What is the simplest way to copy project folder to new Mac with updated IOS and Xcode? - ios

I recently acquired a newer MacBook to run the most recent iOS and Xcode versions. I copied a project folder to the new Mac and opened it with Xcode 11.4 (was 10.1 on old Mac). I get 14 errors all related to "Failed to render and update auto layout status for ..VeiwController". The simulator runs fine, but the main storyboard doesn't render the button icons properly. I can add new constraints to the buttons to show them properly but the errors don't go away. I assume I have lost some info/files related to autolayout when I copied folders. I have read about similar issues. Most talk about using Github or some other 3rd party for maintaining files. Is there any other way to get this done? It seems like updates computers/software should be simpler.

Since reporting this, I have used the same process of copying folders of all other projects and have had no problems. But one project, the largest and most complex continues to have 14 rendering errors and always the displayed err message "An internal error occurred. Editing functionality may be limited." The strange thing is going in and out of viewing Main.storyboard several times gets rid of the errors eventually. Unfortunately, the errors always come back when I open the project. And sometimes they go away, then come back randomly in the same session.
So the answer to "whats the simplest way to copy a project folder to new computer is just that - Copy the project folder! But thats the wrong question for this problem.


Transferring Xcode Project from one computer to another brings random errors?

I have a Xcode project I got from another developer. Initially when I opened it it has a bunch of errors (most of which were un-updated frameworks). I got it to work after a while and I fixed it. I want pass it back to the manager since I'm leaving uni in a few months. I copied it over to my friends Mac to see what would happen if I just took the project and all it's folders and made it a zipfile. It didn't work for some reason. It gave me an error:
error: using bridging headers with framework targets is unsupported
But why did that come up? I mean it's the same code on the slightly different versions of Xcode (13.1 versos 14.1) but I doubt there was a massive change between the two that would cause this. I want to be able to pass these app later in the future without having to care about this stuff. I made a GitHub (link below) would cloning that work? Also the laptop I chose was just a fresh reset. Would it be due to not having coco-pods installed?
I feel like I could go through and fix it all on that laptop and document that but then I'm afraid that every time I put it on a new one it would come up with random errors every single time making my documentation moot.
With big help this was Fixed.
Things that fixed it.
Having the correct version of Xcode
Turning everything from absolute path to relative
Lots of other code fixes. But those are my project specific.
You don't need bridging headers in framework. Use should have something like "YourFramework.h" where you can import your .h files.

Air ios imported swf (no code) suddenly starts giving 'Uncompiled AS' error

I'm building an iOS app with FlashBuilder 4.7 and Air SDK 25.0. The app has code which installs fonts via an external SWF imported at runtime (no code in external SWF, just fonts). Imported file has been working for months but now throws below error in debugger on device :
'Uncompiled ActionsScript'
I have gone back through previous builds and some that had been working fine suddenly throw error on the swf file. Other old builds will work importing the same swf, but after running a build which fails, the working one will start throwing error!
Anyone else struck a problem like this?
I recently upgraded from SDK 22 to 25, but the problem appeared some time after that. Only significant change was running a dodgy zip ANE that crashed the debug. I've removed the ANE, but I suspect something may have been corrupted somewhere.
I've tried resetting FlashBuilder settings by deleting .metadata folder in workspace.
Tried Cleaning the projects, tried duplicating projects, tried re-publishing the swf to import.
Can't work out why some builds don't work and others do, but then stop working with no changes to the project. I feel sure there is a fix that will suddenly make all of the builds work again...
Any suggestions anyone?
I found my problem.
It appears I have previously been using only the 'Fast' packaging method to test app on ios device, which works.
When set to 'Standard' (Build) packaging to test on device it causes the swf (with embedded fonts) imported at runtime as having 'uncompiled actionscript'.
This answers my original query, but if anyone has a work-around, or alternate method of importing fonts at runtime, I'd be very happy to hear!

The alerts in my Xcode project doesn't disappear

I'm working with the Google's Ios SDK, and recently i updated the file that contained the SDK. The problem is that i get these errors saying that the files doesn't exists, but they actually exist and works fine.
These are some of the errors (there is about 80 alerts)
So, what can i do?
This what i tried for the last error, but the alert doesn't disappear
If you're using XCode with source control integration ensure you have added those files to the repository. Once you have the files in question added/tracked in git/svn these warnings should disappear.
Also, it never hurts to Command-Option-Shift-K (clean) the project and re-open after you've tracked those files.
See this SO post for possible approaches.

Xcode crashed while renaming project - whole project broken

I wanted to release an app I worked on and quickly change the project name. I usually duplicate projects before doing things like this but this time - because this procedure always worked on Xcode as I found it way more reliable than e.g. Eclipse - I didn't, which I immediately regretted.
Opened Xcode again and now I am seeing this
I guess all the linking is gone now which is why Xcode doesn't "find" the files anymore. Renaming the remaining project stem to the old name gives
couldn’t be moved to because an item with the
same name already exists
and also manual renaming of folders won't work as the .xcodeproj is gone.
The project is written in Objective-C, and all the classes are still persistent, but the effort of adding all the xib's, referencing the outlets, setting architectures, etc will become the nightmare of my life. I do have a half-way recent backup but everything I did to make the app store-ready today will be gone.
Any ideas on how to rescue my project?
EDIT: What Xcode is now showing on the welcome screen is a project called "project" (literally) and it has the usual compass icon but with a white instead of a blue background referring to the path <project folder>/<new project name>/ and below that "white" project there is a folder icon with the new name pointing to <project folder>.
I also made a snapshot before, of course it now says "Unable to read snapshots" in the "restore from snapshots" window.
Ok what I now did is renaming ALL references from the old project name to the new one. I even changed file names. I used Xcode's CMD+SHIFT+F and TextWrangler's "replace" function and thankfully I still had the .xcodeproj from yesterday's backup so from there I could copy it into the new project and rename stuff. There are still some things that don't work perfectly, for example auto layout doesn't "stretch" contents over the screen (it stays on iPhone 4s size, even on 6 plus simulator), I needed to set the scheme again and Launch Images / Icons got lost but I can look over that. The only thing I am afraid of now is that the final build might miss out a symbol or something like that so I eventually have a corrupt file in the App Store, but man it's a beta version, how much worse can it get anyway?
Thanks to everyone recommending me to even backup the broken project, I did this even before you said it but because I think it's a valuable advice I wanted to put it in my answer as well.
It's a shame that stuff like this can happen, I've been backing up my work on a daily basis and my project never got corrupted - until now.

Xcode stalls on "loading" when trying to create new project

Xcode 6 never gets past "Loading" when I try to create a new project. I actually was able to create a new project yesterday, but I decided to just ditch it completely (deleted). Clearly there must be a bad file somewhere, possibly related to the project I deleted, since I also see the same stalling behavior now with Xcode 5.1, which has worked fine for creating new projects in the past. Xcode 6 has worked fine when starting with an already existing project and still appears to do so. I did not see this exact problem in your data base, though one person saw the project creation freeze before reaching the stage I get to. Their solution was to delete Xcode and every possible file related to it, which I'm a little squeamish about, since I don't want to affect existing projects, and don't have an understanding of what the various files are for.
Deleting the DerivedData of Xcode should fix the issue. You can do this by heading to ~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData (with a Finder window open press cmd+G) and deleting all the subfolders of it.
This is embarrassing, but if it could happen to me, maybe it could happen to someone else. The problem was that the window that came up after the second step in defining the type of project to be created, the one in which you choose where to save the project's files, extended off the bottom of the screen, so that only the very tops of the buttons were visible. Eventually, I realized the one to the far right might be the one to click to continue. Which it was. Feel free to delete this question.
