I have a very simple dockerfile which i have written but unfortunately, it is failing while executing below command in dockerfile:-
RUN ["cp -r", "node_modules/dir1/test/*", "/app"]
Below is the Error message which i get:-
OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"cp -r\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown
I have also tried using "mv" command instead of "cp" but with no success.
I don't want to move the complete folder but all the content of folder. As said if i execute below command it works but, it moves the directory:-
RUN ["cp -r", "node_modules/dir1/test", "/app"]
Any Suggestions.? I have tried looking into many questions but, couldnt find a concrete explanation and the answer on how we can do it.?
Internally in Unix-like operating systems, commands are broken up into "words". When you use the JSON-array syntax for RUN, ENTRYPOINT, and CMD directives, you're explicitly specifying what the words are, and they're not further processed split up.
In particular when you run
RUN ["cp -r", "node_modules/dir1/test/*", "/app"]
it looks for a command named cp -r in the usual places, where the command name includes a space and a hyphen. It won't find /bin/cp which doesn't have a space and a hyphen and there isn't a /bin/cp\ -r. If this were to work, it would also pass its first argument containing a * in the filename, which will also fail.
The easiest solution here is to not use the JSON-array form. This will implicitly run a shell (the command is wrapped in /bin/sh -c) which will split words and expand globs for you.
RUN cp -r node_modules/dir1/test/* /app
If you didn't need the wildcard, you need to manually split cp and -r into separate words
RUN ["cp", "-r", "node_modules/dir1/test", "/app"]
First, you need to check if the cp command is available. Once it's available you need to add /. for copying the content only.
RUN ["cp -r", "node_modules/dir1/test/.", "/app/"]
Snapshot from the documentation.
I am trying to follow the 2 steps mentioned below:
1) Downloaded source code of
2) Compiled it and you will get binary named example:
hyphen-2.8.8$ ./example ~/dev/smc/hyphenation/hi_IN/hyph_hi_IN.dic
I have downloaded and uncompressed the tar file. My question is how to create a dockerfile to automate this?
There are only 3 commands involved:
make all-recursive
make install
I can select the official python image as a base container. But how do I write the commands in a docker file?
You can do that with a RUN command:
FROM python:<version number here>
RUN ./configure && make-recursive && make install
CMD ['<some command here>']
what you use for <some command here> depends on what the image is meant to do. Remember that docker containers only run as long as that command is executing, so if you put the configure/make/install steps in a script and use that as your entry point, it's going to build your program, and then the container will halt.
Also you need to get the downloaded files into the container. That can be done using a COPY or an ADD directive (before the RUN of course). If you have the tar.gz file saved locally, then ADD will both copy the file into the container and expand it into a directory automatically. COPY will not expand it, so if you do that, you'll need to add a tar -zxvf or similar to the RUN.
If you want to download the file directly into the container, that could be done with ADD <source URL>, but in that case it won't expand it, so you'll have to do that in the RUN. COPY doesn't allow sourcing from a URL. This post explains COPY vs ADD in more detail.
You can have the three commands in a shell script and then use the following docker commands
COPY ./<path to your script>/<script-name>.sh /
ENTRYPOINT ["/<script-name>.sh"]
CMD ["run"]
For reference, you can create your docker file as they have created for one of the projects I worked on Apache Artemis Active Mq:
I'm trying to use snakemake with a docker image, but am having trouble with the docker volume. Unfortunately, there are no details on how to use 'singularity-args' to do this.
My snakemake file is:
rule all:
rule step1:
rule step2:
text = 'this is a test',
path = '/data/file2.txt'
"python test.py {params.text} {params.path}"
rule step3:
The docker image is basically a python file that writes a string to file (for testing purposes). I'm trying to mount my home directory to the docker /data directory. With docker, I'm able to mount a volume using '-v'.
What is the correct way of doing this with snakemake?
I've tried the following commands (on MacOS and Ubuntu 18.04) and both have failed.
snakemake -s pipeline.py --use-singularity --singularity-args “-B /home/XXX/snakemake/a:/data”
snakemake -s pipeline.py --use-singularity --singularity-args “-B /home/XXX/snakemake/a”
The error message is:
No rule to produce /home/XXX/snakemake/a:/data” (if you use input functions make sure that they don't raise unexpected exceptions).
Am I missing a step?
Thanks in advance!
Just a trivial check... In your command lines you have tilted double quotes (“) instead of the straight ones ("), e.g.:
snakemake -s pipeline.py --use-singularity --singularity-args “-B /home/XXX/snakemake/a”
Maybe you are are copying and pasting from a text editor that uses the tilted quotes? I would use straight quotes as the other type would probably be interpreted in the wrong way.
I was able to get it working on Ubuntu 18.04 with the following command:
SINGULARITY_BINDPATH=“/home/XXX/snakemake/a:/data”; snakemake -s pipeline.py --latency-wait 10 --use-singularity
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the flag “--singularity-args” to work. Regardless of using ‘--bind’ or ‘-B’, I got the error “No rule to produce /Users/XXX/Devel/snakemake/a:/data”.
I’m using Snakemake 5.6.0 inside a Python3 virtual environment.
Also, on a side note, I don’t believe the MacOS singularity binary works. It had issues with Snakemake.
This work-around is good enough for now.
While this solution worked, the real solution (typo) was provided by #dariober.
I'm trying to create an easy-to-use Docker image for the Garry's Mod server. While my Docker image builds just fine, running it as a container always results in a single error: /bin/sh: 1: ./easygmod.sh: Permission denied.
I'm using the cm2network/steamcmd image as a base. I have tried both tags that the aforementioned base image has. I have tried chmod +x, changing users to root, and fiddling with the shebang in the first line of the easygmod.sh script, as well as a number of possible typos, particularly in file names and paths.
I have a GitHub repository for this project which auto-builds to Docker Hub. Currently, the lines of code involving the problematic script are:
# Start main script
ADD easygmod.sh .
RUN chmod +x easygmod.sh
USER steam
CMD ./easygmod.sh
Also, the shebang/first line of the script is currently #!/bin/sh.
Despite having no logical explanation, the easygmod.sh script refuses to be executed, always throwing the error Permission denied. This especially confusing given that my only other public GitHub project, which is very similar (similar style Docker image with the same base OS as cm2network/steamcmd), never had any issues like this.
The file isn't owned by steam in the container, so the chmod +x was insufficient. Either add --chown=steam to the ADD, or change your chmod from +x to a+rx.
Also, you didn't specify CWD or a path to put those files in. It's likely that the root version of that image has a CWD that steam can't access. You should use /home/steam/ for that instead.
I've seen many dockerfiles include all build steps in a RUN statement, like:
RUN echo "Hello" &&
cd /tmp &&
mv a.txt b.txt &&
and so on...
My question is: what's the benefits/drawbacks on replace these instructions by a single bash script that gives me highlight syntax, loop capabilities, etc?
Something like:
COPY ./script.sh /tmp
RUN bash /tmp/script.sh
and then
echo "hello" ;
cd /tmp ;
mv a.txt b.txt ;
The primary difference is that when you COPY the bash script into the image it will be available for inspection in the running container, whereas the RUN command is a little more opaque. Putting your commands in a file like that is arguably more manageable for other reasons: changes in your VCS history will be a little more clear, and for longer or more complex scripts you will probably find it easier to format things cleanly with the script in a separate file rather than embedded in your Dockerfile in a RUN command.
Otherwise the result is the same (in both cases, you are executing the same set of commands), although the COPY and RUN will result in an extra image layer (vs. just the RUN by itself).
I guess running it off as a shell script gives you more control.
For instance, you can do if-else statements to check whether a command has failed or not and provide a code path to handle it. Whereas RUN is more straight forward and when the return code is not 0 it fails the build immediately.
Obviously the case you have there is a relatively simple one and it would not have had a huge difference. The only impact I can see here is the code readability aspect. Someone would have to read the shell script to know what is happening, comparing to having everything on a single file.
I guess it all comes down to using the right tool for the right job. If it is a simple command and you don't need complex logic handling then do RUN.
I need to copy a pdf file from the bash command line. I have trouble using cp. An error message appears. If I can copy it, I am hoping that it is stored as a variable. That's all.
enter image description here Here's an image file of the example for more simple and detailed situation.
1) you typed "cd" into the command line, not "cp"
2) to use 'cp' you need to type [ cp (inputfile) (outputfile) ]