Using the fill handle, but skipping cells - google-sheets

Is it possible to use the fill handle but have the pattern skip cells? Every time I try to start with a sheet like this:
When I use the fill handle sheets does this:
I've read that you need to select the entire pattern (for example, cells A1 through A9 in the example above), but that doesn't seem to make a difference for me.

You only need the 1 in A1. Nothing below it. Select A1:A3 (i.e., the 1 and two null cells) and then pull the fill handle down.

The solution was to autofill one row with the numbers and spaces using the fill handle (selecting the first three cells) and use the concatenate function on the others to fill the cell values. After this was done, it was just a matter of copy/paste!


I'm looking for a Google Sheet array function to add specific increments in each row

Here's how it looks.
Hi. I'll try to be as specific as possible about this :)
I'm making a Google Sheet page similarly to a game character progression, that will automatically fill up based on data from other sheets: specifically, these "EXP" bars fill up with values based on the hidden cell A5.
For instance, the cells from D5 to BA5 represent LV1.
As the function shows, every time the value in A5 reaches an even number (for LV1, it's all even numbers from 2 to 100), one of the slots will fill up with a number, that with conditional formatting, will change the color of the cell and make it look like an actual exp bar filling up.
I'm using the function =COUNTIF(A5,">=2") and manually changing it to ">=4", ">=6" etc until ">=100" for the first bar. The second bar will have its 50 cells with all even numbers from ">=102" to ">=200".
So, to get to the question: is there an array formula that facilitates the process of filling a great amount of these bars with functions, without changing them all manually? Even automating *some *of this process would be great. Besides it being tedious, it leaves a lot of room for human error.
Thank you in advance to whoever's got an answer.
I haven't tried much as at the moment I am very confused by the vast amount of options array formulas provide. I have 48h of experience in the matter.
I suggest you to use the values of columns and rows here as helpers to do calculations. If you know that every column adds 2 and every row adds 100 you can set a formula like this for the whole range (select the whole range and add just one rule of conditional formatting):
You use $symbol to make A5 steady and D5 value will "move" to each cell for conditional formatting, so you don't have to make an ARRAYFORMULA for this

How to delete empty cells and shift up in Google Sheets?

Is there a way to delete empty cells in a given range and shift the column up to the desired display as shown below? Closest I came was
which removes empty cells, but splits the first names and surnames into separate cells, which I have not figured out how to avoid. Pfa a made-up sample of current and desired displays:
Current Display
Desired Display
I'm new at this, but I came up with a bit of a brute force method, which may help you.
{FILTER(A2:A100,A2:A100<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(A2:A100))},
{FILTER(B2:B100,B2:B100<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(B2:B100))},
{FILTER(C2:C100,C2:C100<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(C2:C100))}}
Assuming your data block is in columns A1:C100, this formula filters blank cells from each individual column, and then pads each column with blank cells at the bottom, to make the three arrays equal in length/dimension.
Note that in "100-counta(...", the 100 is the expected maximum length of your data column.
This could be calculated, and must be the same for all three columns.
Note also that the first array is horizontal (ends with a semi-colon), followed by the three columns, stacked beside each other (ends with a comma).
Here is a working example.
If I missed something you were trying to achieve, let me know.
Also, I'm sure that there is a more elegant way to do this, or one not requiring the use of a block of "reserved" blank cells, but I couldn't think of that at the moment.
Edit: The formula as follows also works. But you need to remember to set the "100" value to be equal to the number of rows in your data block, since we pad the columns with the necessary number of blanks rows, after removing the blank cells in each column.
{FILTER(A2:A,A2:A<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(A2:A))},
{FILTER(B2:B,B2:B<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(B2:B))},
{FILTER(C2:C,C2:C<>"");indirect("N1:N" & 100-counta(C2:C))}}

Creating a formatted, ordered pair in a single cell using Google Sheets functions

I'd like to do something like a Google Sheets array, but have it display in a single cell.
Given a column of data (grades, for example):
={MAX(A1:A10), MIN(A1:A10)}
where the output inside of a single cell would look like (High Score, Low Score).
This currently works, but displays the array across two side by side cells. I wouldn't mind if they displayed on top of each other, if one cell isn't possible. Is either of these options possible?
all you need is:
=MAX(A1:A10)&", "&MIN(A1:A10)
In addition to the answer I accepted, the following works in the case where you want to arrange the array vertically:
={MAX(A1:A10) ; MIN(A1:A10)}

Multiple Layers of Matching Blank Cells

I'm back with another Google Sheets question. This one isn't scripting though - this time I'm looking for help in figuring out a formula.
I've attached screenshots of two sheets. The first one features one "opposing party" at row 8. The second one features an opposing part at row 8 and a second opposing party at row 9. Cell B3's formula is shown in both; in essence, Cell B3 looks for the first blank cell in column L after Row 10 (or Row 11 in the second image) and returns the contents of that row's "F" column. This allows me to "get" the next deadline in the matter that is being tracked. For those interested, yes, Cell D3 has a similar formula looking at K.
Currently, we have to manually update B3 (and D3) if we add additional parties (not necessarily opposing, and not just one either). This is more tedious than I would like. I would like a formula that would return "F10" and "L10" in situations where only one opposing party appears, "F11" and "L11" if there is an additional, and so on so that even if we have a massive, multi-party action it will still return the next cell.
If it helps, you can always assume that there will be a blank set of cells below the last "opposing party" and the row that we want to start querying (as shown in the second image).
I'd love any help that you can give. Please let me know if you need anything clarified.
Thanks a ton!
Is this what you require for B3?
=index(F:F, match("rule", I:I, 0)+1)
In a larger scope use,
=index(indirect("F"&match("Rule",I:I,0)&":F"), match(TRUE, index(isblank(indirect("L"&match("Rule",I:I,0)&":L")),0,0),0))
I think the easiest way would be to make the cells you are referencing a named range. That way, you can add as many other rows, columns, cells, whatever, and your formula will always reference the same range of cells.
For example, you could name the range of cells in column F 'Steps', and in K 'Deadline', then change your formula to =index(Steps,match(TRUE, index(isblank(Deadline),0,0),0)), and it will always give you the correct range.
Here's a pic to show how to name a range (right-click on the selection).

How to use arrayformula to dynamically join strings in google spreadsheet?

I use Arrayformula() to make my reports dynamic and easier to edit. For example, if I have a Column A with a list o number o blue balls in a set and a Column B with a list red balls in a set, on the cell C1 I can write =ArrayFormula(add(A1:A,B1:B)) and in the Column C will have the total of balls in each set. It would be exactly the same as writing =A1+B1 in cell C1 and dragging the formula down to the last row. Arrayformula() has some benefits, because it will work if some adds or removes rows from the sheet and also it makes the reports way more organized and easier to edit.
Since I´ve discovered arrayformula(), my life has changed, because of the fact that googleSheets expands the formula to other cells. It does not work every time, but the idea of expanding to other cells seems to be possible some way or another, here is a good example of a problem that was not resolved by arrayformula(), but has the same idea.
Keeping that idea in mind, imagine that on Column A there is a list of First Names and on Column B there is a list of Last names. On Column C I want to join this two string using a simples space. The way to do that would be in the cell C1 write =join(" ",A1,B1) and then drag down this formula. This method method however is prone to error since people can add and remove rows, deleting my formula. I want to use a formula that I can write in one single cell and it expands to other cells. I´ve tried =arrayformula(join(" ",A1:A,B1:B)), but it does not work.
Is that a way to do that using =arrayformula() or other native function?
I know I could write a script or custom formula to do that, but this is not my goal here.
I think this formula should work:
=arrayformula(A1:A&" "&B1:B)
In case you want to use a delimiter, you can do the following to have a clean result even though, A or B is not present in some cases:
ARRAYFORMULA(ifna(ifs(isblank(A1:A),,ISBLANK(B1:B),A1:A),A1:A&" - "&B1:B))
