syncing Highcharts horizontally that range in number of y-axis titles and also no y-axis titles - highcharts

Im trying to sync Highcharts horizontally, stacked with multiple charts vertically- with the goal that the x axis align - some charts have hourly data for a specific range, some have daily data, some have 5-minute data. One grid might have 2 y-axis, zero, or even 3. How to I Align them horizontally?
Image showing unaligned stacked highcharts

You can find a chart with the biggest plotLeft property and apply the same to the others by marginLeft property:
charts.forEach(function(ch) {
if (ch.plotLeft > maxPlotLeft) {
maxPlotLeft = ch.plotLeft;
charts.forEach(function(ch) {
chart: {
marginLeft: maxPlotLeft
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Pie chart labels - dynamic position (distance)

I'd like to get some datalabels showing inside segments of a doughnut chart where there is suitable space to do so.
I know I can use negative distance values on the the data labels config options, but I wonder how I can achieve this dynamically based on the values\size of the segments.
Is such a technique achievable? Can I have a mix of data labels outside of the segments connected with lines (connectors) and others inside the actual segments?
My starting point so far based off the official highcharts example pie chart code:
You can for example use chart.load event and change distance, x or y properties for an individual point. For example:
events: {
load: function() {
this.series[0].points.forEach(point => {
if (point.y > 5) {
dataLabels: {
distance: -50
// avoid redraw after each update
}, false);
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xAxis label is not visible properly in Highcharts

if I have a large amount of data then the xAxis label is not showing properly. you can see in this code:
if I have a low amount of data then it's fine my xAxis label is showing correctly.
so I want to show the xAxis label properly if I have a large amount of data.
Restriction: 1:you can't change the rotation property for xAxis.
2:xAxis labels should not intercept each other.
3:you can't do by css.
Not restriction: you can set tickInterval, step property in xAxis but remember the amount of data is dynamic, it could be any number.
You should not use category x-axis type in this case. In API we can read:
step: number
By default, when 0, the step is calculated automatically to avoid
overlap. To prevent this, set it to 1. This usually only happens on a
category axis, and is often a sign that you have chosen the wrong axis
As a solution use linear axis with a custom formatter function for labels:
const labels = [
Highcharts.chart('container', {
xAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function() {
return labels[this.pos]
Live demo:
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x-Axis tick alignment

I have a problem with Highcharts, when trying to position the x-Axis tick marks according to the column data shown. I want to align the x-axis ticks on the right, but all the time they are displayed on the center. X-axis must be numbers, so I don't have categories.
Fiddle here
Experiment with the pointPlacement option.
For instance:
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPlacement: -0.5
Produces (fiddle here):

HighCharts: Positioning label on chart agnostic of legend size

I am building a pie chart where the labels for the data points can very greatly in length, the legend is configured to be vertical and positioned on the left side.
I have added a label element to the bottom of the chart that shows the total of all data points.
The problem I am facing is that the positioning of this label (via the style element) is based on how wide the legend is, which occasionally if the legend is wide enough will be pushed off the right side of the chart.
Does anyone know of a way that I can style this label so that is positioned based solely on the width of the entire chart.
Here is the styling applied to the label (I tried adding the position value but this didn't appear to do anything):
style: {
top: '325px',
position: 'absolute',
left: '-160px',
'font-size': '175%'
Here is an example of the chart that I'm working with, you can see that the value for the total has bee cut off.
As per Sebastian's comment I was able to effectively solve the issue by using the legend label formatter to limit the length of the series names. Here is the code:
labelFormatter: function () {
var formattedName =;
if (formattedName.length > 17) {
formattedName = formattedName.substr(0, 14) + '...';
return formattedName;
Have you tried to use labelFormatter ?

HighCharts Column Chart: Data Labels on Stacks Overlap

I have a column chart in HighCharts and having issues where data labels are running into each other. The graph has a static width and I could potentially have 4 series with at most 4 data points inside each series (4 stacks next to each other). I do have positive and negative values. I am seeing that if the series have similar values, each column is then the same height which causes the data labels to run into each other.
Any way to fix this issue? I cannot seem to find an library option that will help.
Added the groupPadding option worked for me:
enabled: true,
formatter: function() { return this.y + '%' }
groupPadding: 0.125
Have you tried increasing the width of the bars? What about adjusting the font size of the labels? A combination of these 2 APIs should help get around this given you have a static sized chart and a maximum of 4 series with 4 data points...
