display image after url redirection in sheets - google-sheets

I am trying to insert an Image in Google Sheet the URL, https://storage.cloud.google.com/test/7691/000112/002.png, using
but it doesn't work ,however,when I open it in browser it is redirected to a very long URL, is there a way to edit the =Image(..) so it actually puts in the image URL after redirection
when I use =Image('url_after_redirection') it works fine

After plenty of search on this subject, I found the simplest solution is to use googleapistorage link and making the image public.
Here's the Cloud storage documentation to make objects like images public.


Is there a way to index the images generated by "Next/Image Component" in Google Image Search?

I am having issues with indexing the images that are optimized by the Next/Image component these images are in the public folder of my Next.js app.
I haven't seen any examples where any resource/URL like below, that was generated by Next/Image component has been indexed in google image search.
This type of URL: https://www.example.com/_next/image?url=%2Fimages%2Fhome%2FDog-image-1.jpg&w=384&q=100
The reason that these images are not getting indexed in google despite having the resource content-type: image/jpg in http header is because google needs to crawl the resource at the location root file/resource/URL like this: https://www.example.com/images/home/Dog-image-1.jpg
Why? If the http header has the correct content-type? Because google needs make sure that it knows the original resource because it is not sure how long the URL that is generated by Next/Image will stay, and it wants to avoid these kind of URL's or base64 in its image index to avoid 404 errors in the search engine to maintain a satisfactory UX, so it needs to crawl the image resource at it's location directly and it has to crawl it in the html code.
Now the question:
How is it possible to make google crawl the root resource/URL in my img tag when using the Next/Image component as well. If that's not possible Next/Image is not at all for e-commerce or other image dependent websites that depend on a lot of traffic from image search, even other websites would be reluctant in sharing your images via these URLs.
Anybody thinks a data-src attribute can solve this or something here https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image#minimum-cache-ttl?
Thank You for Your time.
I did it using https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image#unoptimized
Since Next.js 12.3.0, this prop can be assigned to all images by updating next.config.js with the following configuration:
module.exports = {
images: {
unoptimized: true,
And as a result I have regular image URL https://www.example.com/images/home/Dog-image-1.jpg

Creating a link to download whole spreadsheet from Google Drive

I want to create download link for my spreadsheet on google drive and I read about something like that:
But it only downloads first sheet. I've read about GID parameter, but I don't want to spend time developing something that will get all GID's from API, and then download every sheet. Is there any way to have one link that leads to download of whole spreadsheet?
You might want to try suggestion in Labnol's guide:
Open your Google Spreadsheet in the browser, make the sheet Public (or Anyone with a link) and make a note of the shared URL. It should be something like this:
The direct download links use a similar format as Google Documents and will read like:
In addition to that, you may want to also try using the suggested URL in this SO post and see if it will help.

How to add Facebook meta tags to cloud hosted images?

I'm trying to share some images via the Facebook sharer url "https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php".
The images are stored in the cloud in azure blobs, so I have a url that looks like "https://myapp.blob.core.windows.net/xxxx.gif"
In order for the Facebook sharer to correctly display the image it's looking for some meta tags, like "<meta property="og:image" content="http://ia.media-imdb.com/rock.jpg"/>"
What would be the best way to add those tags to cloud hosted images?
Options 1
Build a redirect url that takes the id of image adds the tags then redirects to the cloud url?
Any other ideas? Would option 1 work?
You're confusing two different things. The meta tags are for web pages, where if just the link to the page is shared, Facebook can then inspect the page and create a rich representation of it in the post by relying on those tags.
If you need to share a link that happens to be to an image, then you can't use meta tags. However, you might be able to use share intents to add some context to the link. For example, if you wanted to provide a link on a web page that will allow people to share the link to the image, you could do something like:
That would take the user to a dialog that would allow them to make a post to their Facebook account, with all the provided information prepopulated. The redirect_uri tells Facebook where to send them back on your site when done posting.

Error parsing input URL, no data was cached, or no data was scraped. (2015)

i share websites content through Facebook Open Graph on Facebook.
But some of the URL give the above error (though the url of posts and its images are correct).
in example.
this url works:
or if i change its category(articles) to (roznigar)
it also works:
and if i just change its category(articles) to (goftago)
it doesn't work
and also changing to some other categories doesn't work.
I don't really know is there fault with website or Facebook.
Stackoverflow is a place for people writing their own code, webapps might be a better place to ask, or superuser.stackexchange.com
Facebook's scraper works the same way with all website, it's about the setup on their individual website, put the links into http://developers.facebook. com/tools/debug

Is it possible to open Tweetbot and share an image?

Using URL schemes is it possible to open Tweetbot from my iOS app and create a post with an image? I have looked at this page and maybe I am just missing it but all I can see is to create a post with text like this: tweetbot://<screenname>/post?text=<text>
Can I pass in a UIImage or image data or something else to have it post an image?
From looking closely at the TweetBot URL scheme docs, it seems that is not possible. To the best of my knowledge, you cannot attach an object to a URL scheme. You could however upload the image to an image service like Imgur via their API, and then pass the URL of the image to TweetBot along with text. Here is a link to Imgur's Objective-C samples: https://github.com/geoffmacd/ImgurSession
