Installing Jenkins on mac o/s Catalina with Java 13 already installed - jenkins

I installed java 13 prior and now need to install java 8 on my mac. As a newbie can I have 2 java versions on my machine and if yes then how can I make Jenkins installed for which java 8 is must OR is there a way to install Jenkins with java 13.

You can have multiple JRE or JDK installed in your machine (standard BE practice) but you can refer only one with your environment variable (usually the latest).
That means that **when you want to run something with java8 you will have to call it using the full path instead of just 'java' **.
I strongly recommend you to use docker and the container to run jenkins , mapping the home folder to a folder in your machine. This will give you full portability and easier upgrades / rollbacks. link
PS: welcome to SO !


Docker create command hangs on "Waiting for host to start"

Docker hangs when I try to create a docker node
I am trying to set up a docker node as per step 4 of the instructions on Unfortunately, Whenever I run the "create" command in the command prompt, the process hangs on
(testNode1) Waiting for host to start...
The instruction set is roughly as follows:
Enable HyperV (done)
Set up external network switch (done)
Reboot (done)
Create nodes (hangs)
The document explicitly states that step 3 is included to prevent exactly this error from happening. However, I have completed that step, and I still encounter this error.
Solutions I have tried
Other sources have suggested that I'm either targeting the wrong network switch, or that the one I've created is not set to "external". I have verified that the switch is set to "external" and that the correct network switch is being targeted, so that does not seem to be the problem.
I have also made sure to restart my machine a few times already, so I doubt another reboot on its own will help.
I also left it running for a day to see if it would eventually resolve itself, but it did not.
Additional details
The command I'm using is:
docker-machine create -d hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "VirtualSwitchName" testNode1
I am using Docker version 18.09
I am using Windows 10 Enterprise.
The node is hosted on Hyper-V
Make sure the Docker version is compatible with the Windows version
There are multiple versions of Docker Enterprise. Each successive version has improved functionality, but each version also requires a more up-to-date version of Windows 10.
For example, if you are trying to run Docker 18.09, then you need Windows 10 version 1809 or higher. Docker 18.09 is simply not compatible with earlier versions of Windows 10.
How to check for a compatible Docker version
There is a useful chart here detailing which versions of Docker are compatible with which operating systems. This will tell you what the highest version of Docker is that you can run based on your current OS.
To check your OS version, open your command prompt and type "winver". This will bring up a popup telling you what version of windows you are running (for example, Windows 10, Version 1709). Use this and the above chart to determine if your current version of Docker is compatible with your current OS.

how to find docker 1.3.1 rpm at epel

I want to install docker 1.3.1 on my centos 6.5 environment but I have no idea how to find it in the epel. I'm quite new to docker. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
Clearly stated in the Docker documentation:
Docker runs on CentOS 7.X.
CentOS 6.5 is not CentOS 7.X. Docker is not available for your old operating system.
Furthermore, you didn't give any details about your computer, but you should remain aware that Docker only works on 64-bit systems.
By the way, you should take better care of your computer; in CentOS, the minor version number is updated automatically by the package manager. So the fact that you are two versions behind (CentOS 6 is currently on 6.7) indicates that you are not performing updates to your packages, and could have various security vulnerabilities. You should update your system regularly, by simply running yum update.

Unable to get Neo4j to run

I searched for an answer to this, but was unable to find anyone else having the same problem.
This is the first time I've tried to use Neo4j.
I'm running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.
I downloaded and unzipped Neo4j Community 1.8.2 for Windows.
In a command window, I switched to the bin folder and ran Neo4j.bat.
I received the following message in the command window: Unable to locate jvm. Could not find HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment/CurrentVersion entry in windows registry.
I verified that I have the latest JVM.
I verified that the above registry key is not present in the location shown, but I did find it at HKLM\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment/CurrentVersion.
How should I proceed?
Thanks for any direction!
I Fixed this problem by making a new environment variable JAVA_HOME and pointing it to my Java installation folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin
try to set up the java PATH variable to the correct path. tutorial here:
than, newest java are i think by 2 version newer than the original java for neo4j 1.8.2. a remind myself some problems with such versioning few months ago - i solved it by running neo4j in the newest versions of 1.9.0x
I installed JRE version 6 on my machine and this cleared the problem. (I previously had version 7 on the machine.)
Set the JAVA_HOME path in your environment variables.

Neo4j unsupported Java runtime. use JDK 6. ubuntu 12.04

I am a new user to Neo4j usage and my OS is 32bit Ubuntu12.04. You need to start the server from Terminal by entering into the directory of Neo and then type
bin/neo4j start
which is all set and correct was until yesterday, there is some problem now and I get this
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40 000 recommended.
See the Neo4j manual.WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime.
Please use JDK 6.Neo4j Server already running with pid 3527
I am clueless to why this error occured suddenly.
When I run
on my browser it doesn't recognise it any more.I tried to update my version following Install JDK6 on Ubuntu 12.04 link, but doesn't seem to work.Still gives the same error.
After checking for the version from terminal
java -version
I recieve
java version "1.6.0_27"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.12.3) (6b27-1.12.3-0ubuntu1~12.04.1)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
How do make localhost:7474 work on my machine?
For some licensing issues, Ubuntu does no longer ship Oracle/Sun JDKs directly, blame Oracle for that!
There is which automatically fetches Oracle/Sun JDKs, build local deb packages from them and puts them in a local apt repository.
Using update-java-alternatives you can set your system's default jdk.
Regarding the "open file" warning see
We are using Ubuntu 12.04 as well. We use OpenJDK 1.6.0_24.
We ran into similar problems when we initially used Neo4j. Here are the instructions to get pass those hurdles.
You need to be able to open more files.
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add these two lines:
root soft nofile 40000
root hard nofile 40000
Edit /etc/pam.d/su and uncomment or add the following line:
session required
Finally check that limit was changed. You might need to reboot.
ulimit -n
Returns 40000
Next in order to be able to use the webadmin on Ubuntu. You need to change one of the properties files inside neo4j. It works without this change on a Mac, I know.
Edit the file:
cd [neo4j installation]/conf/
Change this line
The default is set to only listen for connections from localhost (that's why it works on a Mac). This way you can access the webadmin from anywhere. This can be a security problem though.
Hope this helps.
This seems to be a bug in neo4j about detection of running instance. By the reported pid there was some script about gnome and proxy, which after being killed (including parent lens script) let me start neo4j with OpenJDK. I guess they made it too smart.

Tomcat 5.5 as service on Windows Server 2008 64bit

Has anybody managed to get Tomcat to run as a service on Win2008 64bit? I need it for a 3rd party component that my site relies on. It works fine otherwise, but I just can't get it to run as a service. I've tried all the googling I can, and experimented with various 64bit tomcat.exe / tomcatw.exe without success. Upgrading to Tomcat 6 didn't help either.
I'm running Java 1.5 64bit.
Download apache-tomcat-6.0.30-windows-x64 version.
Extract to c:\Tomcat6
open command prompt run as Adminstrator
and go to Tomcat6\bin directory and run from command prompt>service install
Tomcat6 will install as Windows Service.
again go to Tomcat6\bin and open tomcat6w.exe run as administrator and modify your changes.
it works cool.
Download the latest builds. Your issue was the 64 bit procrun.exe/tomcatw.exe wasn't provided. The newer installers for Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6 include both 32 and 64 bit and deploy the appropriate one
Extracted from
While the Java components of Tomcat run happily under a 64 bit JVM, the installers that build the Windows service are 32 bit executables and won't work correctly under 64 bit Windows operating systems.
Fortunately, the Tomcat team has put together 64 bit versions of these executables, although they only include them in the source distribution for each version of Tomcat. If you've already installed a copy of Tomcat, here's how to update the executables:
1) Download and extract the source distribution for your version of Tomcat from OLEX
2) Find the directory tomcat-X.X.XX-src/connectors/procrun/bin/amd64/
3) Copy the executables from the above directory into the tomcat-X.X.XX/bin, overwriting the 32 bit versions
4) Run the command service.bat install. This will install the service under the displayed name Apache Tomcat (the service name will be Tomcat5)
It worked to me! And I was looking for this solution for a while...
