Securing API using Oauth 2.0 - oauth

I am creating new product. for that I have to use available security features. should I use Oauth2 or Json web token? which is better and in which situation these should be used?

I think you may find your answer in using org.apache.oltu.oauth2.

You can see an implementation for oauth and openID here oauth server and resource server
Just to explain what they are,
oauth server creates the tokens
resource server uses that token and processes it to give you the requested data
You can also go through the following docs to understand what they mean and how to implement them,
sample implementation in java , oracle tutorial on the concept of tokens
If you want to do google API auth then you can go through this
I also found this stackoverflow link which is sort of similar question and has shared few of similar links. You should check that out as well.


Doorkeeper, OAuth, JWT with Rails

I've already looked at dedicated Rails casts here and
there, as well some Rails API tutorials with JWT here and there and here. Unfortunately, most of them are too outdated (2011-2015).
Nevertheless, I'm a still a little bit lost what to choose between oauth2, omniauth-oauth2, ruby-jwt
and in which situation and how to glue all these bricks together.
To be short, I need to authenticate Users via an external corporate API, get JWT token and be able to decode it to extract User information
before let him enter the Rails application.
What should I do:
create a custom strategy ?
will this custom strategy work with the corporate authentication API
if it does not use Doorkeeper ?
Some recent links would be really appreciated.
I see that you want to use Open Id Connect mechanism, which Identity Provider (IdP) will return id_token (JWT format) to client. That mechanism is already implemented here: Check it out!

Authentication for MVC4 Web Api

I'm trying to secure my MVC4 Web Api. Actually, I just really need an identity provider with some light security. My service is similar to twitter, from a security standpoint, there's not a lot of private data, but the service does need to know the userid for the caller.
It's also important to know that the web service will only be consumed by mobile devices right now, although a website may accompany it at some future point.
S.O. and the internet have led me to Thinktecture.IdentityModel, but man it seems complex and I can find exactly zero documentation or samples. I also haven't yet had a pleasant experience with claims-based authentication. I don't have a claims server, token provider, or anything like that, and it seems like you would need that to use this method. This all seems far to heavy for my situation.
I've also read about people implementing their own HMAC solution ( or using OAuth ( but these also seem a bit complex (I've read that OAuth without the helper class is enough to make the best developers cry, and I'm not the best). Janrain looks like it might work, but it looks like you have to pay for more than 2,500 authenticated users per year ...
What is the best way to implement a simple identity provider and security for Web Api?
I have attempted to answer a similar question to this before Create an OAuth 2.0 service provider using DotNetOpenAuth where I highlighted the Thinkecture Identity Server. The Setup instructions not too difficult (IMHO) The installation video is here and should help a lot.
I have updated my older answer with this too but there is also a fairly lightweight O-Auth 2.0 implementation example here Sample code here
Have you also read this well articulated question here Authenticating requests from mobile (iPhone) app to ASP.Net Web API (Feedback requested on my design)
Well, security is hard :)
As for Thinktecture.IdentityModel -- this is a token processing library (among other things) that you'd use in your WebAPI application. You'd use this so you don't need to do the logic to accept tokens (basic auth, SAML, SWT, JWT). Claims are just a side-effect.
If you're looking for an identity provider, then the sister open source project Thinktecture.IdentityServer is in beta for version 2. It's an identity provider that supports a custom database and issues tokens. The project URL is:
In response to the problem of finding example code as documentation, consider the samples folder in the Thinktecture github repo:
(Why do you need more reputation to comment on SO than to answer?)

Create an OAuth 2.0 service provider using DotNetOpenAuth

I'm building a web app which will have an api and an authorization service using DotNetOpenAuth. I found this example on how you can authorize using a service provider that already exists but I would like an example on how to implement a service provider that can create tokens, persist them and do evaluation. Is there any great articles or sample providers that I can download?
DotNetOpenAuth has moved on since this was initially posted. I strongly suggest you follow Ashish's advise and take a look at the samples. It contains code to write Authorization Servers, Resource Servers and Clients for all the major flows.
If you wanted a pre built solution, with opensource code
Thinktecture Identity Server is an Open Source .NET security token service. It supports a number of endpoints for authentication including OAuth 2.0 Bearer tokens.
Update this Thinktecture Identity Server is now on version 2 and supports these OAuth 2.0 flows
Resource Owner Password Credential Flow
Implict Flow & JavaScript
Authorization Code Flow
again take a look at the code to see how it was all done and there are samples here to show how to plumb it in.
I hope this helps - these library's and examples have hugely helped us over the past few months.
There is also another example warning, it looks dated of a simple OAuth provider for MVC here Sample code here
There are complete working example for DotNetOpenAuth can be found here -
I tried a number of times with DNOA....had to give up, but documented my findings (used Thinktecture in the end)...

Grails: Securing REST API with OAuth2.0

I am building a REST API using Grails. I want it to be protected using OAuth2.0 client_credentials flow(grant_type). My use-case is as follows:
a external agent will send a request to something like
and obtain a access_token. Then, my URL(protected resource) should be accesible with something like
http://server-url/resource?access_token={access-token obtained before}
I am looking for something that makes doing this on Grails easy and quick. What will be the best way/tool/plugin to use for this ? Scribe library is an option, if there are any tutorials for my specific use-case, it will be great.
P.S.: I have tried the spring-security and related plugins, no joy there. Any alternatives would be nice.
I have the same issue. I found a lot of grails plugins that helped you authenticate your app against other oauth providers, but nothing that would help me make my app the oauth provider. After a lot of digging, I came across this grails plugin that will do exactly what you want.
I'm still configuring it for my application, and I think the docs might need a few edits (specifically the authorization_code flow) but I got the simple client_credentials flow to work with minimal configuration. Hope that helps!
Based on my experiences, Scribe was built for OAuth 1.0 and has only very limited support for OAuth 2.0. In fact, for testing our own OAuth 2 implementation, all we could use from it was an HTTP request wrapper, we had to do anything else manually. Fortunately, doing it manually is suprisingly easy.
Since I still haven't found a fine open OAuth 2.0 library for Java (frankly I'm not familiar with Groovy), I encourage you to write the client code for yourself. You don't even need a client callback endpoint to use the client credentials grant flow. So you simply create an HTTP request (as you've written above already, take care to escape the GET parameters though) and get the response content. Your flow does not use redirects, so simply parse the JSON object in the response content, e.g. with the org.json library. Finally, send an HTTP request using the extracted access token.
Note that your examples are not completely standard compliant. The standard requires using HTTPS, sending the token in an HTTP header instead of a GET parameter and suggests using a HTTP basic authorization header instead of GET parameters to specify client credentials.
I may have misunderstood your question, and you may want to implement the server side, too. The scribe library supports only client side, so you can find a commercial implementation or implement your own server. It is a complex task, but if you support only the client credentials flow, it almost becomes easy. ;-)
This isn't a plugin, it's just a sample Grails application that acts as an OAuth provider. It was really easy to get up and running with Grails 3.

Building an API with/without OAuth and OpenID

I need to develop an API to be the core of a web APP.
My initial idea was making a REST API that would treat all the request and then create some clients for web, mobile and desktop.
My question is, How should I manage the authentication for this situation?
I thought about using a token that would be passed with all requests to the REST API.
Im my case, I would not like to have something like OAuth because the ecosystem will not have multiple apps like Facebook/Twitter does.
NOTE: I must have the API separated from the client for web.
In more details, I would request POST /users/auth passing their password and username, and receive an auth token.
Is it a good approach or there is something better?
Agree that Devise is great for the auth in the application. For the API level, 3scale could help a lot ( - it takes care of rate limits, keys, oauth secret distribution, analytics, developer portal and other stuff. There's a ruby plugin to get started here:
Devise is a fantastic gem that handles authentication in rails apps. It also provides token based authentication. You can find many resources on the web (for example here) explainig how to use it. No doubt it will fit for your situation.
