iOS Firebase + Fabric Beta Crashylitics Not Reporting Issue - ios

I've just recently installed Fabric to a project which already had Firebase installed and suddenly Crashyltics has stopped working. It's not included within the 'Fabric.with([])' call on AppDelegate.swift but I wondered if Fabric and Firebase were cancelling out Crashyltics. I'm using Fabric for it's Beta option and everything else is inside Firebase.
I can force a crash inside the app - But not getting anything reported in either Dashboard.
My run Script Phase is also correct.
My Debug is DWARF with DYSIM.
Cleared derived data etc.
Firebase is called after Fabric inside AppDelegate.

I think that you have to link your firebase and fabric apps.
Go to, click on link apps and select the apps to link (the one on fabric and the corresponding app on firebase)

Do you upload your dSYM to Firebase/Crashlytics? If not it can be the issue.


Fabric Crashlytics not working. iOS 14 app/XCode 12

Firebase integration with my app is working like a charm.
So I tried to add Crashlytics.
After pod the SDK and configuring my app in XCode, I've got the version message on log:
"2020-10-23 14:13:36.386002-0300 Findn[44158:3074710] [Firebase/Crashlytics] Version 4.6.2"
But at Firebase Console there isn't a card for Crashlytics.
And at Crashlytics tab this circle keep spinning.
Any tips?
Guess I wasn't clear enough, sorry.
I did follow all guidelines to integrate Firebase to my app.
The problem seems to be on Firebase side, since my app's log does not report any errors on xcode.
Yes, Now you can not use fabric solely. You have to integrate firebase to use a fabric.
Check this link:
firebase crashlytics
Maybe the solution is here!
The steps are the following:
Ensure you add the code in order to force a crash, something like that firebase
First, you need to build the app and launch the app with Xcode,
Next launch without attaching with Xcode (manually, tapping on icon app), and force crash app with fatalError()
Then launch with Xcode and the app will send the traces... 💥

Added Google Crashlytics in iOS - Does not connected to Firebase Crashlytics Dashboard
I followed this link and the Firebase Analytics connected and showed events, but Firebase Crashlytics is not showing any crash, it isn't even able to connect to App.
And keeps showing the following image when clicked on Crashlytics in Left panel from Firebase Console.
This is a fresh project Firebase Crashlytics works fine with the earlier projects created using Fabric.
I resolved this issue by Adding Run Script as shown in Firebase, also I did a fresh start.
For some reason, following the Firebase docs did not work for me as I had to do a few additional things for the "Add the SDK" loading screen to disappear on the Firebase portal and show me the crashes.
In addition to what the Firebase docs say, I did the following in addition to this answer which I have also outlined on a similar issue here
Go to Build Settings -> Debug Information Format -> Set all of them to DWARF with dSYM file
Go to Build Phases -> Add an additional run script and input the following
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/Your_path/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}
Remember to replace {PROJECT_DIR} appropriately for your project
Stage a crash in your application as described here
Disconnect your device / simulator from the debugger AKA launch it on your own rather than running it from XCode and then perform the crash
I was now able to see the above loading disappear and I could see my crash statistics instead

iOS Crashlytics in Firebase not working in Swift 4.1

First We have integrated Firebase analytics and its working fine. We are able to see the custom events on the dashboard
But when we integrate crashlytics crash reports are not displaying on a dashboard. Following are the steps which I followed:
Registered The App.
Downloaded Config file plist and added it to the project.
Added the Firebase SDK through cocoa pods.
4.Added initialization code.
In AppDelegate class in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() added following code,
All events were generated as per expectation. But when I integrate Crashlytics in Firebase Analytics, it shows crash reports submitted successfully but crash reports are not reflected on the dashboard. We have also changed the project scheme to release mode but no success.
I have even set the build settings to dwarf with dSYM file. Added the script "{PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/run" but nothing is working.
Can anyone help us to look into this issue.
Thanks in Advance
Which version (xcode and crashlytics) are you using? A couple days ago I was developing a new version and simultaneously trying both uploading manually and using the run script - none of them were working - so I've checked for updates here and as you can see:
3.10.9 October 4, 2018
Improves automatic dSYM uploading for Fabric Mac App users.
3.10.8 September 27, 2018
Fixed a bug preventing Xcode 10 users from uploading dSYMs in some cases.
They're directly related to the upload/use of dSYMs. That's just a hunch, but may be related in some way to your issue.

Crashes not showing in Firebase console after linking from Fabric to Firebase

I am trying to link my app to firebase so I followed all the steps in this link correctly and when I force a crash It doesn't show in Firebase console but when I add back Fabric.with([Crashlytics.self])
it works fine and the crash appears in both fabric and firebase.
I tried also removing api key from info.plist and change run script to "${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/run" still crashes don't appear in firebase nor fabric
At the moment of writing, iOS applications migrating from Fabric to the Firebase should follow Fabric integration documentation (not the Firebase Crashlytics documentation).
Do not remove Fabric keys from Info.plist
Do not remove [Fabric with:] call
Do run "${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/run" script with arguments (providing old Fabric API Key)

Fabric not sending data to my dashboard

I set you on situation:
I had a project 1.8.10 Objective C App that was without Fabric Crashlytics. So, when I got control of the project they told me that Fabric was already installed. I checked and yes, everything was good. Still, we updated the app to the 1.9.10 (totally different build number) and we set the itunnes connect deployment in 7 days. At first I believed that was something of Apple, but now we are in 100% and there's no data. Actually, I can't see my new app's version (1.9.10) in Fabric's dashboard.
Yes: I have checked missing dYSIM, runscript, plist, at Debug information in my project I have DWARF with dSYM File.
Crashlytics not reporting crash in Release mode
Yes: I have my Fabric instantiation in Apps Delegate fine too.
Fabric doesn't update my latest build version
I can see in Itunes Connect that there is people using my app.
