How to delete empty cells and shift up in Google Sheets? - google-sheets

Is there a way to delete empty cells in a given range and shift the column up to the desired display as shown below? Closest I came was
which removes empty cells, but splits the first names and surnames into separate cells, which I have not figured out how to avoid. Pfa a made-up sample of current and desired displays:
Current Display
Desired Display

I'm new at this, but I came up with a bit of a brute force method, which may help you.
{FILTER(A2:A100,A2:A100<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(A2:A100))},
{FILTER(B2:B100,B2:B100<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(B2:B100))},
{FILTER(C2:C100,C2:C100<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(C2:C100))}}
Assuming your data block is in columns A1:C100, this formula filters blank cells from each individual column, and then pads each column with blank cells at the bottom, to make the three arrays equal in length/dimension.
Note that in "100-counta(...", the 100 is the expected maximum length of your data column.
This could be calculated, and must be the same for all three columns.
Note also that the first array is horizontal (ends with a semi-colon), followed by the three columns, stacked beside each other (ends with a comma).
Here is a working example.
If I missed something you were trying to achieve, let me know.
Also, I'm sure that there is a more elegant way to do this, or one not requiring the use of a block of "reserved" blank cells, but I couldn't think of that at the moment.
Edit: The formula as follows also works. But you need to remember to set the "100" value to be equal to the number of rows in your data block, since we pad the columns with the necessary number of blanks rows, after removing the blank cells in each column.
{FILTER(A2:A,A2:A<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(A2:A))},
{FILTER(B2:B,B2:B<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(B2:B))},
{FILTER(C2:C,C2:C<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(C2:C))}}


How do I create a list of non-repeating cells/numbers in Google Sheets?

I’m trying to emulate Minesweeper in Google Sheets, and for this I want to create a second map adjacent to the first with all of the correct values already in it. To randomize bomb position, I need a list of random numbers or cells(cells would be preferable). However, I cannot figure out how to do this without ending up repeating numbers. The result would ideally be a vertical array of cell coordinates. Thank you!
The following formula should produce the result you desire:
In =MAKEARRAY, change the first 10 to adjust how many rows to randomly choose from, or the second 10 to adjust how many columns to choose from. The value in =RANDARRAY must be equal to the product of the number of rows and the number of columns. (e.g. in the above example, 10*10=100).
Change the 20 to adjust how many randomly chosen values to return.
=MAKEARRAY is used to generate an array of every possible row and column combination. It accepts a =LAMBDA, which in this case is just the =ADDRESS function. The first two arguments of =MAKEARRAY determine how large the array should be, which is why changing them adjusts how many rows/columns to randomly pick from.
Then, the result of =MAKEARRAY is squashed into a single column using the =FLATTEN formula.
Finally, the entire thing is sorted randomly using =SORTN combined with =RANDARRAY. =SORTN also limits the number of results that are returned dependent on its second argument, which is why changing it adjusts how many results are returned.
If you want information on how to "freeze" the value of =RANDARRAY so it doesn't recalculate each time you change something, check out this question by player0.
Functions used:

Google Sheets - Split Rows From Within One Cell and Drag adjacent Names to Match

I want the title in Cell A1 (Example Title) to be in a row next to each entry in Cell B1 so my desired result is:
In Excel OR Google Sheets. I only see "Split Text To Columns"
There are many ways to go about this. I'll suggest one of them.
Suppose that your raw data is in Sheet1!:A2:B. Add a "Sheet2" and make sure that A:B is empty. Then place the following formula in Sheet2!A1:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(CHAR(10)&Sheet1!B2:B,CHAR(10),"~"&Sheet1!A2:A&"|"),"~",1,1)),"|"),"Select * WHERE Col2 Is Not Null"))
To understand how this works, you need to work from the inside out.
First, an extra line break (CHAR(10)) is added to the start of each cell in B2:B. This is to create a uniform breaking point before every entry in the Column-B cells.
That now-uniform CHAR(10) is replaced by REGEXREPLACE with a concatenation of a tilde (~), the Sheet1!A2:A data for that row and a pipe symbol (|). Thus far, all of the virtually-held data for Sheet1!B2:B will still be within its original cell space.
SPLIT now splits that new data at the tilde to create individual horizontal cells that each now contain a separate copy of the Sheet1!A2:A label, a tilde, and one of the list items from Sheet1!B2:B.
This new virtual horizontal and vertical grid is then FLATTENed into one column.
Again, SPLIT is applied to separate the Sheet1!A2:A label from each of the now-individual Sheet1!B2:B entries, resulting in two columns.
'QUERY` is applied to keep only those results which are not null in the second column (ruling out any results for blank rows in the raw data or errors in column one formed by the previous functions, particularly those caused with the assumption that your number of individual data points in each cell of Sheet1!B2:B will vary).

Using the fill handle, but skipping cells

Is it possible to use the fill handle but have the pattern skip cells? Every time I try to start with a sheet like this:
When I use the fill handle sheets does this:
I've read that you need to select the entire pattern (for example, cells A1 through A9 in the example above), but that doesn't seem to make a difference for me.
You only need the 1 in A1. Nothing below it. Select A1:A3 (i.e., the 1 and two null cells) and then pull the fill handle down.
The solution was to autofill one row with the numbers and spaces using the fill handle (selecting the first three cells) and use the concatenate function on the others to fill the cell values. After this was done, it was just a matter of copy/paste!

Counting the Number of Empty Cells between Non-Empty Cells in Google Sheets

I'm trying to count the number of empty cells that exist in a column between each non-empty cell but haven't been able to work out how.
Using this, I'm also trying to find the largest "empty distances" and locate the cell in the center of these distances.
The sheet I'm working with lists a set of marker colors and denotes the ones that are owned out of the full set of colors. I'm trying to find the largest ranges of missing colors and then find the colors in the middle of those ranges in order to find a handful of markers that would best help to fill out the spectrum.
Columns 1-6 are information- Column 7 marks whether the color is owned:
I may have an answer that helps you.
I could only get it to work using a helper column, but someone may know how to eliminate that requirement.
The helper column creates an array, basically listing the row numbers of the rows that have an "x" in your column B.
The main formula then measures the gap between each of these listed row numbers. It also checks the gap before the first "x", and after the last "x". Note that I have the data starting on row 2, which complicates the formula, but makes the sample sheet clearer - this can easily be changed to row 1 if you prefer.
"select Col1 where Col1 > 0",0);
See a sample sheet here:
Then I used a second formula to calculate the max gap between "x"s, (or before the first or after the last x).
Note that calculating the midpoint of the gaps, and doing a lookup of the corresponding mid-point colour, is something that can be added to this answer, if you share a sample copy of your sheet and share it for editing.
Let me know if this helps. I'll add more explanation to describe what the formula is doing tomorrow.
And I'll provide a second tab with the formulas adjusted to work with data beginning on row 1.
You can also get the lengths of the gaps using Frequency:
but finding the centres of the gaps and allowing for equal-sized gaps is more difficult.
This should find the position of the "X" at the end of the longest gap:
and then it should just be a case of working backwards from there to the centre of the longest gap. However the formula needs further refinement to deal with the cases
(1) Where the longest gap is after the last "X"
(2) Where there is a tie for the longest gap
(3) Where there is a need to list the longest, second longest, third longest gap etc.

How do I change the row that numbers are compared based on the data in another cell?

I am usually good with conditional formatting in excel/google sheets, but here is my current challenge. I am needing to format specific cells based on the data in a table at the top of the sheet where the row used for comparison changes based on the value in one cell. Here is the link to the sheet I am currently working on.
-The table at the top of the is the reference table and does not change.
-the number in column E is the data that determines which row of the table to compare the data in columns G through AN
The Situation:
Let's look at Name 3.
The numbers in G18:AN18 are compared to the G12:AN12 because of the matching number in E18 and E12
If the number in G18 equals G12 - no formatting change
If the number in G18 is one less than G12 - fill color Yellow
If the number in G18 is more than one less than G12 - fill color Red
This is true for each cell in row 18 columns G:AN
- That's the easy part -
Now, when the number in E18 changes (from "9" to "10" for example), I need it to stop looking at row 12 and now look at row 13 because E18 now matches E13
I know that I can do it using nested IF/AND statements but I would have to do it for each and every cell individually. How can I do this more easily through google sheets?
You need to use INDEX/MATCH, so for the yellow formatting starting in G16:-
The idea is that as you copy it across the column changes to B:B etc. so you get the next column of the top region and as you copy it down you get whichever row matches E16, E17 etc.
I'm sure you can modify it for the red formatting and also to take account of any blank cells.
Also, in this particular case that the numbers in E4:E14 are just the numbers 1-11, you could use E16:E25 to index directly into G4:R14 and make the formula a lot simpler like this:-
