How to create a group in the UIAlertController - ios

I have implemented an UIAlertController (currently using the XLActionController) with the look and feel as the builtin menu from the iOS Contacts app (see pictures below).
I want to add a submenu which "folds out" just like in the Contacts app (see picture 2)
The builtin Contacts app (see pictures) has a menu which contains a "group" which opens (animates) when clicked - revealing the siblings as showin in the second picture. When the header is clicked it closes (animates) and returns like shows in the first picture. (The below can be achieved installing a supported app like Skype for Business)
Is this possible to build using either the default UIAlertController or eg XLActionController

This answer does not solve your problem but it may help you find a solution.
You need to build a custom view controller transitions and presentations. Your viewController must be a subclass of UIPresentationController. Have a look at this tutorial.
UIPresentationController Tutorial
You can use also a simple UIView which contains a UITableView that you animate upwards/downwards. Have a look at this tutorial
How to Create a Slide-In Menu


iOS: Popping up custom UIView

I'm writing an iPad app that houses some notes and I need to be able to add a note to the existing collection. I'd like to spawn a window to enter a new note. I'd like it to be something like UIAlertView (which doesn't allow any subclassing), something that pops up, allows entry and then can be dismissed. Is there an existing way to do that?
Add a UITextView to a UIPopoverController.
Read this question for a UIPopoverController example: Code to open a UIPopoverController
Check out the documentation for more information about UIPopoverController.

UIView/ViewController name [picture]

What is the name of the UIView/UIViewController in the left upper corner of the attached picture?
And more general question: where could an iOS developer find full and illustrated list of all available UIViews and ViewControllers?
Sorry, don't have enough reputation to attach the picture, please follow the link: image with iphone interface mockup.
That isn't a controller, it's a UIActionSheet. Also, the XCode documentation is pretty useful for browsing through iOS classes. To get to it, press the button in the top right-hand corner of XCode, labeled "Organizer".
More on UIActionSheet, you declare one by calling:
Make sure to set your controller as the delegate and to implement:
to specify what should happen when a button is clicked.
To show the Action Sheet initially, it has a bunch of showFrom... methods to specify where it will appear on the screen (for iPad, at least).

How can a Popup like the "Select Wi-Fi Network" alert be implemented

In iOS, a popup is shown from time to time that asks the user to join a Wi-Fi network.
I want to implement a similar popup with custom contents
TableView with a varying amount of entries (if too many, with scrollbar)
Cancel button
Popup over an existing view (the popup is smaller than the view)
How can such an effect be achieved? I guess that UIAlertView may be a good starting point. However, UIAlertView does not support subclassing
The UIAlertView class is intended to be used as-is and does not support subclassing. The view hierarchy for this class is private and must not be modified.
Not with the system UIAlertView. You have to code your own, or use an open source component.
This could be a starting point/example: BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets
Check this out, it is exactly the thing you need: github example project

iOS system icons and custom buttons

i'm working on my first app and the problem a have is that the application interface design is quite customised, (even though it is a tab bar based app). now in one of the view controllers i need to present the user with the print interaction controller to print images. the thing is i don't use a navigation bar or a toolbar system or otherwise. i have managed to attach a target action method to a custom button. however, apple states that the printing interface should be presented by a system button (the one that looks like an arrow, kind of). question is: is there any way of putting a system icon inside a button that is not inside a (bar)?, or would it be ok to somehow tell the user (with an overlay or something) that tapping the button i'm using (the button is a red ribbon coming down from a picture frame) they will get the printing options?
Apple says:
Although the print button can be any
custom button, it is recommended that
you use the system item-action button
shown in Figure 6-1.
I'd interpret that to mean that you can use your own button if you want to.
You might want to consider having a toolbar at the top of the view for this particular tab. Just appearing on this tab. This would make the issue moot.
You could also, have the tool bar "slide in" and "slide out" from the top to provide access to this (and other?) actions. A single or double tap could instigate such an action.
Unfortunately, Apple doesn't expose the images for the custom bar button items in any reasonable manner. If you'd like access to them, I suggest using the bug reporter system at Apple's developer site to request that.

Facebook iPhone application: root view animation style

I'm working on an application that has the same layout as Facebook. I have several icons on the home screen and would like to to make my viewController appear like when one of the icons are tapped.
Any idea on how it works?
Are you asking how to make a view appear in the standard way when the icon is tapped? ie how to make a button which is an image
are you asking how to make the view expand out like they do in the facebook app?
If your are asking the first one, you need to drag on a button in interface builder, then select it, in the button attributes window, in the first tab, in the 'type' drop-down (which is default to rounded rect), choose custom. then set either the image or background to your image (see whatever looks better). You can then link it up like a normal button with an IBAction.
If you are asking the second question, how do you make the views expand out and shrink back, then check out my tutorial:
How to make expanding/shrinking views on iPhone SDK
