Places room endpoint not returning all rooms - microsoft-graph-api

If I call the endpoint /places/ I only get some of the rooms. If I use the findRooms method I can see all the rooms. The rooms (mailboxes) all have identical permissions. The rooms that are not visible were created in the last couple of hours.
Is there still some 60 hour cache here like mentioned in another question (which is about room lists and not rooms): Places Room List API returns cached data?


How to get the Twitter follower count of a user on a given date, or at the time of a tweet?

I have access to Twitter API for Academic Research, and I'd like to get the follower count on a given date of a user, or at the time of a tweet.
The doc mentions that "This fields parameter enables you to select which specific user fields will deliver in each returned Tweet.", so I assumed that by adding public_metrics to the users.field, the number of followers can be seen in each returned Tweet, however, in each returned Tweet, I can only see user_id.
Is it even possible to achieve what I want with Twitter API for Academic Research? Is there any other approach to make it?
Thank you so much.
You cannot get the follower count on a specific date; it will always be the count at the time you make the API call.
You may need to add expansions to your API call in order to receive the values you are trying to pull out.

Firestore query with array of strings

I try to make social network (like instagram )
User have posts and followers etc
I want for home feed show posts just from users i follow.
User have array with ids of users he follow. So idea is to query from colloection “Posts” where id is equal to one of ids and sort them by timestamp and limit them.
I could make for loop for each in following array but this will be unusable for more than 100 following users.
Edit how I think it could be solved
Hello i dont know if im doing it right but here is my solution for social network like instagram or any other where one user follow other users and have feed from their posts ordered by date.
Each user have its own Collection Timeline where are posts references (postId, createdAt, createdBy) that user should see at his feed, when user start following other user it will put all his posts to feed. For display feed I just call on User timeline, sort it by date and request just 25 of them.
When user start the app I loop trough all followers and request their posts younger than lastTimeline timestamp from their posts collection if they have any I add them to timeline.
I would be happy for your opinion.
You can loop through all the followed user ID and then request the first 5 posts of each one.
Or use some kind of paging

Get latest record for each user with ODATA

Due to the PowerShell methods of getting mailbox statistics from Office365 taking about 2 seconds per mailbox, I am working on getting the data from Office 365 Reporting web service, which takes only a few seconds for each 2000 mailboxes.
The problem I'm running into is that the stats are updated periodically and some historical data is kept, so there are numerous records for each user. I only want to get the latest record for each user, but I haven't been able to find a way to do that. The closest I've come is to use $filter=Date ge DateTime'2016-03-10T00:00:00' where the date is concatenated to a couple of days ago. Theoretically, if I sort by Date desc I should get the latest records first, and if there is a user that has a record for 3/10 and 3/11, the 3/11 record would get pulled first, which would work for me. But regardless of how I do the sort it seems to come back with the older records first.
Ideally, I would like to be able to set criteria so that it only returns the latest record for each mailbox, but I can't seem to figure out or find how to do that. The closest I've been able to come is to just start running queries filtered on specific dates, walking the date back a day on each query.
If I can get the latest records to be returned first, I would be able to work with that because I can just discard a record if I've already received a later one.
&$filter=Date ge DateTime'2016-03-08T00:00:00'&$orderby=Date desc
So the questions are:
Is there a way to specify criteria so that only the latest record for each user is returned?
Is there a way to get it to order by Date descending--what am I doing wrong with the $orderby?
You can use $top=1 to get latest record by applying $orderby on date (desc). $filter and $skip may not require in this case.$select=Date,WindowsLiveID,CurrentMailboxSize&$orderby=Date desc&$top=1
Your query looks fine, here is an another example from Odata sample service to get employee detail with most recent birth date.$select=EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName,BirthDate&$orderby=BirthDate%20desc&$top=1

minimizing parse requests while looping through array

I'm working on a pet project using parse as a back end. I'm setting up a viewcontroller that contains a list of people you can possibly add as "friends"; these are people that
a) exist in your contacts list and
b) have already downloaded the app and signed up.
Different buttons will be displayed depending on their status as a user (invite button if they only exist in your contacts list, add to friends button if they're also using the app already).
I'm trying to keep my Parse account to 30 requests/second so that I'm not out of pocket for a pet app.
One way I've thought to figure out who is registered as a user AND who exists in my contacts list is to loop through the contacts list on my phone and query that phone number on parse. However, this would obviously go over my limit on requests/second.
Is there a way (I've looked through Parse documentation and googled it) to take an array (list of contacts on my phone) and run a PFQuery ON THAT ARRAY, checking each object and returning matches?
Unless you have a quarter million users in your app you shouldn't be much concerned, it doesn't work like: 1 user goes through 30 count for loop with one query each and you get 30 req/s:
How does the requests/second limit translate to concurrent users?
Generally when your user count doubles, your requests per second also double. However, different apps send different numbers of requests per second depending on how frequently they save objects or issue queries. We estimate that the average app's active user will issue 10 requests. Thus, if you had a million users on a particular day, and their traffic was evenly spread throughout the day, you could estimate your app would need about 10,000,000 total API requests, or about 120 requests per second. Every app is different, so we strongly encourage you to measure how many requests your users send.
I have run through loops of requests and I barely hit 1 req/s
Is there a way (I've looked through Parse documentation and googled
it) to take an array (list of contacts on my phone) and run a PFQuery
ON THAT ARRAY, checking each object and returning matches?
Yes there is, use:
query?.whereKey(key: String, containedIn: [AnyObject])

Collecting follower/friend Ids of large number of users - Twitter4j

I'm working on a research project which analyses closure patterns in social networks.
Part of my requirement is to collect followers and following IDs of thousands of users under scrutiny.
I have a problem with rate limit exceeding 350 requests/hour.
With just 4-5 requests my limit is exceeding - ie, when the number of followers I collected exceeds the 350 mark.
ie, if I have 7 members each having 50 followers, then when I collect the follower details of just 7 members, my rate exceeds.(7*50 = 350).
I found a related question in stackoverflow here - What is the most effective way to get a list of followers using Twitter4j?
The resolution mentioned there was to use lookupUsers(long[] ids) method which will return a list of User objects... But I find no way in the API to find the screen names of friends/followers of a particular "User" object. Am I missing something here.. Is there a way to collect friends/followers of thousands of users effectively?
(Right now, I'm using standard code - Oauth authentication(to achieve 350 request/hour) followed by a call to twitter.getFollowersIDs)
It's fairly straightforward to do this with a limited number of API calls.
It can be done with two API calls.
Let's say you want to get all my followers
That will return up to 5,000 user IDs.
You do not need 5,000 calls to look them up!
You simply post those IDs to users/lookup
You will then get back the full profile of all the users following me - including screen name.
