OroCRM 4.1.20 Install with Vagrant, but website not work (http 500) - erp

I download source and setup (git and vagrant ust be installed)
git clone -b 4.1.20 https://github.com/oroinc/orocommerce-application.git oroapp-4.1.20
vagrant up
and visit website http://localhost:8000 i get error: http 500

There was an issue with Vagrantfile, that was fixed it in version 4.1.4, Please use this guide, but change the version to 4.1.4.
Also, I should note, that this vagrant box intended to be used for demo purposes only. For development we recommend the local setup.


CKAN-Oauth2 plugin not working in CKAN 2.9.5 and Python 3.6.8

We have recently installed ckan 2.9.5 with postgres 14 and solr 8.11 and it's working fine. But the only logs we have in /var/log/ckan are nginx logs. We were able to create sysadmin user and create datasets. But when we install the ckan-oauth2 plugin from Conwetlab(https://github.com/conwetlab/ckanext-oauth2) and we added it in the plugins section in .ini file and we are using RedHat SSO as as authentication server. When we update the oauth2 config and restarted ckan. It gives Internal Server Error and nothing in the logs. Any help is appreciated. This same plugin and config works fine ckan 2.6.2 version. We are using python 3.6.8

Is there a security provision in Rails 5.1.7 that would block me from reaching localhost?

After being forced to upgrade to Mac OS Sierra from Lion, I'm trying to upgrade from Rails 2.3.18 (ruby 1.8.7) to Rails 5.1.7. The app did run just fine on Lion with Apache 2.2.15 fronting Mongrel Cluster with MySQL 5.6.15. The front-end is written in AS3 Flash (it's a big app).
In upgrading to Mac OS Sierra, Apple installed Apache 2.4.28. I then used rvm and brew to get Rails 5.1.7 (ruby 2.4.1) and the MySQL 2 gem along with passenger and edited the Apache conf file accordingly. Apache complained that my app was insecure (it's housed under /Library/WebServer) and that ruby (brew has it under my User directory) was insecure and would not start. The error message indicated that I should change the permissions on all involved directories to root. Tried that and Apache would start but gave me only an error page saying I was not authorized by localhost. Apple also overwrote my prior openSSL 1.1 with openssl.0.9.8. I had brew install 1.1.1d and generated new self-signed certificate.
I have since loaded mod-passenger in Apache with the same results.
I then found a blog at the Phusion Passenger site and followed their set up for using Passenger Stand Alone with SSL (I created another set of pems following their instructions and loaded these into the key chain). Attempting to start passenger I got this...
$ sudo passenger start --ssl --daemonize --environment development --ssl-certificate ~/certs/newcert.pem --ssl-certificate-key ~/certs/newkey.pem --port 443
*** ERROR: the Nginx configuration that Phusion Passenger Standalone generated internally contains problems. The error message returned by the Nginx engine is:
nginx: the configuration file nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (13: Permission denied)
nginx: configuration file nginx.conf test failed
This probably means that you have found a bug in Phusion Passenger Standalone. Please report this bug to our Github issue tracker: https://github.com/phusion/passenger/issues
Again, you'll note the Permission denied thing.
I sent the info off to Passenger last week but I doubt it's their bug.
I'm feeling I'm dealing with Apple's set-up and nothing in their Support, at least that I could find, is helpful.
But I'm just wondering if Rails has a security something I'm not considering. That's my question.
Sorry to have been so verbose, but please remember that I wrote this thing over 10 years ago when rails was really just starting out, so I'm a newbie again.
You aren't running anything else already on port 443 are you?
sudo lsof -i tcp:443 -stcp:listen
You would normally get a different error, but it pays to check anyway.
Lion is pretty old, but it did have the application firewall in place. Are you sure your machine's firewall is set up correctly? Normally, when you run something that listens to a port, you will see this popup:
However, if you have clicked the "Deny" button, it stays denied. So, go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy. Click the lock at the bottom left to unlock the settings, then click "Firewall Options". You should see this:
Let Ruby accept incoming connections, as well as nginx, etc. You will need to do this for those applications that are not signed nor built-in, which is pretty much everything useful from a brew install.
Click "OK" and then try again. If the popup appears, select "Allow", else shampoo, rinse, and repeat this answer.
Of course, you can just turn off your firewall. Don't do that. Seriously.
I'm not sure this is your problem, but since it is affecting several different command line applications, it seems a good place to start.
Check This doc from Apple for pretty much the same info.

How to run spree commerce under a domain?

I have a vds server centos and directadmin installed.
I want to install spree commerce and followed the instructions here
Actually I have installed everything without problem (even spree commerce), but I don't know how to run the website under a domain name.
I have tried installing the script in the /home/myusername/domains/mydomainname.com/public_html folder but no luck. I can't access the website under mydomain.com
Thanks for your answers...
Not sure I understand what you mean by domain in this context.
If you've installed everything correctly you should be able to run rails server to start your webserver
and in a browser navigate to localhost:3000
to be able to navigate to your own domain you should set
Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host]= 'mydomainname.com'
in config/environments/development.rb file
and in your /etc/hosts file localhost mydomainname.com

Nginx and Unicorn Set up Not sure what I am doing

This is my first time setting up nginx and unicorn, someone directed me to this tutorial:
I have a general understanding of what I am doing but I am stuck on this section:
Install chef-solo on remote server
when I run
bundle exec knife solo prepare testbox
I get
ERROR: Network Error: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Check your knife configuration and network settings
I am guessing that I don't have ~/.ssh/config
this is from the example
Host testbox
User ubuntu
Hostname ec2-51-221-13-121.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/testbox_ec2.pem
am I suppose to make a config file in .ssh? should I switch to ubuntu?
I am using heroku, how should I find my hostname? what is the pem file in ssh?
I've never used knife... It might be worth checking out this this blog post about setting up Capistrano, Nginx, and Unicorn - I've always found Capistrano to be a good deployment app (and there's lots of support for it, especially on SO).
On Heroku, you don't deploy as you would with Capistrano or any other deployment utility - you simply push to a branch on your Heroku server. See: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git for how to deploy on Heroku using Git.

how to deploy ruby on rails application in xampp in windows xp?

I'm very new to Ruby environment ..
I want to run my Ruby on rails Application in apache in xampp on windows xp rather than WeBrick server which is in-built for ruby on rails...
I tried it by adding Virtual host in apache- http.conf file
When i run my application i'm able to see "Welcome Abroad"....
But when i click on "About your application’s environment"
it was showing error like the following
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
9/9/2011 10:47:31 AM
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1
To deploy your app with apache you need to use phusion passenger http://www.modrails.com
There are plenty of how-to's around the web and the documentation is good enough to get the service running.
This means your Ruby on Rails server is NOT running.
You need to run your server first.
I made a batch file, start-server.bat which contains
cd "D:\Ruby\Web\rails1"
"C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\bin\ruby.exe" script\rails server
then check the PORT number of the server that is running,
So since the port on the screenshot says 10524, you can run it on
