AudioKit shouldOptimizeForRealtimePlot causing plot to go blank - ios

I've got an iOS project set up in Xcode utilizing AudioKit to display a realtime plot of a chosen onboard microphone on the iOS device.
I am currently attempting to set the flag for an AKNodeOutputPlot where shouldOptimizeForRealtimePlot = true, but I've found that if I even add that line of code, whether it's set to true or false, to the project (in the ViewController the plot in which the plot is displayed, OR as a key-value in IB), the plot no longer displays.
If I remove the line of code, my plot resumes functionality as normal.
Has anyone else run into this?
My plot is setup mostly in IB, I pretty much just use the VC to set the input node and pause/resume the plot, but if you'd like to see any extra code, or a screenshot of my setup in IB, I'm happy to oblige.
Thank you for your assistance.


A fully Immersive fragment doesn't always hide the StatusBar when first launched

Since Android 11 the correct way of displaying a fully immersive fragment is by hiding and showing StatusBar and NavigationBars via the following code which fully supports all devices with a camera notch, at any API level. Note the WindowCompat version replaces the framework version, so you don’t need to check for a particular API level as you did when using the framework version.
WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, false);
WindowInsetsControllerCompat windowInsetsControllerCompat = WindowCompat.GetInsetsController(Activity.Window, Activity.Window.DecorView);
windowInsetsControllerCompat.SystemBarsBehavior = WindowInsetsControllerCompat.BehaviorShowTransientBarsBySwipe;
windowInsetsControllerCompat.Hide(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.StatusBars() | WindowInsetsCompat.Type.NavigationBars());
WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, true);
WindowInsetsControllerCompat windowInsetsControllerCompat = WindowCompat.GetInsetsController(Activity.Window, Activity.Window.DecorView);
windowInsetsControllerCompat.Show(WindowInsetsCompat.Type.StatusBars() | WindowInsetsCompat.Type.NavigationBars());
This eliminated the overly complex, very poorly documented and potentially error-prone code like below, which was used prior to Android 11.
Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (StatusBarVisibility) (SystemUiFlags.Fullscreen |
SystemUiFlags.HideNavigation |
SystemUiFlags.Immersive |
SystemUiFlags.ImmersiveSticky |
SystemUiFlags.LayoutHideNavigation |
SystemUiFlags.LayoutStable |
I was attempting to provide a choice of either displaying all fragments fully immersive or allowing some fragments to display as “letterboxed” i.e. not allowing the window to render into the DisplayCutout area. So my existing preference choice Devices with Notches/Cutouts allow full screen display would have to change to support multiple choice.
The problem I hit was that code I had used (like the WindowCompat code above since Android 11) was failing to display the fragment fullscreen when first launched. When it opened for the first time the window would attempt to go full screen, but only the NavigationBar would be removed. The StatusBar area was left as a black rectangle. You could see the animation of the time on the left and the icons on the right side of the StatusBar disappearing, (statusBar contents removed) but the window didn’t render into the StatusBar area. Immediately when rotated, the fragment became full screen and when rotated back to Portrait it corrected itself and was full screen again.
So in frustration, I went hunting on StackOverFlow looking for a solution but everything I found suggested that my ImmersiveFragment class was coded correctly. Then because this was my first attempt at using Material 3, I then started to suspect Material3, so I went backwards to my NavigationGraph6 project (Material2) and after much testing, I was able to reproduce the same problem, which eliminated Material3.
More searching on StackOverflow and I came across a Kotlin post that was the same as all the others, except that it had the following line – equivalent to this C# line.
So I added that line before the WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, false) in the HideSystemUi() and then cleared the flags before the WindowCompat.SetDecorFitsSystemWindows(Activity.Window, true) line in the ShowSystemUi with
and immediately it worked.
So my question is why is this required and has anyone come across the same problem with immersive fragments?
Definition of LayoutNoLimits – Allow window to extend outside of the screen ???.
Does anyone have a clue what this definition actually means?
To test the code (comment out the new lines in ImmersiveFragment.cs). You can find the project NavigationGraph7 at The immersiveFragment is the RaceResultsFragment (inherits from ImmersiveFragment) accessed by the BottomNavigationBar on the SlideShowFragment.
I referred to the official doc both Android and Microsoft too. As you said that: "Allow window to extend outside of the screen". There are few official definitions of it...
You can check Can I set FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS only for status bar?, it talks about usage of LayoutNoLimit. Wish it could be helpful to you.

MTLTexture only showing one color of the image

I was following raywenderlich's Metal tutorial, but got stuck rendering a texture on a plane, it seems to be showing only one color of the image, not the entire image. I'm running on an iPad iOS 12.3.
Here's a repo for the project:
May anyone help me?
In your Renderer implementation, set a breakpoint on the line that reads:
private lazy var device = metalView.device
And run your code.
At the point in which this line is executed, the metalView exists, but the device on that metalView is nil. Similar problems can be seen for the other lazy properties of the renderer.
You may wish to use a less complex property style as it appears the properties are not being collected when the view is in the state you expect. I suspect that the view will not create resources like its device until it is attached to a window which will happen after viewDidLoad.

ARKit - Extend the reach of "hitTest"

I want to perform a hit testing from a point on the screen to a Cube in a 3D world. I've been using hitTest from ARKit. It works when I'm standing close to the cube, but when I start moving backwards, it stops working. I'm assuming this is because it's locked to the camera's zRange.
I've tried to set the clipToZRange option to false, like so:
let hits = self.sceneView.hitTest(loc, options: [SCNHitTestOption.clipToZRange: false])`
but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Am I not setting the option right, or is this a bug?
I am using the latest Xcode and iOS betas.
Turns out the showFeaturePoints debug option from ARKit interferes with hitTest...

iPhone-AR toolkit - Does not update points on the radar when device starts moving

I have implemented the iPhone-AR toolkit app found in this link.
I want to re plot the radar points everytime device starts moving i.e. Everytime the current lat long values change, the existing set of values should change their position on the radar . But it does not move the points present on the radar. Can anyone tell me where I have to change to implement this?
You can try Calonso's ar-kit project which is similar to yours since they are both forked from same repository:

why storyboard ui elements not showing on UIViewController in xcode 6?

I am new to IOS development. I am developing an app for IOS 8 devices. I used storyboard for my design yesterday my storyboard showing all UI design but today morning it show blank UIViewController no UI element vision please see in screen shot and very strange thing is that when i run my app all ui element visible in my device. I google but dont find any solution please help me out. Thank you in advance.
It looks to me like you are using size class and you went into a particular size class and added these views. Now you are back in Any size class, so the views are not there (that is why they are greyed out in the document outline at the left). They are available only for that particular size class. If you switch back to it again, whatever it was, you will see them again. Basically, you have created conditional views - the condition being that they are present only when that particular size class situation is the case.
In other words, if you want your layout to apply in the general case, you want to start by creating and editing it under Any size classes. Only then do you switch to a particular size class and modify the layout for that particular size class.
when i run my app all ui element visible in my device
Yes, because on your device the particular size class situation matches the size class you were editing when you added those views. So there they are. That seems to me to prove my guess is right.
I have the same issue while copy a ViewController to another storyboard.
Fixed by following steps:
1: Select the viewController
2: Click on 5th Tab
3: Set the simulated size to Fixed.
Select install:
Since all components [like label,textfield,buttons] are in disable mode, one select Installed check mark its will be enable again adjust constrain accordingly.
The size must be the same, in all xcode storyboard
In my case, it was due to me setting alpha to 0.0 and forgetting it.
