Add a VM running Ubuntu as a worker node in Docker Swarm - docker

I'm trying to create swarm consisting of 2 nodes, using docker-machine, it is easy to provision a VM and add it as a node, but I want to create a swarm using a ubuntu VM machine and Windows docker as manager without using docker-machine.
docker swarm init
in Windows (Host Machine) gives me a token to add a worker. I have Ubuntu running in VirtualBox, Docker is also installed in the VM and I'm able to ssh into it and run commands but whenever I try to add this Ubuntu Machine as a worker node by using the token generated from Windows Machine, it says
Error response from daemon: Timeout was reached before node joined. The attempt to join the swarm will continue in the background. Use the "docker info" command to see the current swarm status of your node.
I think it is related to port forwarding. I'm forwarding my VM port 22 to in VBox for connecting via SSH. But I tried several combinations of forwarding. Still the VM is not able to join as a node in the swarm that I created in Windows.
Any guidance will be of great value.

Check if you have connectivity from your Ubuntu to your Windows machine. First, ssh to your Ubuntu and check:
Windows is addressable, for example using ping windows-ip.
If it is not, make sure both are in the same network, for example setting a bridge network in your VM configuration.
Windows is listening in ports needed by docker swarm:
TCP port 2376 for secure Docker client communication. This port is required for Docker Machine to work. Docker Machine is used to orchestrate Docker hosts.
TCP port 2377. This port is used for communication between the nodes of a Docker Swarm or cluster. It only needs to be opened on manager nodes.
TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes (container network discovery).
UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic (container ingress networking).
You can check this using telnet windows-ip port.
If they are not reachable, check your Windows firewall.
I hope it helps!

I tried to create a similar Swarm with a Windows manager node but never really got it to work. You can initialize a single-node Swarm from Windows with docker swarm init. However adding multiple worker nodes does not appear to be supported at the moment:
"Currently, you cannot use Docker Desktop for Mac or Docker Desktop for Windows alone to test a multi-node swarm".
The following options are possible:
Pure Linux swarm (Linux manager + Linux workers) which runs only Linux containers
Hybrid Swarm (Linux manager + Windows workers + Linux workers) which runs Windows and Linux containers
(Sometimes) Pure Windows Swarm using Win Server 2019 as the manager. The regular Windows updates have been known to break various features of Swarm. For example,
Then everyone either tries workarounds or waits for the next Windows update to fix the problem.
Personally I've had good luck with hybrid Swarm. It works fine with simple Ubuntu manager + standard Windows 10 workers. No need for Win Server.


Cannot join Docker manager node in Windows using tokens

My friend and I are trying to connect our Docker daemon using Docker Swarm. We both are using Windows OS and we are NOT on the same network. According to Docker docs each docker host must have the following ports open;
TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications
TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes
UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic
We both have added new rules for the given ports in inbound and outbound rules in the firewall. Though we keep getting the same two errors while trying to join using token created by the manager node using docker swarm join --token command;
1. error response from daemon: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
2. Timeout error
Also, if either of us runs docker swarm init it shows IP address that isn't part of any network we're connected to. What does it mean?
Docker overlay tutorial also states that in order to connect to the manager node, the worker node should add the IP address of the manager.
docker swarm join --token \ --advertise-addr IP-ADDRESS-OF-WORKER-1
Does it mean that in our case we have to use public IP address of the manager node after enabling port forwarding?
Potential network issues aside, here is your problem:
We both are using Windows OS
I have seen this issue in other threads when attempting to use Windows nodes in a multi-node swarm. Here are some important pieces of information from the Docker overlay networks documentation:
Before you can create an overlay network, you need to either initialize your Docker daemon as a swarm manager using docker swarm init or join it to an existing swarm using docker swarm join. Either of these creates the default ingress overlay network which is used by swarm services by default.
Overlay network encryption is not supported on Windows. If a Windows node attempts to connect to an encrypted overlay network, no error is detected but the node cannot communicate.
By default, Docker encrypts all swarm service management traffic. As far as I know, disabling this encryption is not possible. Do not confuse this with the --opt encrypted option, as that involves encrypting application data, not swarm management traffic.
For a single-node swarm, using Windows is just fine. For a multi-node swarm, which would be deployed using Docker stack, I highly recommend using Linux for all worker and manager nodes.
A while ago I was using Linux as a manager node and Windows as a worker node. I noticed that joining the swarm would only work if the Linux machine was the swarm manager; If the Windows machine was the manager, joining the swarm would not work. After the Windows machine joined the swarm, container-to-container communication over a user-defined overlay network would not work no matter what. Replacing the Windows machine with a Linux machine fixed all issues.

Accessing Docker running on Host machine from VMWare Workstation VM

I have the following setup:
Windows 10 Host (Hyper-V enabled)
Docker Desktop installed on host
VMWare Workstation Pro (16)
Windows 10 VM - Docker CLI installed on vm
The Windows 10 VM is used as a dev environment, with project-specific stuff on there.
I also use the host as a development machine for other projects - so want to be able to use docker on both.
What I'd like to do is access the docker engine running on the host, from my VM
By access docker, I mean use the docker cli to run containers, build images etc... setting DOCKER_HOST or something like that?
Is this possible? Or any other way?
So far, I've set my VM to use NAT networking and tried:
docker -H tcp:// images
Which returns
error during connect: Get dial tcp connectex: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. is the ip of the default gateway, from within the VM (so - my host?)
On the host machine, if I do docker -H tcp:// images I get the expected result.
On the host machine, I've also set:
"hosts": ["tcp://"],
within the docker engine config:
so what i would do and usually am doing is in VMware Workstation in Network editor I connect VMs to a bridge and select my main line that provides connectivity whether it is an Ethernet port or Wifi and associate it to lets say VMnet0. Then in VM settings I assign that VM's NIC to VMnet0 and that is how my VM and my host are on same LAN.
I would not use NAT.

Docker Windows master node "docker swarm init" causes worker nodes in same Virtual Network to no longer see the master node

I have strange behaviour related to docker swarm mode on windows. What I have done:
Deployed two "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter with Containers - Gen1" virtual machines in Azure
Setting RDP access from my IP to the virtual machines
Ensures they are in the same virtual network and their subnet is associated with the virtual network
Downloaded all windows updates
Used telnet to check if worker machine sees master by running "telnet 3389". This works.
Used telnet to check if master machine sees worker by running "telnet 3389". This works.
Ensured that Docker Swarm ports are open in Windows Firefall too for both machines: 4789, 7946 (UDP) and 2377, 7946 (TCP)
Initialized docker swarm mode on master node with the command: "docker swarm init --advertise-addr"
Checked that "docker node ls" lists the master as Ready
Immediately after this tried to use "telnet 3389" from worker node to see if master is still accessible - it no longer works!
Not surprisingly, trying to join the docker swarm from the worker also fails in the usual "timeout" error
Due to the fact that telnet 3389 worked before master node entered swarm mode, but not after, it seems docker windows is doing some changes to the firewall priorities or rules, or changing the active network or something... Which is bonkers. I have not found a solution to this problem, which is making docker-for-windows unusable. Note: This problem only occurs in Azure. Using virtual machines in Exoscale and manually installing docker with powershell scripts did not show the same issue, which makes me think perhaps the "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter with Containers - Gen1" servers have some faulty configurations.
I can confirm that this behaviour does not appear when manually installing docker for 2019 data centers using the following guide: (sixeyed is a known Docker for Windows expert). In other words "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter" image works.
I can confirm that this behaviour does not appear when manually installing docker for 2019 data centers using the following guide: (sixeyed is a known Docker for Windows expert). In other words "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter" image works.
So, do not use the "Windows Server 2019 Datacenter with Containers - Gen1" image. Instead, use the standard image and follow standard docker-for-windows-server-2019 installation guides to get swarm mode working.

Host unreachable after docker swarm init

I have Windows Server 2016 Core(Hyper-V VM). Docker is installed, working and I want to create swarm.
IP config at the beginning:
1. Ethernet -
2. vEthernet (HSN Internal NIC) -
Then I run
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm is created, but I have lost my main IP address. IP config:
1. vEthernet (HNS internal NIC) -
2. vEthernet (HNS Transparent) -
Created swarm manager node is not reachable on main address I can't connect to it and swarm workers are not able to join with this IP. Where is the problem?
A little late answering this but ... Docker is going to take over your network card when you bring up the Swarm. What I did was use two network cards: one I left alone for Docker to use and the second I used for everything else including virtual machines.
Currently, you cannot use Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows alone to test a multi-node swarm. For single node swarm cluster,
If you are using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows to test single-node swarm, simply run docker swarm init with no arguments
However, you can use the included version of Docker Machine to create the swarm nodes (see Get started with Docker Machine and a local VM), then follow the tutorial for all multi-node features
For furthere info read this
Also refer to this

Docker Host And Other Fundamental Questions

I am new to Docker. And have few easy questions hope you could help.
I have a windows 10 machine which installed "docker for windows". In its HyperV manager I could see a virtual machine called "MobyLinuxVM".
So my questions are:
1, When people talking about "Docker Host" and "Docker Engine", what are they according to my situation?
-- I assume "Docker Host" should be my windows PC, and "Docker Engine" is that Virtual machine inside Hyper-V.
2, If I use ipconfig to see my PC, I will find I got at lease 2 networks and IP addresses:
(a) Lan Adapter -- show my IP is
(b) DockerNAT -- show my IP is
Then when I try to use dock-compose.yml to create container, I found I could ONLY use:
to create container and can be directly accessed (e.g. via browser to Magento website). So question is:
If my machine is within Docker network, then what is why I cannot use e.g.
3, My yml script actually contains multiple containers creation -- e.g. 2 Magento containers + 2 MariaDB containers + etc. When I specify their docker 'HOST', why it's not my machine? (If we call my machine to be 'docker host' & hyper-v virtual image to be 'docker engine' in my 1st question.)
4, Also according to my 3rd question, I current deploy all containers within 1 host. Is it worth to use Docker Swarm which people can use to cluster multiple Docker hosts? If so, does that mean I need to use Hyper-V to create another "MobyLinuxVM"?
Thanks a lot!
1 Docker Engine + Docker Host
The Docker Engine is the group of processes that manage Docker containers. dockerd is usually the head of that process tree.
The Docker Host is the OS running Docker engine, that is MobyLinuxVM
Your VM host is your Windows box.
2 Docker Host IP is most likely the address assigned to MobyLinuxVM. I don't run Docker for Windows so can't entirely confirm but searching the web seems to back this up.
3 - see 1
4 Swarm
You would need to run multiple VMs to setup swarm. Docker machine is the tool to use when setting up swarm instances. It allows you to manage multiple Docker instances and comes with a HyperV driver.
