How can I set user-agent in IOWebSocketChannel? - dart

I work with IOWebSocketChannel and I don't have access to Webscoket inside it
in order to change the user-agent. how can I achieve that and set user agent for IOWebSocketChannel?

according to this issue: Add option to set User Agent for Websocket #32008
and the documentation: WebSocket
you can't set user agent for IOWebSocketChannel but you can just set userAgent for all Websocket instance by call:
Websocket.userAgent = 'your desired agent';
this works for all Websocket instance, so there is no need to access the websocket instance object passed to IOWebSocketChannel.

If you are creating the socket using IOWebSocketChannel.connect you can just add the user-agent in the headers parameter, or otherwise if you are upgrading to a IOWebSocketChannel from a WebSocket (with WebSocket.connect) set your headers there.


Not getting SPRING.SESSION.ID from headers

I'm using spring session and AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer and am trying to create a STOMP Websocket with support for Spring Security and Spring Session. I can't seem to get my session activated. I use webstomp-client to connect (
AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer creates
public SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor<S> sessionRepositoryInterceptor() {
return new SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor<S>(this.sessionRepository);
I pass as header to both the connect event and every message
SPRING.SESSION.ID:<My session id>
When I check the processing in SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor, I see that it is trying to retrieve the session id through SimpMessageHeaderAccessor that expects the header to contain an object under header key simpSessionAttributes.
Map<String, Object> sessionHeaders = SimpMessageHeaderAccessor
String sessionId = sessionHeaders == null ? null
: (String) sessionHeaders.get(SPRING_SESSION_ID_ATTR_NAME);
All the attributes that SimpMessageHeaderAccessor seems to expect are not present in the stomp client and just seem to belong to a different protocol.
How do I deal with activating a session under Stomp, Spring WebSocket, Spring Security and Spring Session? Or more specifically:
Why does SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor use SimpleHeaderAccessor in stead of StompHeaderAcessor?
What headers do I need to pass from a javascript client to create a session (assuming I received the session id through traditional login)?
I don't know what the issue is but I can explain a few things to help you debug the issue.
Spring supports WebSocket-scoped attributes. Those are attributes that exist for as long as the session exists. The SessionRepositoryMessageInterceptor, as a HandshakeInterceptor, hooks into the initial HTTP handshake request and saves the SPRING.SESSION.ID as a WebSocket-scoped attribute. Then after the handshake, when STOMP messages start to flow, it intercepts every incoming message, and retrieves the SPRING.SESSION.ID in the websocket attributes. So I am not sure why you're trying to pass SPRING.SESSION.ID as a header. That's all managed for you as I just explained and associated with the WebSocket session.
As for the question about SimpHeaderAccessor vs StompHeaderAcessor, the former is a more generalized version. It's not wrong to use it as long it gives you enough information. In this case Spring Session doesn't care for STOMP specific details.
I don't understand your second question about what headers need to be passed from a javascript client to create a session. As long as the HTTP handshake is made within the same HTTP session it should just work. There is nothing different here from how you would do any HTTP call.

Consuming Yellow using FSharp Type Providers

I signed up for the yellow API program found here:
I went to make a call like this and I am getting back JSON in the browser:
When I take the json results and put it into Json2CSharp, it renders fine. When I try and load it into a type provider:
type RestaurantListingJson = JsonProvider< #"">
I get a 400
Looking at fiddler, I see
"User agent is a required field"
Has anyone run into this before? How do I add a user agent to a type provider?
Thanks in advance
I have not created an account, so I could not try this - but if the error message says "user agent is a required field", then I guess that the service requires setting the User-Agent header of the HTTP request.
This is not supported in static parameters of the JsonProvider, so the best way to get this to work would be to download the sample JSON, save it to a local file (say yp.json) and then use that to create the type provider:
type Yp = JsonProvider<"yp.json">
To actually download some data (when you want to make a request), you can use Http.RequestString which takes headers - there you can specify any required headers including User-Agent:
let response =
Http.RequestString("", headers=["user-agent", "test"])
Then you can load the data using Yp.Parse(response) (rather than using the Load method directly to request a URL which would not let you specify the header).
The latest version of F# Data now always sends user agent and accept headers, so this should now work directly:
type RestaurantListingJson = JsonProvider<"">

How to set the timeout for a proxy connection in Ruby

I know how to set the open/read timeout for the request going through the proxy. My problem, however, is that occasionally my proxy goes down, and therefore I am unable to ever connect to the proxy. So I want to be able to set the timeout to connect to the proxy to some value, and then handle the timeout by trying something else. Any idea how I can set the timeout value for connecting to an http proxy? Thanks!
First the code, then a bit of explaination below:
# get an instance of Net::HTTP that has proxy settings embedded
# see the source:
proxyclass = Net::HTTP::Proxy("proxy_host");
# Create a new instance of the URL you want to connect to
# NOTE: no connection is attempted yet
proxyinstance ="");
# Make your setting changes, specifically the timeouts
proxyinstance.open_timeout = 5;
proxyinstance.read_timeout = 5;
# now, attempt connecting through the proxy with the desired
# timeout settings.
proxyinstance.start do |http|
# do something with the http instance
The key is realizing open_timeout and read_timeout are instance variables and that Net::HTTP::Proxy actually returns a decorated Net::HTTP class.
You would run into this same problem with similar Net::HTTP usage. You must construct it the "long" way, not using the Net::HTTP.start() class method shortcut.

Making a http request trough Socks proxy

I have a socks proxy and I need to make a HTTP Get request
I tried using indy using this sample ( ) but I always get the error :
Connection closed gracefully.
What am I doing wrong ?
The correct way to handle this is to assign a TIdIOHandlerStack component to the TIdHTTP.IOHandler property, then assign a TIdSocksInfo component to the TIdIOHandlerStack.TransparentProxy property, and then configure the TIdSocksInfo as needed.

Retrieve Blackberry Browser session header properties

I want to know what are the header properties used by Blackberry default browser session.
Since my http connection needs all the browser session header properties like Accept-Language,Accept-Encoding,Keep-Alive.
If you have access to HttpConnection instance (it's not a BrowserField) you can set them yourself:
c.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0");
