Retrieving Azure artifacts recent version from the azure feed - azure-artifacts

I am looking for an option, how to identify the version of artifact which is being stored in azure devops artifactory. Can someone please throw light on this.
Also i need to push artifact from 1 subscription (example ASubscrip) to another subscription (BSubscrip).
BSubscrip is obviously more strict in terms of security as PROD is being configured there, however our builds are done only on ASubScrip.
Hence I need to come up with a logic that if version available in BSubscrip is lower than version of ASubScrip, then only trigger the copy pipeline from ASubScrip to BSubScrip.
Please advise how it can be done via pipeline.

I was able to perform the operation with the help of below set of commands.
$response = invoke-RestMethod -Uri{Org}/{Project name}/_apis/packaging/Feeds//
The response would be json object and required property can be referred $response.versions.version
Please note that while reviewing the output of response object, my focus was only to retrieve version parameter and above approach helped me to get it.
Also note here TOKEN is PAT and there we need to perform some transformation as well.
$token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($pat)"))


Updating JIRA issues from gitlab pipeline

I want to move an issue to the deployed stage (transition) when the gitlab pipeline of a merge request has finished. Is that even possible?
My Idea so far:
The pipeline is related to that specific issue by both the branch name (see 1.) of the merge request and also the message of that merge request like so "Finish PV-1234".
I can parse the issue key from the branch name.
I can call a server to run a script making the Jira api call.
If you directly want to close the issu, look into the gitlab jira integration docs - therefore you have to add a description to your MR, to tell the integration to close the issue, as soon as the MR was merged.
If you want more control, write yourself a simple script, that first gets the ids of the available transition (You can get them via /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions see here) and after that posts the transition you want (You can do that by posting on the same endpoint, as the get command mentioned before see here).
Sad that the jira integration doesn't provide more issue-movement than jsut closing issues...

ghprbActualCommitAuthorMail returns wrong mail address

I am using the GitHub pull request builder plugin in Jenkins to make pull requests on GitHub automatically trigger Jenkins jobs.
I am using GitHub Enterprise and when I try to get the values of environment vars ghprbActualCommitAuthor and ghprbActualCommitAuthorMail, I get incorrect values:
ghprbActualCommitAuthor : GitHub Enterprise
ghprbActualCommitAuthorEmail : noreply#github.***.com
Please help, thanks!
This behavior is seen in GitHub Enterprise when users commit changes directly using the web UI or they have not set their email addresses.
According to GHE support:
This is by design, since the commit is actually done by the GitHub Enterprise instance. This is because we do not impersonate users when creating commits.
You can fix this by ensuring that users make commits only through the Git clients using their own SSH credentials or Personal Access Tokens.

Automatically triggering Travis on push to a different repository?

Is there a way to trigger Travis CI build for repository X each time there's a push to repository Y? Specifically, I want my builds to start each time there's a push to
Good question! Here are some solutions that I could think of:
If you have admin privileges on the repo (or know someone who does), you could create a webhook that subscribes to the push event and when triggered, start a build on Travis CI using the Travis API.
This would entail:
Creating a new GitHub webhook over on While of course, customizing the settings as you see fit, but with the information I have, I recommend using the application/json content type and only have GitHub trigger the webhook with the push event.
Write a small web app expecting the HTTP POST payloads from GitHub and start builds using Travis CI's API. This web app can be written in any language but it must be deployed to somewhere that is always awake and listening (to prevent missing builds).
Here's my example of that.
post "/push-webhook" do
uri = URI.parse("")
request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request["Accept"] = "application/json"
request["Travis-API-Version"] = "3"
request["Authorization"] = "token your-token"
body = { "request" => { "branch" => "master" } }
request.body = body.to_json
response = http.request(request)
And voila! Once this web app is deployed, and your GitHub webhook is configured properly, you should see builds to run on Travis CI with every new push on
Helpful documentation
However, if you do not have admin privileges on the repo, you could create a mirror of repository that is in your control and then follow the instructions above (with a few differences). From the little research I did, it's not possible (or at least not easy) to create a mirror of a repository all on GitHub without admin access of the original/official repository.
With that said, I found a workaround that should work.
Import tensorflow/tensorflow to GitLab and use the Mirror Repository feature so it mirrors as your GitLab repo's upstream.
From there, follow the instructions above as normal except use GitLab's webhook API instead of GitHub's to send push events to trigger our web app to start builds on Travis CI.
Helpful documentation
I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions and I'd be happy to help in any way I can. :)

Trigger TFS Release Management with Artifact Version Number

I am excited to see TFS Update 2 available for on premise and including the Release Management Feature part of the web experience. We have been waiting for this.
I need some help on how best to trigger the release.
A release can be triggered in 3 ways:
Continuous Deployment Trigger based on linking to TFS Build Definition
This is great but I don't think it fits what I would expect. I need help in a technical solve or in how I think about the problem.
My Thinking:
I believe the Build should create an artifact and put the artifact in a Drop location to be released now or a year from now. (need to rebuild or add a server later)
I feel the continuous deployment trigger breaks down as it depends on the artifact being in the TFS Build and the TFS Build will be deleted depending on your settings.
Possible Solution:
I believe the solution I need is to create a draft release using the REST Api and then pass in the path to the artifact in the drop location. In my case I would simply provide a version number and build the path inside the release.
At this point the REST api is not documented.
I appreciate your thoughts on my thinking. It could be that I'm thinking about the problem in the wrong way.
Also, If anyone knows how to create a release using the REST api that would likely get me to where I need to be.
I see the REST api is to be documented at the following spot but is is not yet. I really want to get going, I have over 100 apps to deploy.
We also use TFS 2015 update 2 on-prem and use PowerShell to interface with TFS REST API.
As stated in comments on this thread the REST API documentation is live and to create a release refer to the following link:
To answer your question: - to create a release using a PowerShell script try the following:
$filePath = "C:\PATH_TO_JSON"
$username = 'DOMAIN\USRNAME'
$password = 'PASSWORD'
$body = Get-Content $filePath
$resource = "http://TFS_URL/_apis/release/releases`?api-version=2.2-preview.1"
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$resource" -Credential $cred -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body
The $filePath variable should point to a file containing the following JSON markup. Be sure to alter the variables within the example JSON to fit your on-prem Release Definition:
"definitionId": 12,
"description": "M 98 release",
"artifacts": [
"alias": "Fabrikam.CI",
"instanceReference": {
"id": "90"
You could also use JavaScript to interface with TFS REST API. See the post by #Elmar here: TFS 2015 REST API Authentication
The Release Management API docs for VSTS are live here. Most of the APIs should work for TFS 2015.2 also.
For creating a new release, refer to my earlier answer for the same.
You can retain a build indefinitely so it will always be available when you need it.
ReleaseManagement REST API got public at Please have a look. While creating the release pass three things in the artifact :- alias, instanceReference (name and Id).

Need help getting artifact names out of Jenkins for email

I have three Jenkins projects (Maven jobs, to be exact) that have many available parameters. I've set up a way to automate running these weekly with a set of parameters using the Build Flow plugin so that I end up running a total of 12 builds. I also have a follow-up project that exists only to send an email containing some information about the builds that ran, including a link to all 12 of the artifacts.
My problem is figuring out a way to get the artifact names from all 12 jobs. I think the best way to do that is using the REST API, but I could use some help with that.
I am using the Editable Email Notification plugin, and I have access to the job name and build number. I probably just need a script to grab the artifact name from each job.
Does anyone have experience with this?
I haven't tried the exact case you want, but you should be able to use the depth and tree parameters of the REST API to narrow down the data you need. Start with the API URL for one of the builds, which will be of the form
