I have a google sheets doc linked to another sheets document via IMPORTRANGE.
I wish to have a duplicate which mantains Values only without the link data, since i am lookin to update the data and make like monthly reports based on that.
Is there a way to duplicate the sheets via script or another function or either break the links but mantain the values?
Make the copy and enable the IMPORTRANGE(s).
Then select the entire sheet by clicking the blank rectangle just above the left-hand row numbers and to the left of the top column letters. With the sheet selected, click Ctrl-C to copy to clipboard.
With the full-sheet selection still active, hit Ctrl-V for "Paste Special." Look for a clipboard icon to appear lower-right on the visible screen area. Click it and choose "Paste values only."
I have a contents page of all the sheets in the document.
All of the cells listed under 'Rounds' and 'Data Input' have the same name as the sheet they are linking to, as you can see in the screenshot.
I was wondering if there is a way to create a link for all of these cells automatically, instead of going through every single one.
Thanks for the help.
I was able to do this by recording a Macro. Here are the steps I did whilst recording.
Delete all contents in the cells.
Paste in the array formula #player0 made me, into the first cell under the 'Rounds' column.
Select all the cells in the column and click on 'Convert to Links'.
Set colour to blue and underline so it looks like a link.
Here's the finished macro.
I want to make a dropdown list in my spreadsheet. I did it using data validation but I want to make an arrow in the cell for that list.
All the answers suggest the solution in the photo which I can't find it in my spreadsheet at all.
right click on a cell, row, column or range
click on the last option - Data validation
window opens which will look like your picture
Is there a way to remove the conditional formatting from cells, while keeping the applied format intact?
The only way I've found is:
Copy the cells.
Clear formatting on the cells (ctrl + \)
Paste special -> Paste format only (paste over the said cells).
Copy a cell that has no conditional formatting
Select the cells with de conditional formatting you want to delete
Click Edit > Paste special > Paste conditional formatting only.
Yes, to remove individual conditional formats while leaving other formatting unchanged, in Google Sheets:
If the conditional format pane on the far right is present, close it by clicking the X in the top right of the pane.
Highlight the range of cells (or select a single cell if you want to remove conditional format for only 1 cell) that have conditional formatting applied. For this to work, at least one of the cells you've highlighted must have conditional formatting defined.
Right click the highlighted cells and select "Conditional Formatting" from the context menu.
A vertical panel on the right will appear with a list of conditional format rules that are present in the highlighted range.
Hover the cursor (do not click -- just hover) over the rule you want to delete. As you hover a trash can icon will appear.
Click the trash can icon to remove that particular conditional format.
Copy the required range to another sheet and paste special, values only. Then immediately paste special again, formatting only.
If you want to keep the work in the same place on the same sheet, just cut instead of copy, and then do the above paste operations to the same place.
The advantage of the first method is that by creating a copy you can't accidentally mess up your original and can always replace this when you are satisfied with the result.
I know this is an old question, but I tried the approaches suggested. They don't work. The conditional formatting 'çonditions' are also copied across.
My Solution is to copy and paste into excel and then copy the values back into google sheets.
When pasting into excel the 'conditions' don't get copied over.
Some Redditor saved the day!
Here's the link
function clearFormatting () {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = s.getActiveSheet();
To add to the most-voted answer, you can actually do this on an entire sheet, in case that's helpful. (Mac keys shown here)
Command-a to Select All
Command-c to Copy
Command-\ to Clear Formatting
Command-Option-v to Paste Format Only
Without a script is possible with a hack: copy into say Word and back again.
How can I add some text to selected cells in a Google Spreadsheet. Can I perform it by using a regular expressions?
Yes; select the desired cells (they must be contiguous), Ctrl+H (brings up the Find and replace tool).
In Find, type $
In Replace with, type some_text
Ensure "Specific range" is selected, and check "Search using regular expressions".
Click "Replace all".