I have to call a microservice(M1) from within another microservice(M2). And since there are going to be a lot of http requests to M1, I am using a connection pool and I am using the persistent gem, please check out the link https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/persistent_http/2.0.3.
I have made the two methods in the class as self-send_get_message and self-send_post_message.
So Whenever I have to make a request, I am calling the method directly by class reference. Is this the correct way of defining the pool and using the Get and Post methods.
class HttpClientPool
##persistent_http = PersistentHTTP.new(
name: 'MyHTTPClient',
logger: Rails.logger,
pool_size: 10,
warn_timeout: 0.25,
force_retry: true,
url: "http://m1.com/",
read_timeout: 2,
open_timeout: 1,
##x = 1
def self.send_get_message(path)
puts "--path = #{path}"
##x= ##x+1
puts "---var is #{##x}"
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(path)
Now whenever I call HttpClientPool.send_get_message for sending a get request and print ##x the value should be incremented. When I am doing this on local machine - it seems to be fine. But when I deploy on a remote server, the value ##x comes out randomly mostly 2,3,4,5,6 and not seem to consistently increase.
What type of server do you have?
On your local machine, ruby internal thread lock might make the variable increase consistently, but on a multi-threaded environments, it could be accessed and incremented in a "random" way.
By the way: x is a terrible name for a variable and, as regards to a basically persistent HTTP request architecture, wouldn't it be more suitable to use WebSockets or another type of connection architecutre?
We have been reading the Definitive guide to form based website authentication with the intention of preventing rapid-fire login attempts.
One example of this could be:
1 failed attempt = no delay
2 failed attempts = 2 sec delay
3 failed attempts = 4 sec delay
Other methods appear in the guide, but they all require a storage capable of recording previous failed attempts.
Blocklisting is discussed in one of the posts in this issue (appears under the old name blacklisting that was changed in the documentation to blocklisting) as a possible solution.
As per Rack::Attack specifically, one naive example of implementation could be:
Where the login fails:
In the rack-attack.rb:
Rack::Attack.blacklist('bad-logins') { |req|
There are two parts here, returning the response if it is blocklisted and check if a previous failed attempt happened (StorageMechanism).
The first part, returning the response, can be handled automatically by the gem. However, I don't see so clear the second part, at least with the de-facto choice for cache backend for the gem and Rails world, Redis.
As far as I know, the expired keys in Redis are automatically removed. That would make impossible to access the information (even if expired), set a new value for the counter and increment accordingly the timeout for the refractory period.
Is there any way to achieve this with Redis and Rack::Attack?
I was thinking that maybe the 'StorageMechanism' has to remain absolutely agnostic in this case and know nothing about Rack::Attack and its storage choices.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you; it took me a while to dig out my old code relating to this.
As discussed in the comments above, here is a solution using a blacklist, with a findtime
# config/initilizers/rack-attack.rb
class Rack::Attack
(1..6).each do |level|
blocklist("allow2ban login scrapers - level #{level}") do |req|
maxretry: (20 * level),
findtime: (8**level).seconds,
bantime: (8**level).seconds
) do
req.path == '/users/sign_in' && req.post?
You may wish to tweak those numbers as desired for your particular application; the figures above are only what I decided as 'sensible' for my particular application - they do not come from any official standard.
One issue with using the above that when developing/testing (e.g. your rspec test suite) the application, you can easily hit the above limits and inadvertently throttle yourself. This can be avoided by adding the following config to the initializer:
safelist('allow from localhost') do |req|
'' == req.ip || '::1' == req.ip
The most common brute-force login attack is a brute-force password attack where an attacker simply tries a large number of emails and passwords to see if any credentials match.
You should mitigate this in the application by use of an account LOCK after a few failed login attempts. (For example, if using devise then there is a built-in Lockable module that you can make use of.)
However, this account-locking approach opens a new attack vector: An attacker can spam the system with login attempts, using valid emails and incorrect passwords, to continuously re-lock all accounts!
This configuration helps mitigate that attack vector, by exponentially limiting the number of sign-in attempts from a given IP.
I also added the following "catch-all" request throttle:
throttle('req/ip', limit: 300, period: 5.minutes, &:ip)
This is primarily to throttle malicious/poorly configured scrapers; to prevent them from hogging all of the app server's CPU.
Note: If you're serving assets through rack, those requests may be counted by rack-attack and this throttle may be activated too quickly. If so, enable the condition to exclude them from tracking.
I also wrote an integration test to ensure that my Rack::Attack configuration was doing its job. There were a few challenges in making this test work, so I'll let the code+comments speak for itself:
class Rack::AttackTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
setup do
# Prevent subtle timing issues (==> intermittant test failures)
# when the HTTP requests span across multiple seconds
# by FREEZING TIME(!!) for the duration of the test
#removed_safelist = Rack::Attack.safelists.delete('allow from localhost')
# Clear the Rack::Attack cache, to prevent test failure when
# running multiple times in quick succession.
# First, un-ban localhost, in case it is already banned after a previous test:
(1..6).each do |level|
Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.reset('', findtime: (8**level).seconds)
# Then, clear the 300-request rate limiter cache:
Rack::Attack.cache.delete("#{Time.now.to_i / 5.minutes}:req/ip:")
teardown do
travel_back # Un-freeze time
Rack::Attack.safelists['allow from localhost'] = #removed_safelist
test 'should block access on 20th successive /users/sign_in attempt' do
19.times do |i|
post user_session_url
assert_response :success, "was not even allowed to TRY to login on attempt number #{i + 1}"
# For DOS protection: Don't even let the user TRY to login; they're going way too fast.
# Rack::Attack returns 403 for blocklists by default, but this can be reconfigured:
# https://github.com/kickstarter/rack-attack/blob/master/README.md#responses
post user_session_url
assert_response :forbidden, 'login access should be blocked upon 20 successive attempts'
Most Rails applications work in a way that they are waiting for requests comming from a client and then do their magic.
But if I want to use a Rails application as part of a microservice architecture (for example) with some asychonious communication (Serivce A sends an event into a Kafka or RabbitMQ queue and Service B - my Rails app - is supposed to listen to this queue), how can I tune/start the Rails app to immediately listen to a queue and being triggered by event from there? (Meaning the initial trigger is not comming from a client, but from the App itself.)
Thanks for your advice!
I just set up RabbitMQ messaging within my application and will be implementing for decoupled (multiple, distributed) applications in the next day or so. I found this article very helpful (and the RabbitMQ tutorials, too). All the code below is for RabbitMQ and assumes you have a RabbitMQ server up and running on your local machine.
Here's what I have so far - that's working for me:
gem 'bunny'
gem 'sneakers'
I have a Publisher that sends to the queue:
# app/agents/messaging/publisher.rb
module Messaging
class Publisher
class << self
def publish(args)
connection = Bunny.new
channel = connection.create_channel
queue_name = "#{args.keys.first.to_s.pluralize}_queue"
queue = channel.queue(queue_name, durable: true)
channel.default_exchange.publish(args[args.keys.first].to_json, :routing_key => queue.name)
puts "in #{self}.#{__method__}, [x] Sent #{args}!"
Which I use like this:
Messaging::Publisher.publish(event: {... event details...})
Then I have my 'listener':
# app/agents/messaging/events_queue_receiver.rb
require_dependency "#{Rails.root.join('app','agents','messaging','events_agent')}"
module Messaging
class EventsQueueReceiver
include Sneakers::Worker
from_queue :events_queue, env: nil
def work(msg)
logger.info msg
response = Messaging::EventsAgent.distribute(JSON.parse(msg).with_indifferent_access)
ack! if response[:success]
The 'listener' sends the message to Messaging::EventsAgent.distribute, which is like this:
# app/agents/messaging/events_agent.rb
require_dependency #{Rails.root.join('app','agents','fsm','state_assignment_agent')}"
module Messaging
class EventsAgent
enroll_in_program: ["FSM::StateAssignmentAgent"]
class << self
def publish(event)
Messaging::Publisher.publish(event: event)
def distribute(event)
puts "in #{self}.#{__method__}, message"
if event[:handler]
puts "in #{self}.#{__method__}, event[:handler: #{event[:handler}"
event_name = event[:event_name].to_sym
EVENT_HANDLERS[event_name].each do |handler|
event[:handler] = handler
return {success: true}
Following the instructions on Codetunes, I have:
# Rakefile
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
require 'sneakers/tasks'
# app/config/sneakers.rb
Sneakers.logger.level = Logger::INFO # the default DEBUG is too noisy
I open two console windows. In the first, I say (to get my listener running):
$ WORKERS=Messaging::EventsQueueReceiver rake sneakers:run
... a bunch of start up info
2016-03-18T14:16:42Z p-5877 t-14d03e INFO: Heartbeat interval used (in seconds): 2
2016-03-18T14:16:42Z p-5899 t-14d03e INFO: Heartbeat interval used (in seconds): 2
2016-03-18T14:16:42Z p-5922 t-14d03e INFO: Heartbeat interval used (in seconds): 2
2016-03-18T14:16:42Z p-5944 t-14d03e INFO: Heartbeat interval used (in seconds): 2
In the second, I say:
$ rails s --sandbox
2.1.2 :001 > Messaging::Publisher.publish({:event=>{:event_name=>"enroll_in_program", :program_system_name=>"aha_chh", :person_id=>1}})
in Messaging::Publisher.publish, [x] Sent {:event=>{:event_name=>"enroll_in_program", :program_system_name=>"aha_chh", :person_id=>1}}!
=> :closed
Then, back in my first window, I see:
2016-03-18T14:17:44Z p-5877 t-19nfxy INFO: {"event_name":"enroll_in_program","program_system_name":"aha_chh","person_id":1}
in Messaging::EventsAgent.distribute, message
in Messaging::EventsAgent.distribute, event[:handler]: FSM::StateAssignmentAgent
And in my RabbitMQ server, I see:
It's a pretty minimal setup and I'm sure I'll be learning a lot more in coming days.
Good luck!
I'm afraid that for RabbitMQ at least you will need a client. RabbitMQ implements the AMQP protocol, as opposed to the HTTP protocol used by web servers. As Sergio mentioned above, Rails is a web framework, so it doesn't have AMQP support built into it. You'll have to use an AMQP client such as Bunny in order to subscribe to a Rabbit queue from within a Rails app.
Lets say Service A is sending some events to Kafka queue, you can have a background process running with your Rails app which would lookup into the kafka queue and process those queued messages. For background process you can go for cron-job or sidekiq kind of things.
Rails is a lot of things. Parts of it handle web requests. Other parts (ActiveRecord) don't care if you are a web request or a script or whatever. Rails itself does not even come with a production worthy web server, you use other gems (e.g., thin for plain old web browsers, or wash_out for incoming SOAP requests) for that. Rails only gives you the infrastructure/middleware to combine all the pieces regarding servers.
Unless your queue can call out to your application in some fashion of HTTP, for example in the form of SOAP requests, you'll need something that listens to your queueing system, whatever that may be, and translates new "tickets" on your queue into controller actions in your Rails world.
Maybe it is a good example for server push system. There are many users in the system, and users can talk with each other. It can be accomplished like this: one user sends message(through websocket) to the server, then the server forward the message to the other user. The key is to find the binding between the ws(websocket object) and the user. The example code like below:
EM.run {
EM::WebSocket.run(:host => "", :port => 8080, :debug => false) do |ws|
ws.onopen { |handshake|
# extract the user id from handshake and store the binding between user and ws
ws.onmessage { |msg|
# extract the text and receiver id from msg
# extract the ws_receiver from the binding
I want to figure out following issues:
The ws object can be serialized so it can be stored into disk or database? Otherwise I can only store the binding into memory.
What the differences between em-websocket and websocket-rails?
Which gem do you recommend for websocket?
You're approaching a use case that websockets are pretty good for, so you're on the right track.
You could serialize the ws object with Marshal, but think of websocket objects as being a bit like http request objects in that they are abstractions for a type of communication. You are probably best off marshaling/storing the data.
em-websocket is a lower(ish) lever websocket library built more or less directly on web-machine. websocket-rails is a higher level abstraction on websockets, with a lot of nice tools built in and pretty ok docs. It is built on top of faye-websocket-rails which is itself built on web machine. *Note, action cable which is the new websocket library for Rails 5 is built on faye.
I've use websocket-rails in the past and rather like it. It will take care of a lot for you. However, if you can use Rails 5 and Action Cable, do that, its the future.
The following is in addition to Chase Gilliam's succinct answer which included references to em-websocket, websocket-rails (which hadn't been maintained in a long while), faye-websocket-rails and ActionCable.
I would recommend the Plezi framework. It works both as an independent application framework as well as a Rails Websocket enhancement.
I would consider the following points as well:
do you need the message to persist between connections (i.e. if the other user if offline, should the message wait in a "message box"? for how long should the message wait?)...?
Do you wish to preserve message history?
These points would help yo decide if to use a persistent storage (i.e. a database) for the messages or not.
i.e., to use Plezi with Rails, create an init_plezi.rb in your application's config/initializers folder. use (as an example) the following code:
class ChatDemo
# use JSON events instead of raw websockets
#auto_dispatch = true
protected #protected functions are hidden from regular Http requests
def auth msg
#user = User.auth_token(msg['token'])
return close unless #user
# creates a websocket "mailbox" that will remain open for 9 hours.
register_as #user.id, lifetime: 60*60*9, max_connections: 5
def chat msg, received = false
unless #user # require authentication first
return false
if received
# this is only true when we sent the message
# using the `broadcast` or `notify` methods
write msg # writes to the client websocket
msg['from'] = #user.id
msg['time'] = Plezi.time # an existing time object
unless msg['to'] && registered?(msg['to'])
# send an error message event
return {event: :err, data: 'No recipient or recipient invalid'}.to_json
# everything was good, let's send the message and inform
# this will invoke the `chat` event on the other websocket
# notice the `true` is setting the `received` flag.
notify msg['to'], :chat, msg, true
# returning a String will send it to the client
# when using the auto-dispatch feature
{event: 'message_sent', msg: msg}.to_json
# remember our route for websocket connections.
route '/ws_chat', ChatDemo
# a route to the Javascript client (optional)
route '/ws/client.js', :client
Plezi sets up it's own server (Iodine, a Ruby server), so remember to remove from your application any references to puma, thin or any other custom server.
On the client side you might want to use the Javascript helper provided by Plezi (it's optional)... add:
<script src='/es/client.js' />
TOKEN = <%= #user.token %>;
c = new PleziClient(PleziClient.origin + "/ws_chat") // the client helper
c.log_events = true // debug
c.chat = function(event) {
// do what you need to print a received message to the screen
// `event` is the JSON data. i.e.: event.event == 'chat'
c.error = function(event) {
// do what you need to print a received message to the screen
c.message_sent = function(event) {
// invoked after the message was sent
// authenticate once connection is established
c.onopen = function(event) {
c.emit({event: 'auth', token: TOKEN});
// // to send a chat message:
// c.emit{event: 'chat', to: 8, data: "my chat message"}
I didn't test the actual message code because it's just a skeleton and also it requires a Rails app with a User model and a token that I didn't want to edit just to answer a question (no offense).
I'm using rspec to test my application and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to test this. The Slack::Notifier's job is to send a post request to a webhook. Once I call this method in Rspec, I don't know how to see the response. Also, is it possible to match the format of this text to an expected text somewhere? My method is below. Thanks.
def notify
offset = 14400 #UTC to EST
notifier = Slack::Notifier.new Rails.application.secrets.slack_organization_name, Rails.application.secrets.slack_token, channel: "##{Rails.application.secrets.slack_channel}", username: Rails.application.secrets.slack_user_name
notifier.ping(":white_check_mark: *USAGE SUMMARY for #{(Time.now - offset).to_formatted_s(:long) }*")
count = 0
current_time = Time.now.to_i
live_response.each do |r|
if r["properties"]["time"] > ((current_time - offset) - 60) #&& r["properties"]["$initial_referring_domain"] == "capture.com"
*Name:* #{r["properties"]["$name"]}
*Event:* #{r["event"]}
*Keywords:* #{r["properties"]["keywords"]}
*Organization:* #{r["properties"]["organizationName"]}
*Email:* #{r["properties"]["$email"]}
*Time:* #{Time.at(r["properties"]["time"] + offset).utc.to_datetime.in_time_zone("Eastern Time (US & Canada)").to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal)}
*More Data:* #{ANALYTICS_URL}#{r["properties"]["distinct_id"]}
count +=1
notifier.ping("*There were #{count} events in this report.*")
Testing network communications (like API calls) is a tricky thing. Personally I would rely on programming by contract and testing in isolation - i.e. assume the external service is working fine and it responds positively for valid request.
Then you test your client code by checking that you are actually sending a valid request. For this stub the method where control exits your code into a library/system code. For example if you are making a HTTP GET request using a gem like HTTParty, then stub HTTParty.get i.e. HTTParty.stub(:get) and in that stub verify that correct parameters were sent.
On the other side of the spectrum you should also simulated both positive and negative responses from the web service and make sure your client code handles it in expected manner.
If you are making a real then you are introducing a lot of dependencies on your test : a test setup of external service, risk of network issues (timeout, n/w breakdown, etc) problems with external service and may be more.
If you yourself are writing that webservice too then test that one also in isolation, i.e by simulating valid and invalid inputs and making sure they are handled properly. This part is pretty much your controller specs or request specs.
Once again, this is my opinion. Suggestions to do this in a better way and constructive criticism on the shortcomings of this approach are definitely welcome.
I have a Rails application that has a Document with the flag available. The document is uploaded to an external server where it is not immediately available (takes time to propogate). What I'd like to do is poll the availability and update the model when available.
I'm looking for the most performant solution for this process (service does not offer callbacks):
Document is uploaded to app
app uploads to external server
app polls url (http://external.server.com/document.pdf) until available
app updates model Document.available = true
I'm stuck on 3. I'm already using sidekiq in my project. Is that an option, or should I use a completely different approach (cron job).
Documents will be uploaded all the time and so it seems relevant to first poll the database/redis to check for Documents which are not available.
See this answer: Making HTTP HEAD request with timeout in Ruby
Basically you set up a HEAD request for the known url and then asynchronously loop until you get a 200 back (with a 5 second delay between iterations, or whatever).
Do this from your controller after the document is uploaded:
And then in your document model:
def self.poll_for_finished(document_id)
document = Document.find(document_id)
# make sure the document exists and should be polled for
return unless document.continue_polling?
if document.remote_document_exists?
document.available = true
document.poll_attempts += 1 # assumes you care how many times you've checked, could be ignored.
def continue_polling?
# this can be more or less sophisticated
return !document.available || document.poll_attempts < 5
def remote_document_exists?
Net::HTTP.start('http://external.server.com') do |http|
http.open_timeout = 2
http.read_timeout = 2
return "200" == http.head(document.path).code
This is still a blocking operation. Opening the Net::HTTP connection will block if the server you're trying to contact is slow or unresponsive. If you're worried about it use Typhoeus. See this answer for details: What is the preferred way of performing non blocking I/O in Ruby?