I am not able to open the Django admin file - django-admin

Whenever I start a new Django project using:
(virtual) C:\myDjangoProject>python django_admin.py startproject DjgoProject
I receive the following error:
python: can't open file 'django_admin.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Any guidance please?

If you have created a virtual environment (which it looks like you have) and then run:
pip install django
Then you shouldn't need to run django-admin directly like that, you can just do the following:
django-admin startproject DjgoProject


Lumber: Command 'lumber' not found

I just setup a Rails Application in my Ubuntu 18 machine, and I want to connect it to Forest Admin. However, Forest Admin requires that I set up a Node Application using npm first. The node application requires the installation of Lumber CLI tool in order to install Forest Admin.
I have however installed Lumber CLI tool by running the command below:
npm install -g lumber-cli#latest -s
When I run the command below npm lumber -version in my command line terminal, I get the response:
But when I try to generate the Forest Admin using the command below:
lumber generate "my_project"...
I get the following error:
Command 'lumber' not found
I need some help. Thank you.
Here's how I solved it:
The issue is because NPM does not have the write access to the directory that will contain the package you want to install (here lumber-cli).
To solve this issue, override the default directory where your global NPM packages will be stored:
mkdir ~/.npm-global
Then, configure NPM to use this directory instead of the default one:
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
Then, make the node executables accessible from your PATH. To do so, export the environment variable PATH by opening or creating the file ~/.profile and add this line at the end:
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Finally, reload the ~/.profile file:
source ~/.profile
Try installing lumber cli again using the command below:
npm install -g lumber-cli#latest -s
It should be able to install lumber without any error, and also display the directory where lumber-cli is installed.
Reference: Prevent permission errors at installation
That's all
I hope this helps

Unable to copy the file to docker host

I am trying to execute the below docker command where I am trying to get the 'Orthanc.json" file to my system folder which is "orthanc".
docker run --rm --entrypoint=cat jodogne/orthanc /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json >
under /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json - It is a directory and not a file - Am not able to use vim editor to read/open the file. - This is a public one. Anyone can access using this link Orthanc link
I get the below error message, Can you please help me understand what is the issue?
-bash: /orthanc/orthanc.json: Is a directory
orthanc.json should be a file but why does it treat it as a directory?
when I use vim orthanc.json, it throws an error message that it's a directory.
What should I be doing to see this as a config file as I have to make changes to it?
You've somehow already got a directory named /orthanc/orthanc.json on your host system. Remove it and try again.
rmdir /orthanc/orthanc.json # if empty
rm -rf /orthanc/orthanc.json # if not empty -- but see what's in there first!

"docker-compose up" fails with error

I want to work on a project, but I need to use docker for running the app, but the docker-compose up command fails with this error:
System error: exec: "./wait_to_start": stat ./wait_to_start:
no such file or directory
The wait_to_start command is an executable python script in the subfolder backend/.
I need to determine why it cannot be executed. Either it's been searched in the wrong path, or there are access right problems, or maybe the wrong python version is used.
Can I debug it with details, or login with SSH and check the files on the virtual machine? I'm too unexperienced with Docker...
You can either set the "workdir" metadata to make sure you are in the right place when you start a container or simply call /backend/wait_to_start instead of ./wait_to_start so you remove the need to be in the proper directory.
Do debug with docker-compose I would do this:
docker-compose run --entrypoint bash <servicename>
That should give you a prompt and let you inspect the file and working directory, so see what's wrong.

phpcpd, You need to set up the project dependencies using composer install

I've just installed phpcpd globally via following command:
sudo composer global require 'sebastian/phpcpd=
my ~/composer/vendor/bin/ directory is in my $PATH variable too.
Now when I try to run phpcpd I get following error:
You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:
wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
php composer.phar install
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
The point Sebastian didn't mention in the installation instructions is that by using Composer to globally install PHPCPD, you don't get it's dependencies installed, only the direct code. You have to go to the PHPCPD directory in the global vendor directory (i.e. the PHPCPD main folder in there, something like ...somepath/.composer/vendor/sebastian/phpcpd/) and run composer install there.
The easier way would be to just install the .phar file, but I understand this has different issues.

Hello world on ruby and rails (ror)

I've saved 'hello world' as a .rb file on my computer running Mac OS X Lion. I'm trying to create a new directory called ruby_tutorials in the root of my file system, but I'm having some trouble.
I tried typing in the command mkdir /ruby_tutorials in a terminal, but I got this error message: 'Permission Denied'. How can I overcome this?
Try this:
sudo mkdir /ruby_tutorials
sudo allows you to execute commands as a superuser. You need administrative privileges to create a directory in your root directory. One reason to use sudo for individual commands instead of always having administrative privileges is that it protects you from accidentally harming your system.
