In my tex file i have added this package:
\usepackage[hidelinks, colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}
I expect to have my citation links in blue color, but in the produced pdf all links are in green color! do you know why?
Oh, I found I should add citecolor=blue and write it like this:
sorry for the stupid question
In season 4, episode 8(Mr. Robot), Elliot writes a script. What a code editor does he use?
I will attach a pic of the environment.
Is it sublime? if is it sublime, did the font change, and indent
guide hide?
A pic of the editor that he used
It looks like not Sublime Text, because
Python syntax. Token __name__ is colored with 2 colors, while ST uses one Id color. And string token "__main__" is colored with 2 colors, while ST uses single color. It may be some custom ST syntax, though.
Sublime shows indent-guide vertical lines, screenshot don't have them. Lines can be hidden, though.
It looks like Sublime Text because:
function word def in Python has italic font. Like in ST3.
gutter shows colored back of current line, and yellow vertical bar on the left, for changed line. Sublime does it! VS Code don't do it (by default?).
I have noticed that if I declare a new color with RGB values using xcolor in a TeX file, and then use the new color to write something, the rendered color is not what I put in. E.g.,
\definecolor{nasablue}{RGB}{11,61,145} % the blue in NASA's logo
% render in large font for convenience
{\color{nasablue}\sffamily\bfseries\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont Color sample}
No matter what I compile this on (linux, OSX), the text in the rendered PDF has a different RGB value. When I open it up in a viewer and use the color picker to get the RGB value of the text, I get (12,54,134), not what I put in.
In a beamer presentation, this is even worse, and text rendered with this color shows up as (51,51,178). This is awful, and looks purple instead of dark blue. Why does this happen, and how can I correct for this?
I’ve been trying for the days now to format attractive code listings in lyx for an Erlang programming book that I’m working on.
The tcolorbox package looks like it should do the trick, but frustrates me at every turn,
Shaded Box with rounded corners, white header text on black, black outline, black on white body text
Head centered and of the form “Listing CN.LN comment” where CN is chapter number and LN is listing number and comment is in italics.
I can do this with a LaTeX macro, but can’t make it work in the head of a shaded box.
Code listing in the body must be mono space font with bold face highlighting.
I’ve read the tcolorbox manual, but still don’t understand how it works in lyx.
Can some kind souls please help dispel my ignorance?
I'm not sure about all the details of your requirements (could you post the LaTeX that works?) Try the following to get you started (I'm using LyX 2.2.x):
Document > Settings > Modules > Fancy Colored Boxes > Add > Apply
Insert > Custom Insets > Color Box
Inside the Color Box inset, you can find Color Box Options (right-click, or ALT-A 1 in Windows). Those options look similar to the syntax of tcolorbox, e.g.:
title=An enhanced box with a color gradient, enhanced, frame style={left color=red!75!black, right color=blue!75!black}, interior style={left color=red!20!white, right color=yellow!50!white}
Finally, there's an Example (in the LyX Resources/Examples folder) called colored-boxes.lyx that has a lot of info.
I'm trying to typeset a document I'm working on.
Currently I'm trying to format a piece of text such that the text consists of two colors: a fill color and a line color. In this way the header should pop out more.
I found \psset with options such as linecolor and fillcolor, but I can't get it to work. Can someone provide an example of how I could do this?
Just providing a color using the color-package is no problem, but also not what I want because using this package I can only provide a single color for a piece of text.
Maybe this is what you're looking for: Contour package. Here's the doc containing examples.
Is there a way to make LaTeX Beamer output black & white? I need it for paper printing purposes. I'm using the default color theme, and for contrast reasons I need the title and everything to be black. If there is a black&white color scheme, I could use it, but otherwise I don't want other color schemes, with colored backgrounds. Maybe there are some commands which I can redefine?
You can also just add gray option to documentclass declaration:
OK, found it after some more search. The answer is:
In fact, you can change the color of all elements of your beamer theme using \setbeamercolor. You can use fg for changing the foreground and bg for the background. The problem of this is that you cannot use the traditional rbg scheme and you have to make very strange combinations of colors with a not-very-friendly way of giving the shares of each color you want to combine
Another possibility is to use \selectcolormodel{gray}