RenderScript - call to clamp() is ambiguous - android-renderscript

In my RenderScript file, I have the following:
out.b = clamp(out.b, 0, 255);
When I build the project, I get the following error:
error: call to 'clamp' is ambiguous
Why is that happening ?

I think it probably doesn’t know the types of the inputs. Use an explicit cast for the constants to match all the types.
If out.b is uchar:
out.b = clamp(out.b, (uchar)0, (uchar)255)


F# seems to not leverage implicit .NET conversion operators

According to
The following F# code should be legitimate:
member this.PostData2(data: string): Task<ActionResult<int>> =
task {
return this.Ok(0)
with | x ->
return this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, -1)
Instead I get two compilation errors in the two 'return' lines
Error FS0193 Type constraint mismatch. The type
'OkObjectResult' is not compatible with type
Error FS0193 Type constraint mismatch. The type
'ObjectResult' is not compatible with type
This works however:
member this.PostData1(data: string): Task<ActionResult<int>> =
task {
return ActionResult<int>(this.Ok(0))
with | x ->
return ActionResult<int>(this.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, -1))
Why are the implicit cast operators not recognized by F#?
Not sure there can be much of an answer besides "because the language designers decided for it to be that way". Implicit conversions are only used in a narrow set of circumstances in F#.
In addition to calling the constructor as you have, you should also be able to explicitly call ActionResult.op_Implicit or define you own implicit conversion operator.

Deedle, F# and read csv

I am facing an issue when I try to use the function Deedle.Frame.ReadCsv
I am trying to use the overload here:
let schemaSource = "dateRep (DateTime),,,,,,,,,"
let dataSource = Deedle.Frame.ReadCsv(path = "data.csv", schema = schemaSource)
When I do so, I get the following error:
error FS0503: A member or object constructor 'ReadCsv' taking 0 arguments is not accessible from this code location. All accessible versions of method 'ReadCsv' take 9 arguments.
What I do not get is that all but path are optional. If I use just:
It then works...
Any idea? I tried to find some resources on using overloaded functions from other .Net languages with optional parameters but I have not been successful.
I am not sure why the Intellisense/Signature shown in Visual Studio was wrong but using location = works...

Cannot convert from `GLib.TypeClass' to `GLib.ObjectClass'

I was trying to compile libfriends (source) against valac (.28) and libgee (1.0). I specifically compiled these against Ubuntu-16.04 stack.
But I am getting following error
entry.vala:397.38-397.38: warning: if-statement without body
if (_selected != value);
entry.vala:172.52-172.86: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from `GLib.TypeClass' to `GLib.ObjectClass'
binding_set = Gtk.BindingSet.by_class (typeof (InputTextView).class_ref ());
I don't really find anything wrong with code. Any Idea?
The entire buildlog is here:
I just checked and it compiles with valac-0.18, but doesn't compile with valac-0.28.
So there must have been a change between those valac versions that does more strict type checking in this case.
GLib.TypeClass (really GTypeClass in C) is the parent class of GLib.ObjectClass (really GObjectClass in C).
So the compiler is correct to not allow this without a cast. I don't know if the cast is correct in this situation, but it makes the code compile:
binding_set = Gtk.BindingSet.by_class ((ObjectClass) typeof (InputTextView).class_ref ())
See also valadoc for GObjectClass where a similar typecast is done in the example code:!api=gobject-2.0/GLib.ObjectClass

HackLang by Facebook is not strict

Good day,
I have problem. I want to simulate some errors in hacklang.
namespace Exsys\HHVM;
class HHVMFacade{
private $vector = Vector {1,2,3};
public function echoProduct() : Vector<string>{
return $this->vector;
public function test(Vector<string> $vector) : void{
Function echoProduct() returns Vector of strings. But private property $vector is Vector of integers. When I call echoFunction and returning value use as argument for function test(). I get
object(HH\Vector)#35357 (3) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) }
Why? I am expecting some error because types mismatch.
There's two things at play here:
Generics aren't reified, so the runtime has no information about them. This means the runtime is only checking that you're returning a Vector.
$this->vector itself isn't typed. This means the type checker (hh_client) treats it as a unknown type. Unknown types match against everything, so there's no problem returning an unknown type where a Vector<string> is expected.
This is to allow you to gradually type your code. Whenever a type isn't known, the type checker just assumes that the developer knows what's happening.
The first thing I'd do is change the file from partial mode to strict mode, which simply involves changing from <?hh to <?hh // strict. This causes the type checker to complain about any missing type information (as well as a couple of other things, like no superglobals and you can't call non-Hack code).
This produces the error:
test.hh:6:13,19: Please add a type hint (Naming[2001])
If you then type $vector as Vector<int> (private Vector<int> $vector), hh_client then produces:
test.hh:9:16,28: Invalid return type (Typing[4110])
test.hh:8:44,49: This is a string
test.hh:6:20,22: It is incompatible with an int
test.hh:8:44,49: Considering that this type argument is invariant with respect to Vector
Which is the error you expected. You can also get this error simply by adding the type to $vector, without switching to strict mode, though I prefer to write my Hack in the strongest mode that the code supports.
With more recent versions of HHVM, the type checker is called whenever Hack code is run (there's an INI flag to turn this off), so causing the type mismatch will also cause execution of the code to fail.

Visual studio - f# - Error FS0588 : Block following this 'let' is unfinished. Expect expression

i have got several times , trying to implement different functions, the message you see as title. I would like to know if anyone can tell me the general meaning (and reason) of this error message. As i mentioned before, i have got the problem several times and manage to fix it, but still didnt get the exact reason, so i will not post any specific code.
Thank you in advance
The most common case when you may get this error is when you write let binding that is not followed by an expression that calculates the result. In F#, everything is an expression that returns some result, so if you write let a = 10 it is generally not a valid expression. To make it valid, you need to return something:
let foo () =
let a = 10
() // return unit value (which doesn't represent any information)
The only exception where you can write just let a = 10 is a global scope of an F# source file - for example, inside a module declaration or in an F# script file. (This is why the declaration of foo above is valid).
It is difficult to give any advice without seeing your code, but you probably have a let declaration that is not followed by an F# expression.
Out of curiosity, the following example shows that let can really be used inside an expression (where it must return some meaningful result):
let a = 40 + (let a = 1
a + a)
