Using Agda "rewrite" to prove "composition of maps is map of compositions" - agda

I'm very new to Agda, and I'm trying to do a simple proof of "composition of maps is the map of compositions".
(An exercise taken from this course)
Relevant definition:
_=$=_ : {X Y : Set}{f f' : X -> Y}{x x' : X} ->
f == f' -> x == x' -> f x == f' x'
refl f =$= refl x = refl (f x)
data Vec (X : Set) : Nat -> Set where
[] : Vec X zero
_,-_ : {n : Nat} -> X -> Vec X n -> Vec X (suc n)
infixr 4 _,-_
I want to prove:
vMapCpFact : {X Y Z : Set}{f : Y -> Z}{g : X -> Y}{h : X -> Z} ->
(heq : (x : X) -> f (g x) == h x) ->
{n : Nat} (xs : Vec X n) ->
vMap f (vMap g xs) == vMap h xs
I already figured out the proof using =$=
vMapCpFact heq [] = refl []
vMapCpFact heq (x ,- xs) = refl _,-_ =$= heq x =$= vMapCpFact heq xs
But when I tried to do the proof using rewrite, I stuck at this step:
vMapCpFact heq [] = refl []
vMapCpFact heq (x ,- xs) rewrite heq x | vMapCpFact heq xs = {!!}
Agda says the goal is still
(h x ,- vMap f (vMap g xs)) == (h x ,- vMap h xs)
I wonder why the rewrite of vMapCpFact heq xs failed?

Simply because vMapCpFact heq xs didn't fire at all. The type of this expression, as reported by Agda, is
vMap _f_73 (vMap _g_74 xs) == vMap (λ z → h z) xs
i.e. Agda can't infer f and g (those _f_73 and _g_74 are unresolved metavariables) and so it can't realize what exactly to rewrite.
You can fix this by explicitly specifying f:
vMapCpFact {f = f} heq (x ,- xs) rewrite heq x | vMapCpFact {f = f} heq xs = {!!}
Now the type of the goal is
(h x ,- vMap h xs) == (h x ,- vMap h xs)
as expected.
Or you can rewrite from right to left, since the rhs of the type of vMapCpFact heq xs is fully inferred:
vMap (λ z → h z) xs
For rewriting from right to left you only need to use sym. Then the whole thing type checks:
vMapCpFact heq (x ,- xs) rewrite heq x | sym (vMapCpFact heq xs) = refl _
because the _f_73 and _g_74 metavariables are forced to unify with the actual f and g variables by the refl.


How can I establish a bijection between a tree and its traversal?

I was looking at How does inorder+preorder construct unique binary tree? and thought it would be fun to write a formal proof of it in Idris. Unfortunately, I got stuck fairly early on, trying to prove that the ways to find an element in a tree correspond to the ways to find it in its inorder traversal (of course, I'll also need to do that for the preorder traversal). Any ideas would be welcome. I'm not particularly interested in a complete solution—more just help getting started in the right direction.
data Tree a = Tip
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
I can convert it to a list in at least two ways:
inorder : Tree a -> List a
inorder Tip = []
inorder (Node l v r) = inorder l ++ [v] ++ inorder r
foldrTree : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
foldrTree c n Tip = n
foldrTree c n (Node l v r) = foldr c (v `c` foldrTree c n r) l
inorder = foldrTree (::) []
The second approach seems to make pretty much everything difficult, so most of my efforts have focused on the first. I describe locations in the tree like this:
data InTree : a -> Tree a -> Type where
AtRoot : x `InTree` Node l x r
OnLeft : x `InTree` l -> x `InTree` Node l v r
OnRight : x `InTree` r -> x `InTree` Node l v r
It's quite easy (using the first definition of inorder) to write
inTreeThenInorder : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `InTree` t -> x `Elem` inorder t
and the result has a pretty simple structure that seems reasonably good for proofs.
It's also not terribly difficult to write a version of
inorderThenInTree : x `Elem` inorder t -> x `InTree` t
Unfortunately, I have not, thus far, come up with any way to write a version of inorderThenInTree that I've been able to prove is the inverse of inTreeThenInorder. The only one I've come up with uses
listSplit : x `Elem` xs ++ ys -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
and I run into trouble trying to get back through there.
A few general ideas I tried:
Using Vect instead of List to try to make it easier to work out what's on the left and what's on the right. I got bogged down in the "green slime" of it.
Playing around with tree rotations, going as far as to prove that rotation at the root of the tree lead to a well-founded relation. (I didn't play around with rotations below, because I never was able to figure out a way to use anything about these rotations).
Trying to decorate tree nodes with information about how to reach them. I didn't spend very long on this because I couldn't think of a way to express anything interesting through that approach.
Trying to construct the proof that we're going back where we started while constructing the function that does so. This got pretty messy, and I got stuck somewhere or other.
You were on the right track with your listSplit lemma. You can use that function to learn whether the target element is on the left or right side of a Tree. In the Agda standard library listSplit is called ++⁻
This is the relevant line from my implementation
with ++⁻ (inorder l) x∈t
Here's the complete implementation. I've included it as an external link to avoid unwanted spoilers and also to take advantage of Agda's wonderful HTML hyperlinked, syntax highlighted output. You can click through to see the types and definitions of any of the supporting lemmas.
I wrote inorderToFro and inorderFroTo and the associated lemmas in Idris. Here's the link.
There are a couple of points I can make about your solution (without going much into details):
First, splitMiddle isn't really necessary. If you use a more general Right p = listSplit xs ys loc -> elemAppend xs ys p = loc type for splitRight, then that can cover the same ground.
Second, you could use more with patterns instead of explicit _lem functions; I think it would be clearer and more succinct as well.
Third, you do considerable work proving splitLeft and co. Often it makes sense to move the properties of a function inside the function. So, instead of writing listSplit and the proofs about its result separately, we can modify listSplit to return the needed proofs. This is often simpler to implement. In my solution I used the following types:
data SplitRes : (x : a) -> (xs, ys : List a) -> (e : Elem x (xs ++ ys)) -> Type where
SLeft : (e' : Elem x xs) -> e' ++^ ys = e -> SplitRes x xs ys e
SRight : (e' : Elem x ys) -> xs ^++ e' = e -> SplitRes x xs ys e
listSplit : (xs, ys : List a) -> (e : Elem x (xs ++ ys)) -> SplitRes x xs ys e
I could have also used Either (e' : Elem x xs ** (e' ++^ ys = e)) (e' : Elem x ys ** (xs ^++ e' = e)) instead of SplitRes. However, I ran into problems with Either. It seems to me that higher-order unification in Idris is just too wobbly; I couldn't comprehend why my unsplitLeft function wouldn't typecheck with Either. SplitRes doesn't contain functions in its type, so I guess that's why it works more smoothly.
In general, at this time I recommend Agda over Idris for writing proofs like this. It checks much faster and it's much more robust and convenient. I'm quite amazed you managed to write so much Idris here and for the other question about tree traversals.
I was able to work out how to prove that it's possible to go from a tree location to a list location and back from reading the types of the lemmas referenced in glguy's answer. Eventually, I managed to go the other way too, although the code (below) is fairly horrible. Fortunately, I was able to reuse the terrifying list lemmas to prove the corresponding theorem about preorder traversals as well.
module PreIn
import Data.List
%default total
data Tree : Type -> Type where
Tip : Tree a
Node : (l : Tree a) -> (v : a) -> (r : Tree a) -> Tree a
%name Tree t, u
data InTree : a -> Tree a -> Type where
AtRoot : x `InTree` (Node l x r)
OnLeft : x `InTree` l -> x `InTree` (Node l v r)
OnRight : x `InTree` r -> x `InTree` (Node l v r)
onLeftInjective : OnLeft p = OnLeft q -> p = q
onLeftInjective Refl = Refl
onRightInjective : OnRight p = OnRight q -> p = q
onRightInjective Refl = Refl
noDups : Tree a -> Type
noDups t = (x : a) -> (here, there : x `InTree` t) -> here = there
noDupsList : List a -> Type
noDupsList xs = (x : a) -> (here, there : x `Elem` xs) -> here = there
inorder : Tree a -> List a
inorder Tip = []
inorder (Node l v r) = inorder l ++ [v] ++ inorder r
rotateInorder : (ll : Tree a) ->
(vl : a) ->
(rl : Tree a) ->
(v : a) ->
(r : Tree a) ->
inorder (Node (Node ll vl rl) v r) = inorder (Node ll vl (Node rl v r))
rotateInorder ll vl rl v r =
rewrite appendAssociative (vl :: inorder rl) [v] (inorder r)
in rewrite sym $ appendAssociative (inorder rl) [v] (inorder r)
in rewrite appendAssociative (inorder ll) (vl :: inorder rl) (v :: inorder r)
in Refl
instance Uninhabited (Here = There y) where
uninhabited Refl impossible
instance Uninhabited (x `InTree` Tip) where
uninhabited AtRoot impossible
elemAppend : {x : a} -> (ys,xs : List a) -> x `Elem` xs -> x `Elem` (ys ++ xs)
elemAppend [] xs xInxs = xInxs
elemAppend (y :: ys) xs xInxs = There (elemAppend ys xs xInxs)
appendElem : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) -> x `Elem` xs -> x `Elem` (xs ++ ys)
appendElem (x :: zs) ys Here = Here
appendElem (y :: zs) ys (There pr) = There (appendElem zs ys pr)
tThenInorder : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `InTree` t -> x `Elem` inorder t
tThenInorder (Node l x r) AtRoot = elemAppend _ _ Here
tThenInorder (Node l v r) (OnLeft pr) = appendElem _ _ (tThenInorder _ pr)
tThenInorder (Node l v r) (OnRight pr) = elemAppend _ _ (There (tThenInorder _ pr))
listSplit_lem : (x,z : a) -> (xs,ys:List a) -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
-> Either (x `Elem` (z :: xs)) (x `Elem` ys)
listSplit_lem x z xs ys (Left prf) = Left (There prf)
listSplit_lem x z xs ys (Right prf) = Right prf
listSplit : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) -> x `Elem` (xs ++ ys) -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
listSplit [] ys xelem = Right xelem
listSplit (z :: xs) ys Here = Left Here
listSplit {x} (z :: xs) ys (There pr) = listSplit_lem x z xs ys (listSplit xs ys pr)
inorderThenT : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `Elem` inorder t -> InTree x t
inorderThenT Tip xInL = absurd xInL
inorderThenT {x} (Node l v r) xInL = inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (listSplit (inorder l) (v :: inorder r) xInL)
inorderThenT_lem : (x : a) ->
(l : Tree a) -> (v : a) -> (r : Tree a) ->
x `Elem` inorder (Node l v r) ->
Either (x `Elem` inorder l) (x `Elem` (v :: inorder r)) ->
InTree x (Node l v r)
inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (Left locl) = OnLeft (inorderThenT l locl)
inorderThenT_lem x l x r xInL (Right Here) = AtRoot
inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (Right (There locr)) = OnRight (inorderThenT r locr)
unsplitRight : {x : a} -> (e : x `Elem` ys) -> listSplit xs ys (elemAppend xs ys e) = Right e
unsplitRight {xs = []} e = Refl
unsplitRight {xs = (x :: xs)} e = rewrite unsplitRight {xs} e in Refl
unsplitLeft : {x : a} -> (e : x `Elem` xs) -> listSplit xs ys (appendElem xs ys e) = Left e
unsplitLeft {xs = []} Here impossible
unsplitLeft {xs = (x :: xs)} Here = Refl
unsplitLeft {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (There pr) =
rewrite unsplitLeft {xs} {ys} pr in Refl
splitLeft_lem1 : (Left (There w) = listSplit_lem x y xs ys (listSplit xs ys z)) ->
(Left w = listSplit xs ys z)
splitLeft_lem1 {w} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs ys z)
splitLeft_lem1 {w} Refl | (Left w) = Refl
splitLeft_lem1 {w} Refl | (Right s) impossible
splitLeft_lem2 : Left Here = listSplit_lem x x xs ys (listSplit xs ys z) -> Void
splitLeft_lem2 {x} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs ys z)
splitLeft_lem2 {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Left y) impossible
splitLeft_lem2 {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Right y) impossible
splitLeft : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) ->
(loc : x `Elem` (xs ++ ys)) ->
Left e = listSplit {x} xs ys loc ->
appendElem {x} xs ys e = loc
splitLeft {e} [] ys loc prf = absurd e
splitLeft (x :: xs) ys Here prf = rewrite leftInjective prf in Refl
splitLeft {e = Here} (x :: xs) ys (There z) prf = absurd (splitLeft_lem2 prf)
splitLeft {e = (There w)} (y :: xs) ys (There z) prf =
cong $ splitLeft xs ys z (splitLeft_lem1 prf)
splitMiddle_lem3 : Right Here = listSplit_lem y x xs (y :: ys) (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z) ->
Right Here = listSplit xs (y :: ys) z
splitMiddle_lem3 {y} {x} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z)
splitMiddle_lem3 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Left w) impossible
splitMiddle_lem3 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} prf | (Right w) =
cong $ rightInjective prf -- This funny dance strips the Rights off and then puts them
-- back on so as to change type.
splitMiddle_lem2 : Right Here = listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl ->
elemAppend xs (y :: ys) Here = pl
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs} {y} {ys} {pl} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) proof prpr
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = xs} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Left loc) impossible
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = []} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Right Here) = rightInjective prpr
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = x} {ys = ys} {pl = Here} prf | (Right Here) = (\Refl impossible) prpr
splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = (There z)} prf | (Right Here) =
cong $ splitMiddle_lem2 {xs} {y} {ys} {pl = z} (splitMiddle_lem3 prpr)
splitMiddle_lem1 : Right Here = listSplit_lem y x xs (y :: ys) (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) ->
elemAppend xs (y :: ys) Here = pl
splitMiddle_lem1 {y} {x} {xs} {ys} {pl} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) proof prpr
splitMiddle_lem1 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Left z) impossible
splitMiddle_lem1 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Right Here) = splitMiddle_lem2 prpr
splitMiddle : Right Here = listSplit xs (y::ys) loc ->
elemAppend xs (y::ys) Here = loc
splitMiddle {xs = []} prf = rightInjective prf
splitMiddle {xs = (x :: xs)} {loc = Here} Refl impossible
splitMiddle {xs = (x :: xs)} {loc = (There y)} prf = cong $ splitMiddle_lem1 prf
splitRight_lem1 : Right (There pl) = listSplit (q :: xs) (y :: ys) (There z) ->
Right (There pl) = listSplit xs (y :: ys) z
splitRight_lem1 {xs} {ys} {y} {z} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z)
splitRight_lem1 {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {y = y} {z = z} Refl | (Left x) impossible
splitRight_lem1 {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {y = y} {z = z} prf | (Right x) =
cong $ rightInjective prf -- Type dance: take the Right off and put it back on.
splitRight : Right (There pl) = listSplit xs (y :: ys) loc ->
elemAppend xs (y :: ys) (There pl) = loc
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = []} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = loc} prf = rightInjective prf
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = Here} Refl impossible
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = (There z)} prf =
let rec = splitRight {pl} {xs} {y} {ys} {loc = z} in cong $ rec (splitRight_lem1 prf)
-- tThenInorder is a bijection from ways to find a particular element in a tree
-- and ways to find that element in its inorder traversal. `inorderToFro`
-- and `inorderFroTo` together demonstrate this by showing that `inorderThenT` is
-- its inverse.
||| `tThenInorder t` is a retraction of `inorderThenT t`
inorderFroTo : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> (loc : x `Elem` inorder t) -> tThenInorder t (inorderThenT t loc) = loc
inorderFroTo Tip loc = absurd loc
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc with (listSplit (inorder l) (v :: inorder r) loc) proof prf
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Left here) =
rewrite inorderFroTo l here in splitLeft _ _ loc prf
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Right Here) = splitMiddle prf
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Right (There x)) =
rewrite inorderFroTo r x in splitRight prf
||| `inorderThenT t` is a retraction of `tThenInorder t`
inorderToFro : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> (loc : x `InTree` t) -> inorderThenT t (tThenInorder t loc) = loc
inorderToFro (Node l v r) (OnLeft xInL) =
rewrite unsplitLeft {ys = v :: inorder r} (tThenInorder l xInL)
in cong $ inorderToFro _ xInL
inorderToFro (Node l x r) AtRoot =
rewrite unsplitRight {x} {xs = inorder l} {ys = x :: inorder r} (tThenInorder (Node Tip x r) AtRoot)
in Refl
inorderToFro {x} (Node l v r) (OnRight xInR) =
rewrite unsplitRight {x} {xs = inorder l} {ys = v :: inorder r} (tThenInorder (Node Tip v r) (OnRight xInR))
in cong $ inorderToFro _ xInR

Problems on data type indices that uses list concatenation

I'm having a nasty problem with a formalisation of a theorem that uses a data type that have some constructors whose indices have list concatenation. When I try to use emacs mode to case split, Agda returns the following error message:
I'm not sure if there should be a case for the constructor
o-success, because I get stuck when trying to solve the following
unification problems (inferred index ≟ expected index):
e₁ o e'' , x₁ ++ x'' ++ y₁ ≟ e o e' , x ++ x' ++ y
suc (n₂ + n'') , x₁ ++ x'' ≟ m' , p''
when checking that the expression ? has type
suc (.n₁ + .n') == .m' × .x ++ .x' == p'
Since the code is has more than a small number of lines, I put it on the following gist:
Any tip is appreciated.
There was a similar question.
However you want to unify xs1 ++ xs2 ++ xs3 with ys1 ++ ys2 ++ ys3, but _++_ is not a constructor — it's a function, and it's not injective. Consider this simplified example:
data Bar {A : Set} : List A -> Set where
bar : ∀ xs {ys} -> Bar (xs ++ ys)
ex : ∀ {A} {zs : List A} -> Bar zs -> Bar zs -> List A
ex (bar xs) b = {!!}
b is of type Bar (xs ++ .ys), but b is not necessarily equal to bar .xs, so you can't pattern-match like this. Here are two Bars, which have equal types but different values:
ok : ∃₂ λ (b1 b2 : Bar (tt ∷ [])) -> b1 ≢ b2
ok = bar [] , bar (tt ∷ []) , λ ()
This is because xs1 ++ xs2 ≡ ys1 ++ ys2 doesn't imply xs1 ≡ ys1 × xs2 ≡ ys2 in general.
But it's possible to generalize an index. You can use the technique described by Vitus at the link above, or you can use this simple combinator, which forgets the index:
generalize : ∀ {α β} {A : Set α} (B : A -> Set β) {x : A} -> B x -> ∃ B
generalize B y = , y
ex : ∀ {A} {zs : List A} -> Bar zs -> Bar zs -> List A
ex {A} (bar xs) b with generalize Bar b
... | ._ , bar ys = xs ++ ys
After all, are you sure your lemma is true?
Some remarks first.
Your empty case states
empty : forall x -> G :: (emp , x) => (1 , x)
that the empty parser parses the whole string. It should be
empty : forall x -> G :: (emp , x) => (1 , [])
as in the paper.
Your definition of o-fail1 contains this part:
(n , fail ∷ o)
but fail fails everything, so it should be (n , fail ∷ []). With this representation you would probably need decidable equality on A to finish the lemma, and proofs would be dirty. Clean and idiomatic way to represent something, that can fail, is to wrap it in the Maybe monad, so here is my definition of _::_=>_:
data _::_=>_ {n} (G : Con n) : Foo n × List A -> Nat × Maybe (List A) -> Set where
empty : ∀ {x} -> G :: emp , x => 1 , just []
sym-success : ∀ {a x} -> G :: sym a , (a ∷ x) => 1 , just (a ∷ [])
sym-failure : ∀ {a b x} -> ¬ (a == b) -> G :: sym a , b ∷ x => 1 , nothing
var : ∀ {x m o} {v : Fin (suc n)}
-> G :: lookup v G , x => m , o -> G :: var v , x => suc m , o
o-success : ∀ {e e' x x' y n n'}
-> G :: e , x ++ x' ++ y => n , just x
-> G :: e' , x' ++ y => n' , just x'
-> G :: e o e' , x ++ x' ++ y => suc (n + n') , just (x ++ x')
o-fail1 : ∀ {e e' x x' y n}
-> G :: e , x ++ x' ++ y => n , nothing
-> G :: e o e' , x ++ x' ++ y => suc n , nothing
o-fail2 : ∀ {e e' x x' y n n'}
-> G :: e , x ++ x' ++ y => n , just x
-> G :: e' , x' ++ y => n' , nothing
-> G :: e o e' , x ++ x' ++ y => suc (n + n') , nothing
Here is the lemma:
cut : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} -> ∀ xs {ys zs : List A} -> xs ++ ys == xs ++ zs -> ys == zs
aux : ∀ {n} {G : Con n} {e e' z x x' y n n' m' p'}
-> z == x ++ x' ++ y
-> G :: e , z => n , just x
-> G :: e' , x' ++ y => n' , just x'
-> G :: e o e' , z => m' , p'
-> suc (n + n') == m' × just (x ++ x') == p'
aux {x = x} {x'} {n = n} {n'} r pr1 pr2 (o-success {x = x''} pr3 pr4) with x | n | lemma pr1 pr3
... | ._ | ._ | refl , refl rewrite cut x'' r with x' | n' | lemma pr2 pr4
... | ._ | ._ | refl , refl = refl , refl
aux ...
lemma : ∀ {n m m'} {G : Con n} {f x p p'}
-> G :: f , x => m , p -> G :: f , x => m' , p' -> m == m' × p == p'
lemma (o-success pr1 pr2) pr3 = aux refl pr1 pr2 pr3
lemma ...
The proof proceeds as follows:
We generalize the type of lemma's pr3 in an auxiliary function as in the Vitus' answer. Now it's possible to pattern-match on pr3.
We prove, that the first parser in lemma's pr3 (called also pr3 in the aux) produces the same output as pr1.
After some rewriting, we prove that the second parser in lemma's pr3 (called pr4 in the aux) produces the same output as pr2.
And since pr1 and pr3 produce the same output, and pr2 and pr4 produce the same output, o-success pr1 pr2 and o-success pr3 pr4 produce the same output, so we put refl , refl.
The code. I didn't prove the o-fail1 and o-fail2 cases, but they should be similar.
Amount of boilerplate can be reduced by
Fixing the definitions of the fail cases, which contain redundant information.
Returning Maybe (List A) instead of Nat × Maybe (List A). You can compute this Nat recursively, if needed.
Using the inspect idiom instead of auxiliary functions.
I don't think there is a simpler solution. The code.

How to prove unfold-reverse for Vec?

The Agda standard library has a few properties on how reverse and _++_ work on List. Trying to transfer these proofs to Vec appears to be non-trivial (disregarding universes):
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality
unfold-reverse : {A : Set} → (x : A) → {n : ℕ} → (xs : Vec A n) →
reverse (x ∷ xs) ≅ reverse xs ++ [ x ]
TL;DR: How to prove unfold-reverse?
The rest of this question outlines approaches to doing so and explains what problems surface.
The type of this property is very similar to the List counter part in Data.List.Properties. The proof involves a helper which roughly translates to:
open import Function
helper : ∀ {n m} → (xs : Vec A n) → (ys : Vec A m) →
foldl (Vec A ∘ (flip _+_ n)) (flip _∷_) xs ys ≅ reverse ys ++ xs
Trying to insert this helper in unfold-reverse fails, because the left hand reverse is a foldl application with Vec A ∘ suc as first argument whereas the left hand side of helper has a foldl application with Vec A ∘ (flip _+_ 1) as first argument. Even though suc ≗ flip _+_ 1 is readily available from Data.Nat.Properties.Simple, it cannot be used here as cong would need a non-pointwise equality here and we don't have extensionality without further assumptions.
Removing the flip from flip _+_ n in helper yields a type error, so that is no option either.
Any other ideas?
The Data.Vec.Properties module contains this function:
foldl-cong : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a}
{B₁ : ℕ → Set b}
{f₁ : ∀ {n} → B₁ n → A → B₁ (suc n)} {e₁}
{B₂ : ℕ → Set b}
{f₂ : ∀ {n} → B₂ n → A → B₂ (suc n)} {e₂} →
(∀ {n x} {y₁ : B₁ n} {y₂ : B₂ n} →
y₁ ≅ y₂ → f₁ y₁ x ≅ f₂ y₂ x) →
e₁ ≅ e₂ →
∀ {n} (xs : Vec A n) →
foldl B₁ f₁ e₁ xs ≅ foldl B₂ f₂ e₂ xs
foldl-cong _ e₁=e₂ [] = e₁=e₂
foldl-cong {B₁ = B₁} f₁=f₂ e₁=e₂ (x ∷ xs) =
foldl-cong {B₁ = B₁ ∘ suc} f₁=f₂ (f₁=f₂ e₁=e₂) xs
Here is more or less elaborated solution:
unfold-reverse : {A : Set} → (x : A) → {n : ℕ} → (xs : Vec A n) →
reverse (x ∷ xs) ≅ reverse xs ++ (x ∷ [])
unfold-reverse x xs = begin
foldl (Vec _ ∘ _+_ 1) (flip _∷_) (x ∷ []) xs
≅⟨ (foldl-cong
{B₁ = Vec _ ∘ _+_ 1}
{f₁ = flip _∷_}
{e₁ = x ∷ []}
{B₂ = Vec _ ∘ flip _+_ 1}
{f₂ = flip _∷_}
{e₂ = x ∷ []}
(λ {n} {a} {as₁} {as₂} as₁≅as₂ -> {!!})
xs) ⟩
foldl (Vec _ ∘ flip _+_ 1) (flip _∷_) (x ∷ []) xs
≅⟨ helper (x ∷ []) xs ⟩
reverse xs ++ x ∷ []
Note, that only B₁ and B₂ are distinct in the arguments of the foldl-cong function. After simplifying context in the hole we have
Goal: a ∷ as₁ ≅ a ∷ as₂
as₁≅as₂ : as₁ ≅ as₂
as₂ : Vec A (n + 1)
as₁ : Vec A (1 + n)
a : A
n : ℕ
A : Set
So we need to prove, that at each recursive call adding an element to an accumulator of type Vec A (n + 1) is equal to adding an element to an accumulator of type Vec A (1 + n), and then results of two foldls are equal. The proof itself is simple. Here is the whole code:
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple
open import Data.Vec.Properties
open ≅-Reasoning
helper : ∀ {n m} {A : Set} (xs : Vec A n) (ys : Vec A m)
-> foldl (Vec A ∘ flip _+_ n) (flip _∷_) xs ys ≅ reverse ys ++ xs
cong' : ∀ {α β γ} {I : Set α} {i j : I}
-> (A : I -> Set β) {B : {k : I} -> A k -> Set γ} {x : A i} {y : A j}
-> i ≅ j
-> (f : {k : I} -> (x : A k) -> B x)
-> x ≅ y
-> f x ≅ f y
cong' _ refl _ refl = refl
unfold-reverse : {A : Set} → (x : A) → {n : ℕ} → (xs : Vec A n) →
reverse (x ∷ xs) ≅ reverse xs ++ (x ∷ [])
unfold-reverse x xs = begin
foldl (Vec _ ∘ _+_ 1) (flip _∷_) (x ∷ []) xs
≅⟨ (foldl-cong
{B₁ = Vec _ ∘ _+_ 1}
{f₁ = flip _∷_}
{e₁ = x ∷ []}
{B₂ = Vec _ ∘ flip _+_ 1}
{f₂ = flip _∷_}
{e₂ = x ∷ []}
(λ {n} {a} {as₁} {as₂} as₁≅as₂ -> begin
a ∷ as₁
≅⟨ cong' (Vec _) (sym (≡-to-≅ (+-comm n 1))) (_∷_ a) as₁≅as₂ ⟩
a ∷ as₂
xs) ⟩
foldl (Vec _ ∘ flip _+_ 1) (flip _∷_) (x ∷ []) xs
≅⟨ helper (x ∷ []) xs ⟩
reverse xs ++ x ∷ []

Termination check on list merge

Agda can't see that the following function terminates:
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List
open import Relation.Nullary
merge : List ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
merge (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes p = x ∷ merge xs (y ∷ ys)
... | _ = y ∷ merge (x ∷ xs) ys
merge xs ys = xs ++ ys
Agda wiki says that it's OK for the termination checker if the arguments on recursive calls decrease lexicographically. Based on that it seems that this function should also pass. So what am I missing here? Also, is it maybe OK in previous versions of Agda? I've seen similar code on the Internet and no one mentioned termination issues there.
I cannot give you the reason why exactly this happens, but I can show you how to cure the symptoms. Before I start: This is a known problem with the termination checker. If you are well-versed in Haskell, you could take a look at the source.
One possible solution is to split the function into two: first one for the case where the first argument gets smaller and second for the second one:
merge : List ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
merge (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes _ = x ∷ merge xs (y ∷ ys)
... | no _ = y ∷ merge′ x xs ys
merge xs ys = xs ++ ys
merge′ : ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
merge′ x xs (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes _ = x ∷ merge xs (y ∷ ys)
... | no _ = y ∷ merge′ x xs ys
merge′ x xs [] = x ∷ xs
So, the first function chops down xs and once we have to chop down ys, we switch to the second function and vice versa.
Another (perhaps surprising) option, which is also mentioned in the issue report, is to introduce the result of recursion via with:
merge : List ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
merge (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y | merge xs (y ∷ ys) | merge (x ∷ xs) ys
... | yes _ | r | _ = x ∷ r
... | no _ | _ | r = y ∷ r
merge xs ys = xs ++ ys
And lastly, we can perform the recursion on Vectors and then convert back to List:
open import Data.Vec as V
using (Vec; []; _∷_)
merge : List ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
merge xs ys = V.toList (go (V.fromList xs) (V.fromList ys))
go : ∀ {n m} → Vec ℕ n → Vec ℕ m → Vec ℕ (n + m)
go {suc n} {suc m} (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes _ = x ∷ go xs (y ∷ ys)
... | no _ rewrite lem n m = y ∷ go (x ∷ xs) ys
go xs ys = xs V.++ ys
However, here we need a simple lemma:
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
lem : ∀ n m → n + suc m ≡ suc (n + m)
lem zero m = refl
lem (suc n) m rewrite lem n m = refl
We could also have go return List directly and avoid the lemma altogether:
merge : List ℕ → List ℕ → List ℕ
merge xs ys = go (V.fromList xs) (V.fromList ys)
go : ∀ {n m} → Vec ℕ n → Vec ℕ m → List ℕ
go (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with x ≤? y
... | yes _ = x ∷ go xs (y ∷ ys)
... | no _ = y ∷ go (x ∷ xs) ys
go xs ys = V.toList xs ++ V.toList ys
The first trick (i.e. split the function into few mutually recursive ones) is actually quite good to remember. Since the termination checker doesn't look inside the definitions of other functions you use, it rejects a great deal of perfectly fine programs, consider:
data Rose {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
[] : Rose A
node : A → List (Rose A) → Rose A
And now, we'd like to implement mapRose:
mapRose : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
(A → B) → Rose A → Rose B
mapRose f [] = []
mapRose f (node t ts) = node (f t) (map (mapRose f) ts)
The termination checker, however, doesn't look inside the map to see if it doesn't do anything funky with the elements and just rejects this definition. We must inline the definition of map and write a pair of mutually recursive functions:
mapRose : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
(A → B) → Rose A → Rose B
mapRose f [] = []
mapRose f (node t ts) = node (f t) (mapRose′ f ts)
mapRose′ : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
(A → B) → List (Rose A) → List (Rose B)
mapRose′ f [] = []
mapRose′ f (t ∷ ts) = mapRose f t ∷ mapRose′ f ts
Usually, you can hide most of the mess in a where declaration:
mapRose : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} →
(A → B) → Rose A → Rose B
mapRose {A = A} {B = B} f = go
go : Rose A → Rose B
go-list : List (Rose A) → List (Rose B)
go [] = []
go (node t ts) = node (f t) (go-list ts)
go-list [] = []
go-list (t ∷ ts) = go t ∷ go-list ts
Note: Declaring signatures of both functions before they are defined can be used instead of mutual in newer versions of Agda.
Update: The development version of Agda got an update to the termination checker, I'll let the commit message and release notes speak for themselves:
A revision of call graph completion that can deal with arbitrary termination depth.
This algorithm has been sitting around in MiniAgda for some time,
waiting for its great day. It is now here!
Option --termination-depth can now be retired.
And from the release notes:
Termination checking of functions defined by 'with' has been improved.
Cases which previously required --termination-depth (now obsolete!)
to pass the termination checker (due to use of 'with') no longer
need the flag. For example
merge : List A → List A → List A
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) with x ≤ y
merge (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) | false = y ∷ merge (x ∷ xs) ys
merge (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) | true = x ∷ merge xs (y ∷ ys)
This failed to termination check previously, since the 'with'
expands to an auxiliary function merge-aux:
merge-aux x y xs ys false = y ∷ merge (x ∷ xs) ys
merge-aux x y xs ys true = x ∷ merge xs (y ∷ ys)
This function makes a call to merge in which the size of one of the
arguments is increasing. To make this pass the termination checker
now inlines the definition of merge-aux before checking, thus
effectively termination checking the original source program.
As a result of this transformation doing 'with' on a variable no
longer preserves termination. For instance, this does not
termination check:
bad : Nat → Nat
bad n with n
... | zero = zero
... | suc m = bad m
And indeed, your original function now passes the termination check!

≡-Reasoning and 'with' patterns

I was proving some properties of filter and map, everything went quite good until I stumbled on this property: filter p (map f xs) ≡ map f (filter (p ∘ f) xs). Here's a part of the code that's relevant:
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List hiding (filter)
import Level
filter : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (A → Bool) → List A → List A
filter _ [] = []
filter p (x ∷ xs) with p x
... | true = x ∷ filter p xs
... | false = filter p xs
Now, because I love writing proofs using the ≡-Reasoning module, the first thing I tried was:
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Function
filter-map : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}
(xs : List A) (f : A → B) (p : B → Bool) →
filter p (map f xs) ≡ map f (filter (p ∘ f) xs)
filter-map [] _ _ = refl
filter-map (x ∷ xs) f p with p (f x)
... | true = begin
filter p (map f (x ∷ xs))
≡⟨ refl ⟩
f x ∷ filter p (map f xs)
-- ...
But alas, that didn't work. After trying for one hour, I finally gave up and proved it in this way:
filter-map (x ∷ xs) f p with p (f x)
... | true = cong (λ a → f x ∷ a) (filter-map xs f p)
... | false = filter-map xs f p
Still curious about why going through ≡-Reasoning didn't work, I tried something very trivial:
filter-map-def : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}
(x : A) xs (f : A → B) (p : B → Bool) → T (p (f x)) →
filter p (map f (x ∷ xs)) ≡ f x ∷ filter p (map f xs)
filter-map-def x xs f p _ with p (f x)
filter-map-def x xs f p () | false
filter-map-def x xs f p _ | true = -- not writing refl on purpose
filter p (map f (x ∷ xs))
≡⟨ refl ⟩
f x ∷ filter p (map f xs)
But typechecker doesn't agree with me. It would seem that the current goal remains filter p (f x ∷ map f xs) | p (f x) and even though I pattern matched on p (f x), filter just won't reduce to f x ∷ filter p (map f xs).
Is there a way to make this work with ≡-Reasoning?
The trouble with with-clauses is that Agda forgets the information it learned from pattern match unless you arrange beforehand for this information to be preserved.
More precisely, when Agda sees a with expression clause, it replaces all the occurences of expression in the current context and goal with a fresh variable w and then gives you that variable with updated context and goal into the with-clause, forgetting everything about its origin.
In your case, you write filter p (map f (x ∷ xs)) inside the with-block, so it goes into scope after Agda has performed the rewriting, so Agda has already forgotten the fact that p (f x) is true and does not reduce the term.
You can preserve the proof of equality by using one of the "Inspect"-patterns from the standard library, but I'm not sure how it can be useful in your case.
