I have a future that is a python set that I broadcasted (LocalCluster):
In [0]: [set_future] = client.scatter([_set], broadcast=True)
In [1]: set_future
Out[1]: Future: set status: finished, type: builtins.set, key: set-529f704c52fef330450e5d68302fbeac
Now I simply want to have that data available in my map_partitons op:
In [2]: def mapper(pdf, _set):
assert type(_set)==set
return pdf
ddf.map_partitions(mapper, set_future)
Out[2]: AssertionError()
However, in the mapper the type is distributed.client.Future and not set. The future doesn't seem to be recovered from the cluster. What am I doing wrong?
If you don't provide meta to map_partitions then Dask will try to infer it w/ dummy data and will actually evaluation your mapping function. However, in this context, the futures don't resolve from the cluster which will cause your function to error.
In summary, if you are using futures, you must provide meta.
we are trying to add parameters to a transformation at the runtime. The only possible way to do so, is to set every single parameter and not a node. We don't know yet how to create a node for the setParameter.
Current setParameter:
QName TEST XdmAtomicValue 24
Expected setParameter:
<TempNode> <local>Value1</local> </TempNode>
We searched and tried to create a XdmNode and XdmItem.
If you want to create an XdmNode by parsing XML, the best way to do it is:
DocumentBuilder db = processor.newDocumentBuilder();
XdmNode node = db.build(new StreamSource(
new StringReader("<doc><elem/></doc>")));
You could also pass a string containing lexical XML as the parameter value, and then convert it to a tree by calling the XPath parse-xml() function.
If you want to construct the XdmNode programmatically, there are a number of options:
DocumentBuilder.newBuildingStreamWriter() gives you an instance of BuildingStreamWriter which extends XmlStreamWriter, and you can create the document by writing events to it using methods such as writeStartElement, writeCharacters, writeEndElement; at the end call getDocumentNode() on the BuildingStreamWriter, which gives you an XdmNode. This has the advantage that XmlStreamWriter is a standard API, though it's not actually a very nice one, because the documentation isn't very good and as a result implementations vary in their behaviour.
Another event-based API is Saxon's Push class; this differs from most push-based event APIs in that rather than having a flat sequence of methods like:
you have a nested sequence:
Element x = Document.elem('x');
As mentioned by Martin, there is the "sapling" API: Saplings.doc().withChild(elem(...).withChild(elem(...)) etc. This API is rather radically different from anything you might be familiar with (though it's influenced by the LINQ API for tree construction on .NET) but once you've got used to it, it reads very well. The Sapling API constructs a very light-weight tree in memory (hance the name), and converts it to a fully-fledged XDM tree with a final call of SaplingDocument.toXdmNode().
If you're familiar with DOM, JDOM2, or XOM, you can construct a tree using any of those libraries and then convert it for use by Saxon. That's a bit convoluted and only really intended for applications that are already using a third-party tree model heavily (or for users who love these APIs and prefer them to anything else).
In the Saxon Java s9api, you can construct temporary trees as SaplingNode/SaplingElement/SaplingDocument, see https://www.saxonica.com/html/documentation12/javadoc/net/sf/saxon/sapling/SaplingDocument.html and https://www.saxonica.com/html/documentation12/javadoc/net/sf/saxon/sapling/SaplingElement.html.
To give you a simple example constructing from a Map, as you seem to want to do:
Processor processor = new Processor();
Map<String, String> xsltParameters = new HashMap<>();
xsltParameters.put("foo", "value 1");
xsltParameters.put("bar", "value 2");
SaplingElement saplingElement = new SaplingElement("Test");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : xsltParameters.entrySet())
saplingElement = saplingElement.withChild(new SaplingElement(param.getKey()).withText(param.getValue()));
XdmNode paramNode = saplingElement.toXdmNode(processor);
outputs e.g. <Test><bar>value 2</bar><foo>value 1</foo></Test>.
So the key is to understand that withChild() returns a new SaplingElement.
The code can be compacted using streams e.g.
XdmNode paramNode2 = Saplings.elem("root").withChild(
.map(p -> Saplings.elem(p.getKey()).withText(p.getValue()))
I am implementing a Pub/Sub to BigQuery pipeline. It looks similar to How to create read transform using ParDo and DoFn in Apache Beam, but here, I have already a PCollection created.
I am following what is described in the Apache Beam documentation to implement a ParDo operation to prepare a table row using the following pipeline:
static class convertToTableRowFn extends DoFn<PubsubMessage, TableRow> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
PubsubMessage message = c.element();
// Retrieve data from message
String rawData = message.getData();
Instant timestamp = new Instant(new Date());
// Prepare TableRow
TableRow row = new TableRow().set("message", rawData).set("ts_reception", timestamp);
// Read input from Pub/Sub
pipeline.apply("Read from Pub/Sub",PubsubIO.readMessagesWithAttributes().fromTopic(topicPath))
.apply("Prepare raw data for insertion", ParDo.of(new convertToTableRowFn()))
.apply("Insert in Big Query", BigQueryIO.writeTableRows().to(BQTable));
I found the DoFn function in a gist.
I keep getting the following error:
The method apply(String, PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>) in the type PCollection<PubsubMessage> is not applicable for the arguments (String, ParDo.SingleOutput<PubsubMessage,TableRow>)
I always understood that a ParDo/DoFn operations is a element-wise PTransform operation, am I wrong ? I never got this type of error in Python, so I'm a bit confused about why this is happening.
You're right, ParDos are element-wise transforms and your approach looks correct.
What you're seeing is the compilation error. Something like this happens when the argument type of the apply() method that was inferred by java compiler doesn't match the type of the actual input, e.g. convertToTableRowFn.
From the error you're seeing it looks like java infers that the second parameter for apply() is of type PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>, while you're passing the subclass of ParDo.SingleOutput<PubsubMessage,TableRow> instead (your convertToTableRowFn). Looking at the definition of SingleOutput your convertToTableRowFn is basically a PTransform<PCollection<? extends PubsubMessage>, PCollection<TableRow>>. And java fails to use it in apply where it expects PTransform<? super PCollection<PubsubMessage>,OutputT>.
What looks suspicious is that java didn't infer the OutputT to PCollection<TableRow>. One reason it would fail to do so if you have other errors. Are you sure you don't have other errors as well?
For example, looking at convertToTableRowFn you're calling message.getData() which doesn't exist when I'm trying to do it and it fails compilation there. In my case I need to do something like this instead: rawData = new String(message.getPayload(), Charset.defaultCharset()). Also .to(BQTable)) expects a string (e.g. a string representing the BQ table name) as an argument, and you're passing some unknown symbol BQTable (maybe it exists in your program somewhere though and this is not a problem in your case).
After I fix these two errors your code compiles for me, apply() is fully inferred and the types are compatible.
I'm using dataflow to generate a large amount of data.
I've tested two versions of my pipeline: one with a side input (of varying sizes), and other other without.
When I run the pipeline without the side input, my job will finish in about 7 minutes. When I run my job with the side input, my job will never finish.
Here's what my DoFn looks like:
public class MyDoFn extends DoFn<String, String> {
final PCollectionView<Map<String, Iterable<TreeMap<Long, Float>>>> pCollectionView;
final List<CSVRecord> stuff;
private Aggregator<Integer, Integer> dofnCounter =
createAggregator("DoFn Counter", new Sum.SumIntegerFn());
public MyDoFn(PCollectionView<Map<String, Iterable<TreeMap<Long, Float>>>> pcv, List<CSVRecord> m) {
this.pCollectionView = pcv;
this.stuff = m;
public void processElement(ProcessContext processContext) throws Exception {
Map<String, Iterable<TreeMap<Long, Float>>> pdata = processContext.sideInput(pCollectionView);
processContext.output(AnotherClass.generateData(stuff, pdata));
And here's what my pipeline looks like:
final Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().create());
PCollection<KV<String, TreeMap<Long, Float>>> data;
data = p.apply(TextIO.Read.from("gs://where_the_files_are/*").named("Reading Data"))
.apply(ParDo.named("Parsing data").of(new DoFn<String, KV<String, TreeMap<Long, Float>>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext processContext) throws Exception {
// Parse some data
processContext.output(KV.of(key, value));
final PCollectionView<Map<String, Iterable<TreeMap<Long, Float>>>> pcv =
data.apply(GroupByKey.<String, TreeMap<Long, Float>>create())
.apply(View.<String, Iterable<TreeMap<Long, Float>>>asMap());
DoFn<String, String> dofn = new MyDoFn(pcv, localList);
.apply(ParDo.named("Generating the Data").withSideInputs(pvc).of(dofn))
We've spent about two days trying various methods of getting this to work. We've narrowed it down to the inclusion of the side input. If the processContext is modified to not use the side input, it will still be very slow as long as it's included. If we don't call .withSideInput() it's very fast again.
Just to clarify, we've tested this on sideinput sizes from 20mb - 1.5gb.
Very grateful for any insight.
Including a few job ID's:
2016-01-21_08_04_33-1642110636871153093 (latest)
Please try out the Dataflow SDK 1.5.0+, they should have addressed the known performance problems of your issue.
Side inputs in the Dataflow SDK 1.5.0+ use a new distributed format when running batch pipelines. Note that streaming pipelines and pipelines using older versions of the Dataflow SDK are still subject to re-reading the side input if the view can not be cached entirely in memory.
With the new format, we use an index to provide a block based lookup and caching strategy. Thus when looking into a list by index or looking into a map by key, only the block that contains said index or key will be loaded. Having a cache size which is greater than the working set size will aid in performance as frequently accessed indices/keys will not require re-reading the block they are contained in.
Side inputs in the Dataflow SDK can, indeed, introduce slowness if not used carefully. Most often, this happens when each worker has to re-read the entire side input per main input element.
You seem to be using a PCollectionView created via asMap. In this case, the entire side input PCollection must fit into memory of each worker. When needed, Dataflow SDK will copy this data on each worker to create such a map.
That said, the map on each worker may be created just once or multiple times, depending on several factors. If its size is small enough (usually less than 100 MB), it is likely that the map is read only once per worker and reused across elements and across bundles. However, if its size cannot fit into our cache (or something else evicts it from the cache), the entire map may be re-read again and again on each worker. This is, most often, the root-cause of the slowness.
The cache size is controllable via PipelineOptions as follows, but due to several important bugfixes, this should be used in version 1.3.0 and later only.
DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions opts = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().create().cloneAs(DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions.class);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(opts);
For the time being, the fix is to change the structure of the pipeline to avoid excessive re-reading. I cannot offer you a specific advice there, as you haven't shared enough information about your use case. (Please post a separate question if needed.)
We are actively working on a related feature we refer to as distributed side inputs. This will allow a lookup into the side input PCollection without constructing the entire map on the worker. It should significantly help performance in this and related cases. We expect to release this very shortly.
I didn't see anything particularly suspicious about the two jobs you have quoted. They've been cancelled relatively quickly.
I'm manually setting the cache size when creating the pipeline in the following manner:
DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions opts = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().create().cloneAs(DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions.class);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(opts);
for a side input of ~25mb, this speeds up the execution time considerably (job id 2016-01-25_08_42_52-657610385797048159) vs. creating a pipeline in the manner below (job id 2016-01-25_07_56_35-14864561652521586982)
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().create();
However, when the side input is increased to ~400mb, no increase in cache size improves performance. Theoretically, is all the memory indicated by the GCE machine type available for use by the worker? What would invalidate or evict something from the worker cache, forcing the re-read?
Is it possible to have the DataFlow process maintain the state. There are log processing tools that allow for that by providing fast access (propriety / in-memory) files available for the real time process to keep track of the state on the logs while processing them.
A use case example would be with tracking registration steps taken by users. The registration steps would come in different logs and the data form those logs would be assembled by the real time process into one final database record (for each registered user) that is written to a database.
Can my DataFLow code keep track of the many registration steps (streaming input) by users and once user's registration steps are completed then have the DataFLow process write the records to the database (one record per user).
I don't know much about DataFlow architecture. It must be using some (proprietary / in-memory nosql) data storage for keeping track of things it needs to keep track of (ex. when it tries to produce top 100 customers). Is that fast access data storage also available to the DataFlow processes to use?
As danielm said, state is not yet exposed. The good news is you may not need it for your use case.
If you have a PCollection<KV<UserId, LogEvent>> you can use a CombineFn and Combine.perKey to take all of the LogEvents for a specific UserId and combine them into a single output. The CombineFn tells Dataflow how to create an accumulator, update it by incorporating input elements, and then extract a final output. Transforms like Top actually use a CombineFn (with a Heap as the accumulator) rather than an actual state API.
If your events are of different types, you can still do something like this. For instance, if you have two logs, you can do:
PCollection<KV<UserId, LogEvent1>> events1 = ...;
PCollection<KV<UserId, LogEvent2>> events2 = ...;
// Create tuple tags for the value types in each collection.
final TupleTag<LogEvent1> tag1 = new TupleTag<LogEvent1>();
final TupleTag<LogEvent2> tag2 = new TupleTag<LogEvent2>();
//Merge collection values into a CoGbkResult collection
PCollection<KV<UserIf, CoGbkResult>> coGbkResultCollection =
KeyedPCollectionTuple.of(tag1, pt1)
.and(tag2, pt2)
// Access results and do something.
PCollection<T> finalResultCollection =
new DoFn<KV<K, CoGbkResult>, T>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
KV<K, CoGbkResult> e = c.element();
// Get all LogEvent1 values
Iterable<LogEvent1> event1s = e.getValue().getAll(tag1);
// There will only be one LogEvent2
LogEvent2 event2 = e.getValue().getOnly(tag2);
... Do Something to compute T ....
c.output(...some T...);
The above example was adapted from docs on CoGroupByKey which have information.
Dataflow does not currently expose the underlying state mechanism that it uses. However, this is definitely on the radar for a future update.
I'd like my Dart program to print to the dev console of my browser. How can I print to the console (DevTools's console, for example) ?
Use print() to print a string to the console of your browser:
import 'dart:html';
main() {
var value = querySelector('input').value;
print('The value of the input is: $value');
You will see a message printed to the developer console.
If you simlpy want to print text to the console you can use print('Text').
But if you want to access the advanced fatures of the DevTools console you need to use the Console class from dart:html: Console.log('Text').
It supports printing on different levels (info, warn, error, debug). It also allows to print tables and other more advanced features. Note that these are not supported in every browser! It's sad that the documentation about the Console class is incomplete, but you can take a look at the documentation of Chrome here and here.
There is log() from import 'dart:developer' library also.
int name = "Something";
log("ClassName: successfully initialized: $name");
[log] ClassName: successfully initialized: Something
Please note that log and debugPrint taking a value of String not like print. So, you have to add .toString() at the end or use with String interpolation like I used in above example.
From doc:
You have two options for logging for your application. The first is to
use stdout and stderr. Generally, this is done using print()
statements, or by importing dart:io and invoking methods on stderr and
stdout. For example:
stderr.writeln('print me');
If you output too much at once, then Android sometimes discards some
log lines. To avoid this, use debugPrint(), from Flutter’s foundation
library. This is a wrapper around print that throttles the output to a
level that avoids being dropped by Android’s kernel.
The other option for application logging is to use the dart:developer
log() function. This allows you to include a bit more granularity and
information in the logging output. Here’s an example:
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
void main() {
developer.log('log me', name: 'my.app.category');
developer.log('log me 1', name: 'my.other.category');
developer.log('log me 2', name: 'my.other.category');
You can also pass application data to the log call. The convention for
this is to use the error: named parameter on the log() call, JSON
encode the object you want to send, and pass the encoded string to the
error parameter.
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer' as developer;
void main() {
var myCustomObject = ...;
'log me',
name: 'my.app.category',
error: jsonEncode(myCustomObject),
If viewing the logging output in DevTool’s logging view, the JSON
encoded error param is interpreted as a data object and rendered in
the details view for that log entry.
read more(It's cool like a tutorial).
If you are here for Flutter, there's debugPrint which you should use.
Here's the doc text for the same.
/// Prints a message to the console, which you can access using the "flutter"
/// tool's "logs" command ("flutter logs").
/// By default, this function very crudely attempts to throttle the rate at
/// which messages are sent to avoid data loss on Android. This means that
/// interleaving calls to this function (directly or indirectly via, e.g.,
/// [debugDumpRenderTree] or [debugDumpApp]) and to the Dart [print] method can
/// result in out-of-order messages in the logs.
You might get SDK version constraint as it is only for 2.2 and above.
Dart print() function works differently in different environment.
print() when used in console based application it outputs in the terminal console
print() when used in web based application it outputs to the developer console.
void main() {
print("HTML WebApp");
The only way I know , which is supported by dartpad ,is through using print();
by the way Dart uses the ${} syntax for expressions, or just a $ for single value.
int x=3;
print('hello world') ;
print(x) ;
print('x = $x') ;
and her is the link for the documentation
print method!