DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/workItems/1?$expand=all
If the work item is in Area 1 or Area 2, the System.AreaId field is as expected (5678 and 9012, respectively). However, if I assign the work item to My Project, the System.AreaID is some value that is not included when I query for all classification nodes. There appears to be some kind of relationship between the ID's as they are serial (e.g. the ID returned by the classification node query is 1232 for the area and 1233 for the iteration), but I can't seem to find a way to query to get the actual ID returned by the work item query.
In fact, not only is the ID returned for a work item not present when I query for all classification nodes, if I assign the work item to both the root iteration and area, the ID returned for both fields is the same value that is not included in the classification node query.
What I need is a way to look at a work item and figure out the area and iteration it belongs to. I could probably do something with the path field strings that are returned, but that seems error prone since users can change them.
The above appears to be a bug in the REST API, but for anyone who comes across this post there is a way to get a usable iteration ID by the path string. Structure your REST call like so:
/DefaultCollection/[Project Name]/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/iterations/Release 1/Sprint 1 (etc.)
I have never done this with ID. I only use the path. In the classification service you can get the node by path easily enough.
For example, using the REST API - you can access this url to get the data about a specific iteration:
/DefaultCollection/[Project Name]/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/iterations/[Release X]/[Sprint Y]
Note that trying to access the default iteration path (the project name instead of a specific iteration) will return an error:
/DefaultCollection/[Project Name]/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/iterations/[Project Name]
will give :
{"$id":"1","innerException":null,"message":"VS402485: The node name is not recognized: [Project Name]","typeName":"Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.Metadata.WorkItemTrackingTreeNodeNotFoundException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server","typeKey":"WorkItemTrackingTreeNodeNotFoundException","errorCode":0,"eventId":3200}
So if you do batch work, you have to filter those before querying the api.
There are three ways of identifying an Area (everything I post equally applies to Iterations also). The Path (string), the ID (int) and a Guid. each of them are used in different ways, and have different ramifications.
For example renaming an Area, does NOT change it's identity, therefore does not update a work item (the path returned for in a workitem is dynamic).
It is also possible to delete and recreate and identical path, but it will have a different ID.
The GUID is used primarily for the Excel Reports (such as are parent of the SharePoint portal)
Depending on how you want things to react determines the appropriate element to use.
I have not seen any issues with the ID that you mention, and if you could create a simple repro, I would be glad to look at it.
I have the following two cypher calls that I'd like to combine into one;
start r=relationship:link("key:\"foo\" and value:\"bar\"") return r.guid
This returns a relationship that contains a guid that I need based on a key value pair (in this case key:foo and value:bar).
Lets assume r.guid above returns 12345.
I then need all the property relationships for the object in question based on the returned guid and a property type key;
start r=relationship:properties("to:\"12345\" and key:\"baz\"") return r
This returns several relationships which have the values I need, in this case all property types baz that belong to guid 12345.
How do I combine these two calls into one? I'm sure its simple but I'm stumbling..
The answer I've gotten is that there is no way to perform an index lookup in the middle of a Cypher query, or to use a variable you have declared to perform the lookup.
Perhaps in later version of Cypher, as this ability should be standard especially with the dense node issue and the suggested solution of indexing.
I'm using Amazon's SimpleDB Java client to read data from SimpleDB. The problem I have is even though I specified the columns in the some order in the SelectRequest like the following:
SelectRequest req = new SelectRequest("SELECT TIMESTAMP, TYPE, APP, http_status, USER_ID from mydata");
SElectResult res = _sdb.select(req);
It returned data in following column order:
APP, TIMSTAMP, TYPE, USER_ID, http_status,
It seems it automatically reordered the columns in ascend order. Is there any way I can force the order as I specified in the select clause?
The columns returned are not an ordered list but an unordered set of attributes. You can't control the order they come back in. SELECT is designed to work even in cases where some of the attributes in your query don't exist for every (or any) returned items. In those cases specifically you wouldn't be able to rely on order anyway. I realize that's small consolation if you have structured your data set so that the attributes are always present.
However, since you know the desired order ahead of time, it should be pretty easy to pull the data out of the result in the proper order. It's just XML after all, or in the case of the Java client, freshly parsed XML.
The Select operation returns a set of Attributes for ItemNames that match the select expression.
SimpleDB docs for SELECT
So simpledb has a kind of spreadsheet data model.
I have an app that simply needs to store keys against values. Except that a single key can have multiple values.
There will be multiple clients. Each client has an id with it's own set of keys.
I'd like to stick with a single domain if I can at this stage.
How can I map this onto simpleDB?
I was thinking
domain = mydomain
item = clientid
attribute.n.name = key_1 ... key_n
attribute.n.value = val1 ... valn
That would satisfy the ability to store multiple values for the same key.
But then I found that I need to either get ALL attributes in my select or know example
how many attributes I have. I will not know this up front.
Also I allow deleting a specific value from a key (or attribute). I will have to search for it first. It seems that in the select there is no attributeName() function, just the itemName() function.
Would it perhaps be better to make the item name a combination of id + key + _n ?
e.g. if the id is 'myid' and the key is 'boots' then the item name would be
And then have a single attribute per item called say 'keyval'.
and I can do a
select 'keyval' where itemName like 'myidboots_%' ?
Still kindof cumbersome compared to a normal sql database.
Maybe I should try encoding the values like a comma separated list?
Except that it's probably more cumbersome and also I've read that there is a 1000 character limit.
Any other suggestions?
I'm not sure I totally follow your question, but I think it might be helpful to point out that SimpleDB lets you do classic SQL style queries like:
select * from foo where bar = '1'
This will return all the attributes/values for the resulting records.