How to set the timeout for a proxy connection in Ruby - ruby-on-rails

I know how to set the open/read timeout for the request going through the proxy. My problem, however, is that occasionally my proxy goes down, and therefore I am unable to ever connect to the proxy. So I want to be able to set the timeout to connect to the proxy to some value, and then handle the timeout by trying something else. Any idea how I can set the timeout value for connecting to an http proxy? Thanks!

First the code, then a bit of explaination below:
# get an instance of Net::HTTP that has proxy settings embedded
# see the source:
proxyclass = Net::HTTP::Proxy("proxy_host");
# Create a new instance of the URL you want to connect to
# NOTE: no connection is attempted yet
proxyinstance ="");
# Make your setting changes, specifically the timeouts
proxyinstance.open_timeout = 5;
proxyinstance.read_timeout = 5;
# now, attempt connecting through the proxy with the desired
# timeout settings.
proxyinstance.start do |http|
# do something with the http instance
The key is realizing open_timeout and read_timeout are instance variables and that Net::HTTP::Proxy actually returns a decorated Net::HTTP class.
You would run into this same problem with similar Net::HTTP usage. You must construct it the "long" way, not using the Net::HTTP.start() class method shortcut.


How can I set user-agent in IOWebSocketChannel?

I work with IOWebSocketChannel and I don't have access to Webscoket inside it
in order to change the user-agent. how can I achieve that and set user agent for IOWebSocketChannel?
according to this issue: Add option to set User Agent for Websocket #32008
and the documentation: WebSocket
you can't set user agent for IOWebSocketChannel but you can just set userAgent for all Websocket instance by call:
Websocket.userAgent = 'your desired agent';
this works for all Websocket instance, so there is no need to access the websocket instance object passed to IOWebSocketChannel.
If you are creating the socket using IOWebSocketChannel.connect you can just add the user-agent in the headers parameter, or otherwise if you are upgrading to a IOWebSocketChannel from a WebSocket (with WebSocket.connect) set your headers there.

Running ActionCable behind Cloudfront

We've setup Cloudfront in front of our application, but unfortunately it strips the Upgrade header required for ActionCable to run.
We'd like to have a different subdomain that points to the same servers, but bypasses Cloudfront (, for instance). We've done this and it's somewhat working, but it seems like a persistent connection can't be made. ActionCable continues to retry to make the connection every 10s and seems unable to hold the connection open:
Any advice related to Cloudfront or different domains for ActionCable is appreciated.
To all who follow, hopefully this helps.
As of the time of me writing this (Oct. 2018), it doesn't appear that you can use ActionCable behind Cloudfront at all. CF will discard the upgrade header which will prevent a secure socket connection from ever being made.
Our setup was CF -> Application Load Balancer (ALB) -> EC2. On the AWS side, we began by making a subdomain ( that pointed directly to the same ALB and bypassed CF entirely. Note that Classic Load Balancers absolutely will not work. You can only use ALBs.
This alone did not fix the issue. On your Rails config, you have to add the following lines to your production.rb:
config.action_cable.url = 'wss://'
config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = [''] # Not the subdomain
You may also need to update your CSP to include wss:// for connect_src.
If at this point you're getting a message about failing to upgrade, you need to ensure that your NGINX config is correct. This answer may help.
You will also need to reflect this change in your cable.js. This following snippet works for me with local development as well as production, but you may need to alter it. I wrote it with pre-ES6 in mind because this file never hit Babel in our configuration.
(function() {
this.App || (this.App = {})
var wsUrl
if('localhost') != -1) {
wsUrl = '/cable'
} else {
var host =
var protocol = location.protocol
wsUrl = protocol + '//socket.' + host + '/cable'
App.cable = ActionCable.createConsumer(wsUrl)
That may be all you need, depending on your authentication scheme. However, I was using cookies shared between the main application and ActionCable and this caused a difficult bug. The connection would appear to be made correctly, but it would actually fail and ActionCable would retry every 10s. The final step was to ensure the auth cookies being set would work across the socket subdomain. I updated my cookie as such:
cookies.signed[:cookie_name] = {
value: payload,
domain: ['', '']
# Some people have to specify tld_length, but I was fine without it

Rails HTTP Ping to unreliable Target

I would like to send an HTTP GET request to an ip address and port to determine if there is a device online that can respond at that address.
I want to have a relatively reasonable timeout so that my application does not hang while connecting, if there's no. I have been using Net::HTTP, but there does not seem to be a way to set a timeout when using an ip address.
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(ip_address, '/index.html', port)
Is there a best practice or better method to perform this request or a way to set a timeout in Net::HTTP when using an ip address rather than domain name?
I'm using Ruby 2.1.5 and Rails 4.1.0 with hosting on Heroku.
You can see about HTTParty gem. This gem provide many options and easy to use.
You set timeout for the request to return the response
response = HTTParty.get('', timeout: 60)
timeout is in seconds.
or in Net http you can set as,
uri = URI.parse(ip_address + '/index.html')
request =
response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) {|http|
http.read_timeout = 100 #Default is 60 seconds
rescue Net::ReadTimeout => e
puts e.message
There's no major difference between requesting via an ip address or by dns name, in the latter case DNS query is made and usually a Host-header is set, after that request is done via the ip.
In Net::HTTP there's open_timeout setting that raises Net::OpenTimeout when set if connection cannot be established during that period. By default it's nil which means 'forever'
Not sure what you are looking for. In the Net::HTTP-class there is read_timeout-setter. See here:

How to use $remote_addr with rails and nginx secure_link

I have a rails application that makes calls to another server via net::http to retrieve documents.
I have set up Nginx with secure_link.
The nginx config has
secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires;
secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires$uri$remote_addr mySecretCode";
On the client side (which is in fact my rails server) I have to create the secure url something like:
time = ( + 5.minute).to_i
hmac = Digest::MD5.base64digest("#{time}/#{file_path}#{IP_ADDRESS} mySecretCode").tr("+/","-_").gsub("==",'')
return "#{DOCUMENT_BASE_URL}/#{file_path}?md5=#{hmac}&expires=#{time}"
What I want to know is the best way to get the value above for IP_ADDRESS
There are multiple answers in SO on how to get the ip address but alot of them do not seem as reliable as actually making a request to a web service that returns the ip address of the request as this is what the nginx secure link will see (we don't want some sort of localhost address).
I put the following method on my staging server:
def get_client_ip
rescue Exception =>ex
render :json=>data
I then called the method from the requesting server:
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(""))
if response.class==Net::HTTPOK
response_hash=JSON.parse response.body
ip=response_hash["ip_address"] unless response_hash[:error]
#deal with error
After getting the ip address successfully I just cached it and did not keep on calling the web service method.

Metasploit: send_request_cgi returns nil for HTTPS connections

I am currently trying to write an auxiliary module for Metasploit. The module basically tries multiple default credentials to get access to the router's management page. The authentication is done via web, i.e. HTTP POST.
Currently, the module works as expected for plain HTTP connections, i.e. unsecured connections, however every connection attempt via HTTPS (port 443), returns nil. Below is the function used within the Metasploit class to retrieve the login page:
def get_login_page(ip)
response = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => '/',
'method' => 'GET'
# Some models of ZyXEL ZyWALL return a 200 OK response
# and use javascript to redirect to the rpAuth.html page.
if response && response.body =~ /changeURL\('rpAuth.html'\)/
vprint_status "#{ip}- Redirecting to rpAuth.html page..."
response = send_request_cgi(
'uri' => '/rpAuth.html',
'method' => 'GET'
rescue ::Rex::ConnectionError
vprint_error "#{ip} - Failed to connect to Web management console."
return response
When trying to connect via HTTPS, the first send_request_cgi call returns nil. No exception are caught or thrown. I have tried with 3 different hosts to make sure the issue was not with a specific endpoint. All my 3 attempts failed to return a response. At every attempt, I set the RPORT option to 443;
RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 443 yes The target port
Note that I have replaced the real IP with Using a web browser, I can actually connect to the router via HTTPS with no issue (other than having to add an exception since the certificate is untrusted) and am presented the login page. With Wireshark, I tried to look at the generated traffic. I can clearly see that nothing is sent by the router. I notice the 3-way handshake being completed and the HTTP GET request being made:
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 0
There are 3-4 ACK after and then a FIN/PUSH sent by the server.
Based on this page on Metasploit's GitHub, I was under the impression that connections to HTTPS websites were handled by the underlying framework. I have not seen any articles/tutorial/source that leads me to believe otherwise. The doc about the send_request_cgi does not specify any specific requirement to establish a HTTPS connection. Other posts did not had the exact same issue I'm having. At this point I suspect either the OS, the framework or me forgetting to enable something. Other modules I have looked at either only targets HTTP websites - which I doubt - or do not have any special handling for HTTPS connections.
Any help determining the cause would be greatly appreciated.
Version of Metasploit:
Framework: 4.9.3-2014060501
Console : 4.9.3-2014060501.15168
Version of OS:
SMP Debian 3.14.5-1kali1 (2014-06-07)
As per this post on SecurityStreet, the solution was to set SSL to true in the DefaultOptions in the initialize function:
def initialize
'DefaultOptions' =>
'SSL' => true
Connections to routers using HTTPS worked afterwards.
