Making LaTeX Beamer Black & White - latex

Is there a way to make LaTeX Beamer output black & white? I need it for paper printing purposes. I'm using the default color theme, and for contrast reasons I need the title and everything to be black. If there is a black&white color scheme, I could use it, but otherwise I don't want other color schemes, with colored backgrounds. Maybe there are some commands which I can redefine?

You can also just add gray option to documentclass declaration:

OK, found it after some more search. The answer is:

In fact, you can change the color of all elements of your beamer theme using \setbeamercolor. You can use fg for changing the foreground and bg for the background. The problem of this is that you cannot use the traditional rbg scheme and you have to make very strange combinations of colors with a not-very-friendly way of giving the shares of each color you want to combine

Another possibility is to use \selectcolormodel{gray}


Add border to all images

I have a document that has a handful of figures in it, and I am using
to put a border around them. I end up repeating this for every image though. Is there a way to put something at the top of my document that says to apply this to all images?
If nothing else in your document relies on \includegraphics, you could try the following redefinition:

Inaccurate rendering of colors using xcolor in TeX

I have noticed that if I declare a new color with RGB values using xcolor in a TeX file, and then use the new color to write something, the rendered color is not what I put in. E.g.,
\definecolor{nasablue}{RGB}{11,61,145} % the blue in NASA's logo
% render in large font for convenience
{\color{nasablue}\sffamily\bfseries\fontsize{60}{60}\selectfont Color sample}
No matter what I compile this on (linux, OSX), the text in the rendered PDF has a different RGB value. When I open it up in a viewer and use the color picker to get the RGB value of the text, I get (12,54,134), not what I put in.
In a beamer presentation, this is even worse, and text rendered with this color shows up as (51,51,178). This is awful, and looks purple instead of dark blue. Why does this happen, and how can I correct for this?

Changing citation color to blue in latex

In my tex file i have added this package:
\usepackage[hidelinks, colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}
I expect to have my citation links in blue color, but in the produced pdf all links are in green color! do you know why?
Oh, I found I should add citecolor=blue and write it like this:

How to efficiently block text with a font colour?

How can I make this markdown code for blocking text with a font colour applied?
I am beginner to markdown and I have applied the code below and it works, but is there a more efficient way of doing without repeating \textcolor{blue}{....} and >?
Please help.
You can define a new command for color blue
Everytime you need to change the text color to blue, you just type
\blue{some text}

Beamer: How to remove shadow under the title on a given frame?

On one particular frame I would like to remove the shadow that the theme I am using inserts under the title. The reason is that with a black background (which I use only on this frame), it looks quite ugly.
Do you have any idea can I do that? I've managed to remove the shadow under a block environment, thanks to:
but I could not find a similar thing for \titleframe (except one that you can only put in your preamble - which would not help, in my case).
Thank you very much for your help.
Those interested will find two working solutions here:
I personally prefer the one that fixes the way shadowing works but a way to remove it is also proposed.
NB: sorry, I am not yet allowed to add a comment (but as this is an answer, I guess it's fine).
Another possibility is to use beamer version 3.51 (exactly this version, not newer, not older) with pdflatex. This is the one unique version in which the problem with shadow does not exist:
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}
