Added Google Crashlytics in iOS - Does not connected to Firebase Crashlytics Dashboard - ios
I followed this link and the Firebase Analytics connected and showed events, but Firebase Crashlytics is not showing any crash, it isn't even able to connect to App.
And keeps showing the following image when clicked on Crashlytics in Left panel from Firebase Console.
This is a fresh project Firebase Crashlytics works fine with the earlier projects created using Fabric.

I resolved this issue by Adding Run Script as shown in Firebase, also I did a fresh start.

For some reason, following the Firebase docs did not work for me as I had to do a few additional things for the "Add the SDK" loading screen to disappear on the Firebase portal and show me the crashes.
In addition to what the Firebase docs say, I did the following in addition to this answer which I have also outlined on a similar issue here
Go to Build Settings -> Debug Information Format -> Set all of them to DWARF with dSYM file
Go to Build Phases -> Add an additional run script and input the following
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/Your_path/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}
Remember to replace {PROJECT_DIR} appropriately for your project
Stage a crash in your application as described here
Disconnect your device / simulator from the debugger AKA launch it on your own rather than running it from XCode and then perform the crash
I was now able to see the above loading disappear and I could see my crash statistics instead


Crashlytics report can be generated only after re run the app

I just implemented Fabric Crashlytics tool to my Xcode project via Swift Package Dependencies.
All works good if I enable Google Analytic on a step when I create an app, without this step I did not received crash reports, so I switched to the app with Google Analytic enabled.
I've tested crash button from the link:
One comment that I don't like from there
"After your app crashes, run it again from Xcode so that your app can
send the crash report to Firebase."
Does it mean that user has to reopen app to send crash report? For example if a user download an app from the App Store and then somehow the app is crashed. Does mean that reopening app required for sending that crash? And if the user will not open the app it means I lost this crash report? I understand that on live store there is no option to re run it form Xcode, but reopening seems a require step.
I suppose the crash report should work different a bit by sending issue details right after a crash, I may be wrong here.
Also when I set everything via Swift Package Dependencies looks like I don't have an option to upload dSYM via this option
/path/to/pods/directory/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /path/to/dSYMs
Does this mean I need to pull Fabric and Crashlytics from CocoaPods?
I've switched off bitcode at the moment and looks like all is works automatically but not sure it is good idea for long perspective.
Yes, crashes will be uploaded when restarting the app after it crashes. As far as I know, this is because the SDK may not have enough time to actually send the report when the crash happens.
If you are using Swift Package Manager, you still have that option.
This is the command:
If the app has bitcode enabled, then you'll need to download the dSYMs from the App Store and upload them manually.
Lastly, Fabric is now deprecated so don't download it. You don't need to use Cocoapods if you are already integrated Crashlytics with SPM.

Firebase Crashlytics won't activate

I have run my app on a device and in simulator with no success of updating the Firebase Crashlytics system.
I am not getting any errors, and I know that it's installed because it says the version number (4.5.0) in console.
Also Firebase Analytics is working.
I have followed the install guide to a T and also tried to force crash it by creating a SwiftUI button and using
Which seems to not fully crash the app, but more freeze the app.
I am wondering how I can trace this issue with SwiftUI and Firebase.
In addition of doing what the accepted answer recommends and I believe this is something new from Xcode 12.+. You need to uncheck the two checkboxes below the script window (at least once - you may tick them back up once registered with firebase). This (as stated) forces the script to run and therefore to communicate with firebase... the checkboxes unticked
As outlined here, if you're going to use the Xcode Simulator, you must detach the Xcode debugger at runtime by launching the app directly from the Simulator and not Xcode. Xcode automatically attaches its debugger if you launch from Xcode to a Simulator, blocking Crashlytics from being able to see exceptions/crashes.

FirebaseCrashlytics did not report crash to my firebase console dashboard

I was updating Fabric to new Firebase, my firebase showed old fabric crash report and no Firebase report. Now my firebaseCrashlytics version is 4.3.1. I had added GoogleService-Info.plist, script phase "${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/run" and phase's input files:${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/${TARGET_NAME},
When I run my app, xcode console printed "[Firebase/Crashlytics] Version 4.3.1", no other log. I did not know what problem happened.
Few things you need to verify .
1- Is your crashlytics connected to your app.
Even though you initially connect your app in the setup phase to get the googleInfoPlist , you have to run it again and connect again .Select the crashlyitcs tab and you will get to click "Add SDK" which i think at this point you have completed .
After that run your app again and navigate through the app and at some point it will say that it is connected.
Another thing is you can force a crash but it wont appear in the crashlogs directly.
First you run it on the device and the stop running. Re-open the App and recreate the crash again. The Crash will not appear as long as the debugger is connected to your Emulator/Device

Unity Firebase Analytics 6.15.2 crash

I have implemented Firebase Analytics 6.15.2 into my project, then I have builded the Xcode project and have run it on the device, everything went perfect, but when I try to open the app afterwards, without it running from Xcode - it crashes after 20 seconds of launch screen.
So I have no logs and anything, I somehow figured out it's an issue with Firebase and downgraded the pods in the Xcode project to Firebase 5.3.0, it worked.
I have other projects where the same issue is occurring.
So my question is, how do I fix it? Because there is no way it's happening to everyone, I might be doing something wrog here and I just don't see it.
I use Unity 2020.1.2f1
Firebase Core + Analytics 6.15.2 via Package Manager (also tried installing it manually, still the same)
Other plugins I am using are Facebook and ironSource
ps. The funny thing that it crashes on all devices, but it passes Apple review because they test it in some kind of debug mode, but when it's in release mode - it crashes.
Have you tried to reinstall Firebase Analytics 6.15.2? Also, you can try to restart your device and try to make it work again.
You need to add the debug symbols to your app debug archive file:
Select your Target -> Build Settings -> Build Options -> Debug
Information Format
Then Select DWARF with dSYM file for the debug mode.

iOS Firebase + Fabric Beta Crashylitics Not Reporting Issue

I've just recently installed Fabric to a project which already had Firebase installed and suddenly Crashyltics has stopped working. It's not included within the 'Fabric.with([])' call on AppDelegate.swift but I wondered if Fabric and Firebase were cancelling out Crashyltics. I'm using Fabric for it's Beta option and everything else is inside Firebase.
I can force a crash inside the app - But not getting anything reported in either Dashboard.
My run Script Phase is also correct.
My Debug is DWARF with DYSIM.
Cleared derived data etc.
Firebase is called after Fabric inside AppDelegate.
I think that you have to link your firebase and fabric apps.
Go to, click on link apps and select the apps to link (the one on fabric and the corresponding app on firebase)
Do you upload your dSYM to Firebase/Crashlytics? If not it can be the issue.
