Using g_autoptr() together with G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC() when using older and newer GLib versions - glib

There is something about using g_autoptr() together with G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC() when using different GLib versions which I don't understand (this affects also the other g_auto... variants and its G_DEFINEs).
The documentation says
"The way to clean up the type must have been defined using the macro
When using for example GLib 2.62 and using the G_DEFINE macro this results in errors like
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gmacros.h:1032:49: error: redefinition of ‘glib_slistautoptr_cleanup_GtkTreePath’
1032 | #define _GLIB_AUTOPTR_SLIST_FUNC_NAME(TypeName) glib_slistautoptr_cleanup_##TypeName
Leaving out the G_DEFINE macro will solve the problem and the program works just fine.
However, on older GLib versions like 2.50 (which is for example still used by Debian 9), using the G_DEFINE macro will not result in an error message. But I can't see any changes reflected by the GLib documentation. I cannot determine when exactly the aforementioned change of behaviour has been introduced. How am I supposed to cope with this when I want to support all GLib versions from 2.50 on?

The issue is probably in Gtk, not GLib. g_autoptr() was supported for most things in Gtk+ 3.22 (the one in Debian 9) already: so you shouldn't have to call G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC() on Gtk types yourself. GtkTreePath however was still missing a call: this was added in 3.24, see
You'll probably have to do the macro call behind a version check if you want to use g_autoptr() with TreePath on Gtk < 3.24.


Prevent ArmClang to add calls to Standard C library

I am evaluating Keil Microvision IDE on STM32H753.
I am doing compiler comparison between ARMCC5 and AC6 in the different optimisation levels. AC6 is based on Clang.
My code is not using memcpy and I have unchecked "Use MicroLIB" in the project settings , However a basic byte per byte copy loop in my code is replaced by a memcpy with AC6 (only in "high" optimisation levels). It doesn't happen with ARMCC5.
I tried using compilation options to avoid that, as described here: -ffreestanding and -disable-simplify-libcalls, at both compiler and linker levels but it didn't change (for the second option, I get an error message saying that the option is not supported).
In the ARMCLANG reference guide i've found the options -nostdlib -nostdlibinc that prevent (??) the compiler to use any function of a standard lib.
However I still need the math.h function.
Do you know how to prevent clang to use functions from the Standard C Lib that are not explicitely called in the code ?
EDIT: here is a quick and dirty reproduceable example:
Please do not discuss the quality of this example, I know it is dumb !!, I know about memset, etc... It is just to understand the issue
gcc know a lot about the memcpy, memset and similar functions and even they are called "the builtin functions". If you do not want those functions to be used by default just use the command line option -fno-builtin

function_exported?/3 doesn't work as expected in escript

I'd like to use Code.format_string!/2 of Elixir 1.6 in my escript code. For the compatibility between different Elixir versions, I planed to use function_exported?/3 to see if format_string is supported in user's environment. But I found it doesn't work as expected. It always returns false in Macbook(Elixir is 1.6), but it can be called normally.
I created a demo to describe this problem:
function_exported?/3 assumes the module is already loaded in memory. You probably want to do this:
if Code.ensure_loaded?(Code) and function_exported?(Code, :format_string!, 2) do

clang - error: non-ASM statement in naked function is not supported

$ clang --version
clang version 5.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_500/final)
CC ../../py/nlrthumb.c
../../py/nlrthumb.c:79:5: error: non-ASM statement in naked function is not supported
return 0; // needed to silence compiler warning
Why doesn't Clang support non-ASM statement in naked function?
This works fine on gcc.
The mailing list explains it as
Naked functions don't have prologues or epilogues, so doing
codegen for anything other than inline assembly would be completely
hit or miss.
so then how can gcc do it?
I should have written this as an answer instead of a comment. The question was:
Why doesn't Clang support non-ASM statement in naked function? This works fine on gcc.
The answer is that this doesn't work fine in gcc. Quoting from the gcc docs for the naked attribute:
Only basic asm statements can safely be included in naked functions. While using extended asm or a mixture of basic asm and C code may appear to work, they cannot be depended upon to work reliably and are not supported.
If there is a less ambiguous way to phrase this, I couldn't come up with it.
Note that while the specific link above is for ARM (which is what I'm guessing the OP is using), I believe the same text applies to all platforms that support naked.

Defining preprocessor symbols for CLion analyzer

In my project there's a file enclosed in an ifdef preprocessor directive
... entire file ...
SOME_SYMBOL is defined by another file that's compiled before this one, and the code works as expected, but the static analyzer isn't aware of this symbol and so it treats SOME_SYMBOL is undefined. The entire file has no syntax highlighting and some of the analysis is just skipped (e.g. syntax error highlighting).
Is there a way to tell the analyzer to treat this symbol as defined without defining it in CMakeLists.txt?
I don't have the option of defining SOME_SYMBOL in CMakeLists.txt since the project depends on it being undefined in some compilation paths (changing this would be near impossible).
Seems like this is currently an open issue with JetBrains. See Issue CPP-2286
Clion now has a macro which you can use to detect the IDE:
#ifdef __JETBRAINS_IDE__
// Stuff that only clion will see goes here
This allows you to put in defines to make clion render your code properly in cases where it can't be clever enough to figure it out.
The __JETBRAINS_IDE__ macro's value is a version string for the IDE. Specific versions of the macro exist for different Jetbrains IDEs: __CLION_IDE__, __STUDIO_IDE__ (for Android Studio), and __APPCODE_IDE__ (for AppCode).
To get syntax highlighting:
Go to Settings ⇒ Editor ⇒ Colors&Fonts ⇒ C/C++ and remove all ticks for 'Conditionally non-compiled code'. This way all code will show up with the usual highlighting.
The task has no solution for common case.
But! You can find the target and related resolve context, where SOME_SYMBOL is defined. the status bar you can find the Resolve Context chooser for switching between the Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel contexts to resolve your code in the IDE with the desired definitions.

Binding Lua to Ada in win32 (xp,vista,etc.)?

There is only one public library for binding Lua to Ada I have found (, but how can it be used on a Windows platform? What do I need to use in my ada-project to get libraries defined in project-files working properly?
I tried to put lua sources in my ada-project directory befory compiling but that does nothing - GNAT raises an error like undefined reference to <c++ function>.
Windows doesn't seem to be on Lua-Ada's list of supported platforms. Still, the bindings ought to be somewhat portable to other Gnat platforms. You would need to get hold of a Windows Lua library (most likely a DLL) and graft the two together somehow though.
It's doable - I did something similar with Clips once. However, anyone doing this is going to need to be (or become) quite conversant with the C/C++ linker, Mingwin's support for Windows libraries (typically through DLLs), and how Ada interfaces to C linkages work.
Only by testing and testing once more I found how to bind safely Lua.
First of all is to unpack lua-ext.c from Ada-Lua package and all Lua-sources to main Ada-project directory. Then renaming lua.c to lual.c (or something equal) to eliminate error with same object-file name ('>lua.o | lua.c->lua.o'). The last one is to turn on C-compiler in GNAT. It could be done via "Project - Edit project properties - Languages".
That's all I made to have my lua-files work with Ada-program.
P.S. To turn on all available Lua-libraries in Ada-program should be called those two procedures:
Lua.Lib.Open_Base(Lua.State_t); -- this will append to _G all main functions
Lua.Lib.Open_Libs(Lua.State_t); -- this will append math, string, package, etc. libraries
