Docker - Cannot start or stop container groups through Docker Dashboard - docker

I am new to Docker and have been running the Example Voting App (suggested by the getting-started guide).
I have encountered an issue where i can start and stop each individual container within the desktop dashboard, but no start or stop command is passed when i start or stop the containers as a group. I get no logs and no other helpful information as to why this is happening.
I can start and stop the containers as a group from command line by simply navigating to the repository folder and calling docker-compose start/stop, but i'd like the functionality to be able to do it from the desktop dashboard.
Some other things that I have encountered that may* relate to the issue:
I encountered issues with the dashboard GUI not properly displaying when containers were deleted.
I had to enable file sharing on my C Drive to even be able 'import' half of the repository files. This was not listed as something that
you needed to do on the getting-started guide so im assuming it
shouldnt actually be a necessary thing to do.
= Windows 10 =


Why does Docker randomly throw this a 'Permission Denied' error when trying to stop a container?

I am trying to stop a docker container and get the following error:
This happens randomly on occasion and it is very frustrating to have restart the docker service and relaunch all my containers.
Would anyone know what could be happening to cause this? As far I have seen or know, there has not been any changes made to the container since they have been launched, may some changes in the content of the data in the containers. Also if people need more information, I would be happy to provide.
FYI everything that I am doing I am doing as a root user.

VS Code log into container as specific user

I built a Debian 10 sandbox container where I could play with my code bases. I added a user to maintain a permission wall between sudo commands typed too quickly with
in the Dockerfile. However, when I build the container with that user as default login option VS Code fails to connect to the container with
Error: stream ended with:124 but wanted 1128865906
This is the initial error that brought me down this path.
If I do not specify the default user in the Dockerfile I can connect fine but VSCode server in the container runs as root. Now, that becomes a mess with file permissions etc if I start working on stuff.
Any idea what is going on? Can I set user names when I log into a container?
I also thought of enabling SSH on the container and connect through VS SSH but that failed thus far...

Docker logs from go container (log and fmt) stop after init

I'm working on an application which consists of a number of go containers. I manage them with docker compose. Recently I've been having trouble getting logs out of them. When I run "docker logs [container-name]", I only see logs that were created during init for packages in my application, and during main before the service starts listening. Subsequent calls to log.Println or fmt.Println do not appear in the output of "docker logs".
Do you know what could be going on?
You may want to write your logs into the /dev/stdout
or simply use
From log package

Setting up a container from a users github source

Can be closed, not sure how to do it.
I am to be quite frank lost right now, the user whom published his source on github somehow failed to update the installation instructions when he released a new branch. Now, I am not dense, just uneducated when it comes to docker. I would really appreciate a push in the right direction. If I am missing any information from this post, please allow me to provide it in the comments.
Current Setup
O/S - Debian 8 Minimal (Latest kernel)
Hardware - 1GB VPS (KVM)
Docker - Installed with Compose (# docker info)
I am attempting to setup this (, first I should clone this git to my working directory? Lets say /home for example. I will run the following command;
git clone -b docker_and_rework
Which has successfully cloned the source files into /home/ddns/... (working dir)
Now I believe I am supposed to go ahead and build something*, so I go into the following directory;
Inside contains a docker-compose.yml file, I am not sure what this does but by looking at it, it appears to be sending a bunch of instructions which I can only presume is to do with actually deploying or building the whole container/image or magical thing right? From here I go ahead and do the following;
docker-compose build
As we can see, I believe its building the container or image or whatever its called, you get my point (here). After a short while, that completes and we can see the following (docker images running). Which is correct, I see all of the dependencies in there, but things like;
go version
It does not show as a command, so I presume I need to run it inside the container maybe? If so I dont have a clue how, I need to run 'ddns.go' which is inside /home/ddns, the execution command is;
ddns backend
I am also curious why the front end web page is not showing? There should be a page like this;
But again, I believe there is some more to do I just do not know what??
docker-compose build will only build the images.
You need to run this. It will build and run them.
docker-compose up -d
The -d option runs containers in the background
To check if it's running after docker-compose up
docker-compose ps
It will show what is running and what ports are exposed from the container.
Usually you can access services from your localhost
If you want to have a look inside the container
docker-compose exec SERVICE /bin/bash
Where SERVICE is the name of the service in docker-compose.yml
The instructions it runs that you probably care about are in the Dockerfile, which for that repo is in the docker/ddns/ directory. What you're missing is that Dockerfile creates an image, which is a template to create an instance. Every time you docker run you'll create a new instance from the image. docker run docker_ddns go version will create a new instance of the image, run go version and output it, then die. Running long running processes like the docker_ddns-web image probably does will run the process until something kills that process. The reason you can't see the web page is probably because you haven't run docker-compose up yet, which will create linked instances of all of the docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file. Hope this helps

Docker with Plesk: Random Container spawned

I played around with Docker and followed this Tutorial.
Using the docker functionality in Plesk, I pulled my created container from docker hub and ran it. When trying to remove it again, it threw an error message, which I didnt capture (didnt expected anything strange at that point). Then, when going back to the container overview it gave me the screen shown below.
Now, the container in the middle is mine (get-started), however, where the hell did angry_kare and peaceful_haibt come from?
Thank you guys for any answers or ideas! :)
(Im am currently not able to reproduce this :/)
Random containers spawned
When you run the container without a name. Docker will create containers with random names. The two containers which your having are the previously failed containers.
