In the Spyder console, is it possible to re-run a command by calling it with its first characters? I am thinking of something like
to run the last run command or
to run the last print command.
(Spyder maintainer here) There's no such functionality in Spyder, sorry.
However, you can write the first characters of a previous command (e.g. run) and use the Up and Down arrow keys to move among the history of all commands that start with those characters.
Im working on Ubuntu 20. I've installed docker, nvidia-docker2. On Pycharm, I've followed jetbrain guide, but in the advanced steps it isn't consistent with what I see in my setup. I use PyCharm Proffesional 2022.2.
In this step:
in the run options I put additionally --runtime=nvidia and --gpus=all.
Step 4 finishes as same as in the guide (almost, but it seems that it doesn't bother anything so on that later) and on step 5 I put manually the path to the interpreter in the virtual environment I've created using the Dockerfile.
In that way I am able to run the command of nvidia-smi and see correctly the GPU, but I don't see any packages I've installed during the Dockerfile build.
There is another option to connect the interpreter a little bit differently in which I do see the packages, but I can't run the nvidia-smi command and the torch.cuda.is_availble return False.
The way is instead of doing this as in the guide:
I press on the little down arrow in left of the Add Interpreter button and then click on Show all:
After which I can press the + button :
works, so it might be PyCharm "Python Console" issue.
and then I can choose Docker:
which will result in the difference mentioned above in functionality and also in the path dispalyed (the first one is the first remote interpreter top to bottom direction and the second is the second correspondingly):
Here of course the effect of the first and the second correspondingly:
Here is the results of the interpreter run with the first method connected interpreter:
and here is the second:
Of the following code:
Here is the Dockerfile file if you want to take a look:
Anyone configured it correctly and can help ?
Thank you in advance.
P.S: if I run the docker from services and enter the terminal the command nvidia-smi works fine and also the import of torch and the command torch.cuda.is_available return True.
The thing that has worked for me for now is to change the Dockerfile to install directly torch with pip without create conda environement.
Then I set the path to the python2.7 and I can run the code, but not debug it.
for run the result is as expected (the packages list as was shown before is still empty, but it works, I guess somehow my IDE cannot access the packages list of the remote interpreter in that case, I dont know why):
But the debugger outputs the following error:
Any suggestions for the debugger issue also will be welcome, although it is a different issue.
Please update to 2022.2.1 as it looks like a known regression that has been fixed.
Let me know if it still does not work well.
I'm executing the following command which executes a group of scripts with each script being a curl download.
parallel --resume-failed --joblog logshd.log {1} ::: SH/*.sh
The set of files downloaded is quite large. I've noticed some files don't download.
I hoped that the resume-failed parameter would ensure that all the downloads that fail resume and complete.
I'm not clear on if that means I need to run the process again a second time or if that should occur when I run the one time.
From the gnu documentation
Where --resume-failed reads the commands from the command line (and
ignores the commands in the joblog), --retry-failed ignores the
command line and reruns the commands mentioned in the joblog.
I'm not clear on what ignoring the command line or ignores the commands in the job log means. Could that be clarified.
Can --resume-failed and --retry-failed be declared within the same command and if so what is the effect of that?
If we assume the download fails intermittently then your answer is --retries 10. It will run the command 10 times before giving up.
--resume-failed and --retry-failed are both used when GNU Parallel has finished, and you then figure out that you want to retry some of the jobs again.
The difference between the two is in how to retry the command.
--retry-failed will run exactly the same command as failed before. It does that by looking in the joblog for the command. This is typically what you want.
--resume-failed is used if you figure out that the failing command actually needed some other parameter: i.e. GNU Parallel should not run exactly the same command, but it should run a (typically slightly changed) command with the same parameters instead.
I want to use a Dockerfile to build an image. However, commands will need user input as they run. Currently, the build is not successful because docker exits on user input. I know I can use the -i -t options on docker run command but I want to do that on a Dockerfile. How is that possible?
You can try with expect or a similar tool.
The easiest way to configure it is using the autoexpect tool, which lets you run the commands interactively and creates an expect script for you.
I couldn't get the rvmsudo stuff working (I haven't used it and didn't want to spend too much time with it) so I decided to use vi instead. First run autoexpect
$ autoexpect vi test
This will open vi and you can create or edit the file and save it. After exiting the vi you'll see your file test as well as an expect script script.exp.
You can then remove the test file and execute script.exp. It will recreate the same file using the same steps.
The autoexpect tool is great, but you may have to create a script from scratch if you need to have more control over what happens. E.g. if you don't want the script to work with the exact expected input.
Not sure why when I execute a Python tools like pip or nosetests inside powershell, a separate popup command line windows will show, execute my command, then disappeared. This is annoying because I can hardly see the executable output, especially the last few lines before the popup close.
I assume there are some setting I can change to stop the popup?
I am using Powershell 2.0 in Windows 7.
Powershell is not cmd.exe, and it has a different console interface. More than likely, your py tools are writing to a non-existent shell window. You may be able to get around this by using the following syntax:
cmd /c
What you do when you execute the python scripts directly from the PS prompt is fire-off a DOS shell for the period of time it takes for the command to complete. Since there's no 'pause' implemented, the shell window closes when the command completes.
A test script
#, just a test
print "This is a test script, that is all."
Output in PS:
{powem} [36] --> .\
{powem} [37] --> cmd /c .\
This is a test script, that is all.
For someone has similar problem, please have a look at this answer, I think this solution eventually solved my problem. and in my case, I have to restart my computer to get it all working.
I'm trying to modify a legacy Delphi 5 app so that it can be launched either from it's icon/via Explorer, or from the console (command-line). When it gets launched from the console, I want the program to detach itself from the console process, so that the console can continue to execute other instructions without waiting for my program to terminate.
I want to use it in a 'batch' file, such that I might have;
#echo off
rem step 1 - do some stuff here
rem step 2 - launch my app
rem step 3 - do some more stuff here
and that the console process moves on to step 3 straight after launching my app in step 2.
I'm sure I've done this before, many years ago, but I'm puzzled as to what exactly I did. I don't want to write a tiny console app 'launcher' for my main Windows app - I'm 95% sure that there was a way of doing this within a 'normal' Delphi GUI app.
I guess I could use vbscript or powershell or something to 'execute' my program with some kind of 'nowait' parameter but the client is familiar with batch files and I don't really want to upset the applecart by suggesting he change his scripts or install additional stuff - I'm making changes to the executable anyway and it would be great to tick this box for him too.
Anyone? :-)
I think the START command is the one you're looking for. It starts a process separately to the console and it's part of cmd.exe so no extra software required.
But I was of the opinion that GUI apps did this anyway. Maybe Delphi is different to MSVC.
Open up a console and type "start /?".
As itowlson states in the comments, GUI application do generally detach themselves. It's the actual cmd.exe shell doing trickery in that it waits for it to finish if it's running from a cmd file.
So "notepad" from the prompt will start it in the background but "notepad" within a cmd file will wait. Within the cmd file, you need to use:
start notepad.exe
or whatever your application is called (not notepad, presumably).
try: start "" c:\myfolder\myapp (with the empty quotes)
I think Microsoft has been solve this problem in Windows Power Shell.
In command prompt, even if you use "start ", you cant detach your process really from cmd. If you close the cmd, you will die, suddenly. But In windows Power Shell, you can detach your program or command from Power Shell as default.
So, if you prefer to use Windows Power Shell instead of Command Prompt, just do this:
PS: X:\> <your command>
Here's one way that I've found. It works quite cleanly and doesn't leave any extra cmd windows around (the recommendation to use start c:\myfolder\myapp does not work:
cmd /c dir && c:\myfolder\myapp
To quote the CMD help:
/C Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates
Note that multiple commands separated by the command separator '&&'
are accepted for string if surrounded by quotes.
Apparently it notices that the dir command terminates and exits, even though your app was launched on the same command. Chalk it up to one of Windows vagaries.
u should use the cd command example
cd myfolder
start myapp