Keeps getting rejected by Apple for a geo-restricted app. What should I do? [closed] - ios

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Apple started to reject our app because they can't access our app because of geo-restriction. We have also a video which shows our app's demonstration in the review process. And Apple Review Team can't access app in U.S.A. It's a gambling app and it must be geo-restricted according to the App Store Review Guidelines.
5.3.4 Apps that offer real money gaming (e.g. sports betting, poker, casino games, horse racing) or lotteries must have necessary licensing and permissions in the locations where the App is used, must be geo-restricted to those locations, and must be free on the App Store. Illegal gambling aids, including card counters, are not permitted on the App Store. Lottery apps must have consideration, chance, and a prize.
We show a pop up to user which says basically that they could not access to the app because of the geo-restricted.
Apple Review Team's Response:
5.3.4 Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 13.5 on Wi-Fi.
Specifically, upon launch, your app displayed an error message. All apps submitted to the App Store must function correctly and provide access to all features and content at the time of review, regardless of network, device capability, location, etc.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please run your app on a device to identify any issues, then revise and resubmit your app for review.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue. For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue.
How can we make the app geo-restrict and also provide access to all features?
Thank you.

Specifically, upon launch, your app displayed an error message.
Was your error message clear to the user, explaining what had happened and what they must do to resolve the issue? Did you explain this restriction in your App Store description (particularly if you're submitting to any store where the restriction would apply), and in your App Store submission? Even if the user cannot proceed, they should have a good experience. It shouldn't just be an alert saying "go away." A legitimate user might launch your product while traveling, and it should be clear that they need to wait until they get home.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
This is the key point. Contact them. You may need to give them a backdoor that unlocks it for the Apple site. You may need to give them a special login. They may work with you in other ways. But contact them.
When you say "keeps getting rejected," that suggest more to the story. Did you contact them and did they tell you other things? Did you just keep submitting?

even though your app is geo restricted,you need to implement code for testing purpose so that they can test all the functionality of the app.i suggest you create a user for testing that will bypass the geo restriction and specify the name and password at notes in app submission.


App Store rejection: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness [closed]

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Closed last year.
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My app is rejected with the following message i don't fully understand, because there is a login and it is not Apple related. I provided the login in Resolution Center.
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
Specifically, we were still unable to Sign up or Sign in with Apple. Please review the details below and complete the next steps.
Review device details:
Device type: iPhone and iPad
OS version: iOS 14.4
Next Steps
Please run your app on a device to reproduce the issues, then revise and submit your app for review.
If at first you're unable to reproduce the issue, try the following:
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce.
For app updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.
I can give you multiple options to debug and solve this problem: There is an issue with 14.4 and xcode 12 related to apple login. You can try with iOS 13 and submit video at resolution centre.
Is it due to two factor authentication ? Cross-check apple ID settings.
Try changing http to https on web server, if applicable.
Let us know which option was useful to you.
It sounds like Apple believes there is a social login (Google, Facebook, etc) included in your app. You're going to need to ensure there's not.
You've already mentioned that there's not - but perhaps there is some package you're using which includes code that triggers some automated flagging process? Review your third party dependencies.
The best thing you can do though is get more specificity from Apple. They will usually clarify rejection notices if you contact them with questions.

App is rejecting due to 1.2 apple guidelines

I developed an iOS application where in that application can rate and review other users in 3 sectors like:
The entire application was completed and built in 1.0, i have submitted the application to the app store but the application was rejected due to 1.2 guidelines.
As per the 1.2 guidelines i have implemented
Terms & Condition
User Objection Features in 1.1 build
and resubmitted it to the app store but still rejected by the app store.
I'm getting issue from apple like this
Your app still includes features that objectify real people, which
could be interpreted as being offensive or mean-spirited.
Next Steps
Please remove all offensive and mean-spirited content from your app
and submit your revised binary for review.
Please see attached screenshots for examples of objectifying content.
can you point it out to me what is the mistake i am doing and should be revised?
Please help me on this Thanks in advance.
What options do you present for taking the input on rating? May be the wordings you use are being considered offensive.
Taking user rating is not an offensive feature, you need to look into the next level of details which is causing rejection.

iOS app rejected due to copyright issues [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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an app I have been working on got rejected by Apple,
here is the message I got from Apple when it got rejected:
From Apple
22.2 - Apps that contain false, fraudulent or misleading representations or use names or icons similar to other Apps will be rejected
22.2 Details
Your app or its metadata contains misleading content.
Specifically, the app screenshots and splash screen are from a well known TV show belonging to Keshet without the rights to use it.
We’ve attached screenshot for your reference.
Next Steps
Please remove or revise any misleading content in your app and its metadata.
Since your iTunes Connect Application State is Rejected, a new binary will be required. Make the desired metadata changes when you upload the new binary.
NOTE: Please be sure to make any metadata changes to all App Localizations by selecting each specific localization and making appropriate changes.*
some background,
I did develop this app for Keshet with permission, but I did not include any kind of permission from Keshet when submitting.
Yes, my bad, I just didn't know it was required.
Anyway, my question is,
would replying to Apple through the resolution center and including a document from Keshet's legel dept. be enough to resolve this issue?
or do I need to go through the whole process again, submitting a new binary etc.?
or perhaps something else?
Also, does this kind of rejection means that every other aspect of the game I submitted is okay?
because they only reacted to the rights to use Keshet's properties.
You should follow the instructions Apple gave you. (For example: "Since your iTunes Connect Application State is Rejected, a new binary will be required.")
Apple never promises that every other aspect is ok. Ever. Even the fact that you're updating an existing product doesn't promise that there won't be rejection due to things that were tacitly approved in previous versions. The only approval that really matters is when you see your app on the app store, and even then they sometimes retroactively reject apps that are already there. There are no guarantees in life.
StackOverflow isn't going to be able to give you any better information or advice than Apple will. If you have questions about their current process (which changes from time to time anyway), you need to speak with Apple.
Please follow App Store Review Guideline before you submit your App to App Store. In your case of Copyright issue follow section number 22 - Legal Requirements.
If you have copyrights to use particular Image , Logo or content then send that reference while submission to App Store.
After removal of objectionable content from project create new build and upload it again to App Store submission process.

Is demo account mandatory for apple submission? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im actually getting ready to post my app to iTunes .
The app is a WiFi based app and it is dependent on an other hardware device to be up and running in the same WiFi network. So without this hardware device the user will not be able to login into the app and use it.
Hence I would not be able to provide in a demo account to Apple as they will not be having the needed hardware with them.
So the question is that, Will my app get rejected if the demo account is not provided?
My app was rejected because of that. So we had to find a way to let Apple test the whole app. The easiest way will be to provide a demo mode which enable/simulate all of your feature.
I recently went through a similar situation with my company. We have hardware that the app connects with and controls so we had to make a demo account for Apple to use that used hardware in our office in order for them to go through the app.
With hardware you will also be forced to either send your hardware in for apple to test with the app so they can see it actually working with the app or create a video that shows the app interacting with the hardware.
I think that it will depend on what hardware you have and how the app works but we were able to get our app approved by just making a video that demonstrates the app and hardware working together.
I think for this you need to register your hardware for MFi Program. After that you can upload your app in App Store.
Short answer - If your app requires login then yes unless no.
Descriptive answer - If your app needs some type of login then you are required to submit a demo account using which app QA engineers can test your app before approving it. It is necessary for them because they test around 700 apps in a day and out of those more than 50% apps requires a login. It is nearly impossible for them to create new accounts with pre-filled data to test app. For example If your app has subscription of 10 USD per month then they are not going make in-app purchase to test that feature.

Reasons for rejecting iPhone application by Apple store [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anybody help me out to know the possible reasons for which Apple store can reject or raise objection to submit any iPhone application.
Here are possible reasons (unofficial, from here):
Vibration. It is not permitted to use continuous vibration in your apps - short bursts as warnings is all that is allowed. Don’t bother trying to set up a timer to keep the vibration going, it will cause your app to be rejected.
Linking to private frameworks. This is obvious, but somehow in playing around with stuff we had linked to the MoviePlayer.framework. That’s a no-no, and cost us about ten days while we unlinked that framework, recompiled, and then resubmitted.
Improper handling of editing in tableview cells. Also obvious, but be aware that if you enable table cell editing, you’ll have to manually specify which cells should respond to editing controls and which should not. We had some random prefs cells in one of our early apps that were able to be swiped to bring up a ‘delete’ badge. Of course it didn’t do anything, but Apple justly considered this poor design and rejected our app.
Icons. Make sure the 57 pixel icon is identical to the 512 pixel version. Also, use a different icon if you are creating ‘lite’ and ‘pro’ versions of your app (i.e., free and paid). Using the same icon for both sends your app straight to … you guessed it … the bin.
Copying existing functionality. This one is much more subtle and insidious, and has probably affected the great percentage of developers. In addition to the widely publicized Podcaster debacle, reports from user comments indicate that Apple is casting a wide net when looking for duplicated functionality. Mini web browsers, or apps that essentially show web pages, seem particularly vulnerable, even if they add new and/or useful functionality. Stay away from email clients as well.
Using appropriate keyboard type. If your app asks for a phone number or other numeral-only input and you present a keyboard that also includes the possibility of entering standard alpha-numeric input … yep. (Thanks Jeremy1026)
Version numbers. If your app is currently at version 0.99 or below, you’d better consider giving it a promotion as Apple seems to prefer 1.0 and above. One of ours was recently rejected for being .016, with a message suggesting that our version number wasn’t even numeric. When we resubmitted the same app from scratch as version 1.0, it went through.
Network Reachability. If your app requires any type of network access you need to make sure it works when that access isn't available. If it doesn't it will be rejected. Apple provides sample code to test this which you can use as-is in most cases:
And last, but not least:
Flatulence Don’t even try. ;-) UPDATE: sorry, this seems to be outdated by now. Apple makes a lot of money now with "fart apps": see this article.
Here is a link to a recent article about ten iPhone Apps That Didn't Make Apple's App Store.
And a tip: Apple has a Mac app called Application Loader that you could install. Once you install it, it analyzes your app's zip file. It verifies all the certificates, icons, and other things are correct before submitting to Apple. Using the Application Loader minimizes your chances of app rejection.
Another interesting resource: App Store Roundtable: Transparency and the Approval System (
Yet another edit:
New rules by February 2010: "No Swimsuits, No Skin, And No Innuendo" (source: TechCrunch article, Wobble author's blog)
By the way: during the iPhone 3.0 preview event (march 2009), an Apple spokesman told that 96% of all submitted application were approved.

Apple have now (as of 9th September 2010) published their official list of app store review guidelines:
appstore approval guidelines
(apple developer login required)
or a mirror here:
app store guidelines
Will apple want to create an app like that in the future? If (yes) reject.
Do you have a really awesome idea that apple may want to use in the future if(yes) reject
Here's the video of the SDK announcement that describes Apple published list of rejection criteria:
SDK Announcement
As others have noted, Apple also seem to have a bunch of other conditions that they don't publicise. Note that rejection notices are now covered by the NDA.
I can't confirm this but it makes sense, but people are reporting their apps being rejected for being too simple or too trivial.
Just got a bounce for handling network outages badly. If you connect to the network, be prepared to handle any error conditions that may come up.
My paid version of app was rejected by appstore.
After Purchasing and downloading app first screen was "User Agreement" and when user taps on " I agree" only then he is able to continue using app.
Apple described the reason of rejection "when user purchased app from appstore and download in phone then you must not restrict user to Agree with Agreement" instead display your agreement before downloading app in iTunes.
Amazingly, apps can get rejected for trying to keep their interface consistent with Apple's own apps. (ie, using pinch zoom/expand gestures)
There is a site I know which can help you generate great advertising ideas with iPhone. see this site:
I submitted a paid app to app store but get rejected and i learned another possibility of app rejection
My app was Game Center enabled. When app starts first screen was login screen that prompt user to login through GameCenter to continue.
They rejected the app giving reason- As user will not be able to get services of your app unless he is not logged in with Game Center although he paid you to download app. You cannot restrict user to login through Game Center each time before app starts.
From 1st May,2013 onwards if we don't support iPhone 5, your app will be rejected.So iPhone 5 support is must.
