Is there a way to execute a multiple test methods in order on parameterized data - bdd

I am using JUnit5 and and wanted to construct my test class with ordered methods over a set of data.
So far I've looked into nested tests but I cannot seem to get the desired output
Is there anyway to do this? Can someone maybe just point me in the right direction because I've been tackling this for hours.
void shouldGetTestCaseNumber(Map<Object, Object> excelData) {
System.out.println(excelData.get("Test Case "));
void shouldGetEntitlement(Map<Object, Object> excelData) {
Collection<Arguments> getTestData() throws IOException {
TestDataService testDataService = new TestDataService();
List<Arguments> data = new ArrayList<>();
for(Object[] d: testDataService.getData()){
return data;
Right now the output would have all test cases for shouldGetTestCaseNumber() followed by shouldGetEntitlement() but I would like a single test case as
Test Case 1
Test Case 2
Like I said, I would just life if someone could point me in the right direction and I could go from there

No, it's not possible with the current feature set.
There's an open issue for this at ... and lot of related ones.
You may resort to dynamic tests and roll your own lightweight tests structure. But you'll loose all features that parameterized tests provide.


Can an Azure Function be Executed for Multiple Environments

I've encountered a dependency injection scenario which I cannot find a way through.
We currently have an Azure function.
We are using dependency injection via the FunctionsStartup attribute.
That all works fine, until I get asked to make it work for multiple environments.
The tester found it too onerous to deploy to 7 different environments, so I was asked to re-jig the function so that it runs (in a loop) for those environments.
That means 7 different IConfigurations and somehow having 7 separate compartmentalised IOC registrations of services.
I can't think of a way of doing that, without significantly re-structuring the way abstractions are being resolved. Even if you set up registrations in a loop and inject an IEnumerable of a service, when it goes to resolve a child dependency, it just pulls the last one registered, rather than the one which was meant to correlate with the current item being iterated.
So, something like this (using Autofac):
foreach (var configuration in configurations)
containerBuilder.Register<ICosmosDbService<AccountUsage>>(sp =>
var dBConfig = CosmosDBHelper.GetProjectDatabaseConfig(configuration.Value, Project.Jupiter);
return CosmosClientInitializer<AccountUsage>.Initialize(dBConfig);
private readonly IEnumerable<IAccountUsageService> _accountUsageService;
public JobScheduler(IEnumerable<IAccountUsageService> accountUsageService)
_accountUsageService = accountUsageService;
public async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 */2 * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"Job Scheduler Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
foreach (var usageService in _accountUsageService)
var logs = await usageService.GetCurrentAccountUsage("gfkjdsasjfa");
// ...
I realise this kind of DI usage is not ideal (and does not even work).
Is there a way to structure an Azure Function such that it can execute for different configurations in a compartmentalised manner? Or is this really just fighting against the technology?
You've got a couple of ways to do this - either inject the right dependencies into the function constructor, or resolve them dynamically using a service-locater type approach with a named instance.
Let's consider the second approach and what it would mean for your implementation. As you demonstrated, you'd be looping through your instances and resolving the dependency you want to use, then invoking it
foreach (var usageService in _accountUsageService)
var logs = await usageService.GetCurrentAccountUsage("named-instance");
This is technically possible, but now you're doing batch processing - you're doing more than once piece of work that's been triggered by a single event (the timer object), which means you have to deal with a couple of extra problems. What should you do if there's a failure with one of the instances, and what to do if one of the instances is running slowly?
Ideally, you want functions to do the smallest bit of work they can, and complete quickly - You don't want failure or slowness with one particular instance impacting the other instances. By breaking it down to the smallest piece of work (think, one event trigger does one piece of work) then you can take advantage of the functions runtime for things like retries on failures, and threading and concurrency is now being done for you by the runtime.
You could then think about a couple of ways you could do this. a) multiple function signatures and a service resolver approach, e.g.
public class JobScheduler
public JobScheduler(IEnumerable<IAccountUsageService> accountUsageService)
_accountUsageService = accountUsageService;
public Task FirstInstance([TimerTrigger("%MetricPoller:Schedule%")] TimerInfo myTimer)
var logs = await _accountUsageService.GetNamedInstance("instance-a");
public Task SecondInstance([TimerTrigger("%MetricPoller:Schedule%")] TimerInfo myTimer)
var logs = _accountUsageService.GetNamedInstance("instance-b");
or b), multiple classes with the necessary dependencies injected
public class JobSchedulerFirstInstance
public JobSchedulerFirstInstance(ILogs logs)
_logs = logs;
public Task FirstInstance([TimerTrigger("%MetricPoller:Schedule%")] TimerInfo myTimer)
I'd personally lean towards multiple classes approach, and register named instances with my container. A bit of extra wire up work needed, but you'll end up with lots of small classes that all look very similar that are basically jus t plumbing that the functions runtime executes.

Dataflow: DoFn to return KV after a Join

it is the first time for me dealing with a performance critic Dataflow job.
When trying to fix the performance issue I'm having I then started to introduce this kind of pattern in order to try minimise the number of methods calls.
Code before
PCollection<KV<Long, TableRow> result = Join.leftOuterJoin("Joining AlfaCollection with BetaCollection", alfaCollection, betaCollection, Beta.newBuilder().build())
.apply("Keying via my_field", WithKeys.of((TableRow tr) -> tr.get("my_field")))
Code after
PCollection<KV<Long, TableRow> result = Join.leftOuterJoin("Joining AlfaCollection with BetaCollection", alfaCollection, betaCollection, Beta.newBuilder().build())
where ToTableRowKVParDo is implemented like
public class ToTableRowKVParDo extends DoFn<KV<Alfa, Beta>, KV<Long, TableRoW> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
KV<Alfa, Beta> kv = c.element().getValue();
Alfa a = kv.getKey();
TableRoW tr = new TableRow();
c.output(KV.of(a.getKey(), tr));
saying that my pipeline is still suffering of performance issues, my question for now is: is this considered a good approach/pattern or it is not? which version of the code is to be considered better than the other?
Dataflow will automatically fuse these steps together; it is generally best practice to use distinct Beam operations for distinct logical operations (just as one would with functions). It is rare for method calls to be the performance issue; instead I would look for things like reducing the data that needs to be shuffled (by filtering rows or columns if possible before the join).

Amazon SWF queries

Over the last couple of years, I have done a fair amount of work on Amazon SWF, but the following points are still unclear to me and I am not able to find any straight forward answers on any forums yet.
These are pretty basic requirements I suppose, sure others might have come across too. Would be great if someone can clarify these.
Is there a simple way to return a workflow execution result (maybe just something as simple as boolean) back to workflow starter?
Is there a way to catch Activity timeout exception, so that we can do run customised actions in such scenarios?
Why doesn't WorkflowExecutionHistory contains Activities, why just Events?
Why there is no simple way of restarting a workflow from the point it failed?
I am considering to use SWF for more business processes at my workplace, but these limitations/doubts are holding me back!
public class ReturnResultActivityImpl implements ReturnResultActivity {
SettableFuture future;
public ReturnResultActivityImpl() {
public ReturnResultActivityImpl(SettableFuture future) {
this.future = future;
public void returnResult(WorkflowResult workflowResult) {
System.out.print("Marking future as Completed");
public class WorkflowResult {
public WorkflowResult(boolean s, String n) {
this.success = s;
this.note = n;
private boolean success;
private String note;
public class WorkflowStarter {
ReturnResultActivityClient returnResultActivityClient;
DummyWorkflowClientExternalFactory dummyWorkflowClientExternalFactory;
AmazonSimpleWorkflowClient swfClient;
String domain = "test-domain;
boolean isRegister = true;
int days = 7;
int terminationTimeoutSeconds = 5000;
int threadPollCount = 2;
int taskExecutorThreadCount = 4;
public String testWorkflow() throws Exception {
SettableFuture<WorkflowResult> workflowResultFuture = SettableFuture.create();
String taskListName = "testTaskList-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(8);
ReturnResultActivity activity = new ReturnResultActivityImpl(workflowResultFuture);
SpringActivityWorker activityWorker = buildReturnResultActivityWorker(taskListName, Arrays.asList(activity));
DummyWorkflowClientExternalFactory factory = new DummyWorkflowClientExternalFactoryImpl(swfClient, domain);
WorkflowResult result = workflowResultSettableFuture.get(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return "Call result note - " + result.getNote();
public SpringActivityWorker buildReturnResultActivityWorker(String taskListName, List activityImplementations)
throws Exception {
return setupActivityWorker(swfClient, domain, taskListName, isRegister, days, activityImplementations,
terminationTimeoutSeconds, threadPollCount, taskExecutorThreadCount);
public class Workflow {
private DummyActivityClient dummyActivityClient;
private ReturnResultActivityClient returnResultActivityClient;
public void doSomething(final String resultActivityTaskListName) {
Promise<Void> activityPromise = dummyActivityClient.dummyActivity();
returnResult(resultActivityTaskListName, activityPromise);
private void returnResult(final String taskListname, Promise waitFor) {
ActivitySchedulingOptions schedulingOptions = new ActivitySchedulingOptions();
WorkflowResult result = new WorkflowResult(true,"All successful");
returnResultActivityClient.returnResult(result, schedulingOptions);
The standard pattern is to host a special activity in the workflow starter process that is used to deliver the result. Use a process specific task list to make sure that it is routed to a correct instance of the starter. Here are the steps to implement it:
Define an activity to receive the result. For example "returnResultActivity". Make this activity implementation to complete the Future passed to its constructor upon execution.
When the workflow is started it receives "resultActivityTaskList" as an input argument. At the end the workflow calls this activity with a workflow result. The activity is scheduled on the passed task list.
The workflow starter creates an ActivityWorker and an instance of a Future. Then it creates an instance of "returnResultActivity" with that future as a constructor parameter.
Then it registers the activity instance with the activity worker and configures it to poll on a randomly generated task list name. Then it calls "start workflow execution" passing the generated task list name as an input argument.
Then it wait on the Future to complete. The future.get() is going to return the workflow result.
Yes, if you are using the AWS Flow Framework a timeout exception is thrown when activity is timed out. If you are not using the Flow framework than you are making your life 100 times harder. BTW the workflow timeout is thrown into a parent workflow as a timeout exception as well. It is not possible to catch a workflow timeout exception from within the timing out instance itself. In this case it is recommended to not rely on workflow timeout, but just create a timer that would fire and notify workflow logic that some business event has timed out.
Because a single activity execution has multiple events associated to it. It should be pretty easy to write code that converts history to whatever representation of activities you like. Such code would just match the events that relate to each activities. Each event always has a reference to the related events, so it is easy to roll them up into higher level representation.
Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this one. Ideally SWF would support restarting workflow by copying its history up to the failure point. But it is not supported. I personally believe that workflow should be written in a way that it never fails but always deals with failures without failing. Obviously it doesn't work in case of failures due to unexpected conditions. In this case writing workflow in a way that it can be restarted from the beginning is the simplest approach.

Caching streams in Functional Reactive Programming

I have an application which is written entirely using the FRP paradigm and I think I am having performance issues due to the way that I am creating the streams. It is written in Haxe but the problem is not language specific.
For example, I have this function which returns a stream that resolves every time a config file is updated for that specific section like the following:
function getConfigSection(section:String) : Stream<Map<String, String>> {
return configFileUpdated()
In the reactive programming library I am using called promhx each step of the chain should remember its last resolved value but I think every time I call this function I am recreating the stream and reprocessing each step. This is a problem with the way I am using it rather than the library.
Since this function is called everywhere parsing the YAML every time it is needed is killing the performance and is taking up over 50% of the CPU time according to profiling.
As a fix I have done something like the following using a Map stored as an instance variable that caches the streams:
function getConfigSection(section:String) : Stream<Map<String, String>> {
var cachedStream = this._streamCache.get(section);
if (cachedStream != null) {
return cachedStream;
var stream = configFileUpdated()
this._streamCache.set(section, stream);
return stream;
This might be a good solution to the problem but it doesn't feel right to me. I am wondering if anyone can think of a cleaner solution that maybe uses a more functional approach (closures etc.) or even an extension I can add to the stream like a cache function.
Another way I could do it is to create the streams before hand and store them in fields that can be accessed by consumers. I don't like this approach because I don't want to make a field for every config section, I like being able to call a function with a specific section and get a stream back.
I'd love any ideas that could give me a fresh perspective!
Well, I think one answer is to just abstract away the caching like so:
class Test {
static function main() {
var sideeffects = 0;
var cached = memoize(function (x) return x + sideeffects++);
#:generic static function memoize<In, Out>(f:In->Out):In->Out {
var m = new Map<In, Out>();
function (input:In)
return switch m[input] {
case null: m[input] = f(input);
case output: output;
You may be able to find a more "functional" implementation for memoize down the road. But the important thing is that it is a separate thing now and you can use it at will.
You may choose to memoize(parseYaml) so that toggling two states in the file actually becomes very cheap after both have been parsed once. You can also tweak memoize to manage the cache size according to whatever strategy proves the most valuable.

May a scenario not have a When in BDD?

I'm currently learning/testing BDD using SpecFlow, and it works great!
Before I choose to ask my question, I have read this one, and I felt like I had to ask my question despite the fact that the same problem is addressed, because of the Exception scenario which is not mentioned.
I'm actually testing this scenario:
Scenario: I should get an error whenever I try to remove an item from an empty stack
Given I have an empty stack
When I pop from it
Then I should get an error
public class StackBehaviour {
public void GivenIHaveAnEmptyStack() { stack = new CustomStack<string>(); }
// This will throw whenever called!
// So the Then method will never be run!
// I feel like I should just put a comment which says why it's empty,
// allowing a fellow programmer to understand the exact intention.
public void WhenIPopFromIt() { stack.Pop(); }
// It is here that it verifies whether the CustomStack meets the expected behaviour.
public void ThenIShouldGetAnError() {
Assert.Throws<IndexOutOfRangeException>(delegate {
private CustomStack<string> stack;
public class CustomStack<T> {
public T Pop() {
if (stack.Count == 0)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Cannot pop from an empty stack!");
T item = stack[stack.Count-1];
return item;
private ArrayList stack = new ArrayList();
I think that leaving a comment in the When method is correct, so that the business requirement doesn't lack any information, and on the code behind, I put it clear what my intention is exactly by commenting.
What do you think? Any other ideas why I shouldn't make it?
There is another trick that you can use where the bindings help make the feature's meaning a little clearer. In this case, let's start at the end.
Then I should get an error
Your problem is a basically here, you know want an error, but you don't know how to get it. In fact you've already missed it, the error has already occurred in the When step, and in your code example, you moved the action into the then step just so you could get the error.
But what if keep the when performing the action amd re-express our then to reflect what really happens
Then I should have had an error
Seems a trivial change but now our feature reflects that the error should have been associated with the When step and we are simply evaluating it later, and that is something we can code. We just need something to remember the error in the when and deliver it to the then.
private Exception errorFromWhen = null;
public void WhenIPopFromIt()
catch(Exception ex)
errorFromWhen = ex;
public void ThenIShouldGetAnError()
SpecFlow has absolutely no problems with this, in fact due to its mini Dependency injection system, you can even pass this state between binding classes if necessary.
May a scenario not have a When in BDD?
In Specflow, neither given, when or then are mandatory.
However in your example, I don't believe this is a good use of Specflow and BDD. In this answer here Marcus states:
"BDD is about ensuring that we're building the right thing, TDD is about ensuring that we're building it right."
In your example the scope of what is being tested i.e. the CustomStack, should be tested via TDD. It is the end solution that makes use of the CustomStack should be tested via BDD (and hence SpecFlow) e.g. if this CustomStack was being exercised via a certain action on a website.
This answer is also pertinent to your question.
