Why is my Twitter links not displaying image? - twitter

SImple question: If I post a link to my website on twitter, the image does not appear even though I checked the link on twitter card validator and the image and the link work well there.
Here is the link: https://globalgoodness.ca/unehistoiredhommesdelephantsetdabeilles/
Thanks for the help (and plz consider that I am a twitter "illiterate :)


How to intergrate a single tweet into your website

Right now im building a simple html/css site for a friend. The homepage is a series of grid block divs that hold some content.
There are currently 3 block divs we have marked for social media posts. So for example, he wants his latest tweet to appear in one of those divs. His latest instagram post to appear in another and facebook in the last.
We can ignore facebook for the time being as I'm only focusing on the twitter/instagram for now.
I'm struggling with where to begin for this project. In the past I have only embedded twitter timelines, Instagram posts using widgets etc....nothing too complicated.
But for this project I will need separate stripped down posts, ie: just the plain text from his tweet inside the twitter div. The image from his Instagram post as the background image on the Instagram block etc...
I've spent the last few hours trying to get my head around oEmbed, and I can safely say I'm failing miserably.
I'm actually more confused now then before I started, so if any kind soul could give me a dummies guide to how I can approach this, that would be absolutely amazing.
Thank you!
You can acheive a single embedded tweet using an embedded timeline.
To get just one tweet, use the data-tweet-limit attribute on the embed tag, as detailed here:
For example:
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/TwitterDev" data-widget-id="some_id" data-tweet-limit="1"></a>
According to twitter's documentation, that is the recommended way of getting tweets onto websites. From your description of the use case, I'd highly recommend just using Twitter's official widget.
If you really want to use Twitter's REST API and generate your page server side, I'd check out this stack overflow question as a starting point:
Setting up Twitter API, getting the last few Tweets
Hope that helps!

API-less linkedin follow button

I've been scouring the interwebs all morning and haven't been able to find a working example of a simple FOLLOW url for linkedin.
I would like to create a button on my social tab which wouldn't only link to the company page but also automatically make you follow it.
The url given by the follow button on the page itself isn't working from another machine.
Any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch,
This is your best option: http://developer.linkedin.com/plugins/follow-company , it does what you need.

Image not displaying when shared on Facebook

I have a small Rails application which I occasionally share on Facebook. Despite there being images on the front page, If I share the this, no thumbnails are displayed. Is there anything I need to do to make sure Facebook can pick up the images, or is there any reason why it wouldn't pick something up from my page? Link to my website
The og:image you're defining - according to the FB Debugger - http://pastonpaper.com/logo.jpg is 404ing. Once you fix that and any other errors, you should be good to go.

custom share image for fb, g+ and twitter using open graph

Is it possible to have a custom share image for Facebook, Google+ and Twitter?
I've already set up the open graph tags in the head of the document.
For Facebook:
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=url" target="_blank" ><img src="fb-img"/></a>
For Twitter:
<img src="twitter-img" />
Still looking for google+
By the way, any difference with sharer.php v/s share.php for Facebook?
I found the best solution to implement custom share button with Facebutton:
Go to facebook developers page and there you will have to read the following article which will explain you how to use meta tags (HTML) on the head of your page:
Basically you need to add a Share Button on your page, right?. So, what you need to do is first of all, add the meta tags that page ask you for on the head of your page. Then everything is so easy. After facebook provides you with the code for the share button, now when you click on it, it will show you the image you specified on your meta tags. Take a look at that page and you'll see how easy is to implement it.
Twitter still i haven't implement it yet neither for google :(

linkedin hiding/editing short URL

I was looking through different forums, but didn't find anything related to my small issue...
Clickable title google.com
And the google.com is gonna be of small font and gray color.
Is it possible somehow to hide/edit/ask LinkedIn not to show that small gray formatted domain of the submitted link? It's pretty crucial for my project, and any help would be highly appreciated...
This isn't possible using the LinkedIn API (nor using the website). The only thing I could think of would be to use your own URL shortener and share that link instead.
