React native "'AIRMapCoordinate.h' file not found" error - ios

I stuck with a problem with Xcode. I upgraded one package for my react-native project (react-native-track-player#2.0.0-rc13) and after that when I tried to build the project, it does have problems with some headers in the "react-native-maps#0.26.1" package. It shows this error:
'AIRMapCoordinate.h' file not found
I realized that this error happening because Xcode can't find those headers and those headers are in this directory:
So I added this path to "Header search paths" but it still can't find those headers. I also delete pods and re-install them and cleaned the project build folder but I still have the same problem.
Do you have any ideas about what goes wrong here?


React Native xcode project "Header Search Path"

Following the steps from React Native official tutorial, the xcode project created by "react-native init MyFirstRNProject" won't compile. It complains "React/xxxxx.h" can't be found.
After further investigation of this xcode project, I figured the "React" target contains a build phase "Copy Headers" which copies all exposed headers into a weird location:
OK, cool, at least we got the header location. We can change the copied location to somewhere else that better than this. So whichever the project that do "#import < React/xxxxx.h >" should have above path in "Header Search Path" in build settings. Unfortunately, all projects have "Header Search Path" empty. And that's why I'm getting tons of header not found error.
OK, let's add it. Now it finds headers, but compilation still failed, see reference below:
The discussion above saying that removing the "Header Search Path" of the projects will solve the problem. But we know that without header search path, it again can't find React headers.
Just curious now, I don't think my setup is wrong, does anyone has the same issue?
I had the same problem on fresh install of Xcode 10.1
There are few steps to follow to compile the new project after react-native init appName
In Xcode, Select File -> Project/Workspace Settings. You will see a Build System option to select the Legacy Build System as shown below
Change Advanced settings, and set Build Location to Custom and change paths to Relative to Workspace and Build/ to build/Build/ as showed.
3. User Debug for command-line builds(for react-native run-ios to work properly)
Clear your project
After this manipulations(don't need set header search paths) you'll be able to build and run empty project via Xcode or CLI

Trying to add the Firebase SDK to an iOS project using CocoaPods

When I try and build the project after configuring my podfile and installing the pod. I get this
This is the specific error message:
"/Users/jbmoss84/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Lets_Travel-cgnhhmvnwassqgdzlgervlydkwfz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Lets No such file or
I am using the Xcode workspace when I build.
I have tried cleaning my build folder, deleting my derived data, and anything else that I could think of. Nothing seems to work.
Anyone have any ideas?

Twitter kit iOS - No such file or directory

After doing a pod update command to update all of the pods in my project I am getting the following error for the Twitter kit:
/Users/user/iOS/Apps/myApp/Pods/TwitterKit/TwitterKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/TwitterKitResources.bundle: No such file or directory
I have looked in the TwitterKit folder and this the correct file path for the Resources.bundle :
I have tried :
Manually changing the directory of the resource.bundle by going on
identity and type tab and clicking on the folder icon to set the file
Removing the pod and then installing it.
Cleaning and rebuilding the Xcode
However I am still getting the same error message.
I have never had this issue before with pods, does anyone know how to solve this ?
I have resolved the same error deleting the TwitterKit.framework from the Frameworks folder.

Xcode 7.3.1 - Can't properly setup AWS

A year ago I had a project where I was using AWS. I forget exactly how it worked but it involved a BridgingHeader and no use of Frameworks.
I came back to this project today and none of the AWS stuff was working. I deleted all AWS/pod related files, got rid of the BridgingHeader reliance, cleaned the project, and proceeded to follow the pod-based instructions here:
However, the project still doesn't recognize any of the AWS libraries (getting the error "Use of unresolved identifier AWS...").
I saw a post by someone that suggested simply putting "import Framework" at the top of the files that use that Framework, but this doesn't work (it doesn't recognize AWSS3 when I put "import AWSS3", for example).
Then I saw advice that suggested figuring out the correct "Framework/Header/Library Search Paths" and so I created a brand new project, copied the podfile, and ran pod install. In this new project I am getting the error:
ld: warning: directory not found for option
for each of the AWS libraries.
When I go into the target build settings, I see that the Framework Search Paths have strings relating to the AWS libraries, but when I delete them I then get the error "ld: Framework not found AWSAutoScaling".
I tried giving the direct path to the respective folders but I get the same error.
I fixed the problem by opening the .xcworkspace file instead of the the .xcodeproj file.

Linking error Xcode 7.2: Framework Not Found

I have been trying to find a solution to this problem for hours. Every time I try to build my project, I get the same error:
ld: framework not found SwiftHTTP
I tried following the instructions in this question but to no avail.
Are there any ideas as to what else I may be doing wrong?
As mentioned in comments, OP accessed the project via .xcproject instead of .xcworkspace, thus the framework is not loading. To solve the problem (and restore to recommended settings by Cocoapods), follow the steps below:
Close all Xcode project / workspace
In Terminal, issue pod update in the Project folder to restore the settings
After Cocoapods finished running, open the .xcworkspace and build the project
