I cannot deploy a war file with Glassfish - path

I'm now trying to upload a war file to a local Glassfish server. But I'm always getting this message:
GUI internal error: Archive Path is NULL
I read some users who had the same problem and the suggested solution was to change the content of a file named uploadFrame.jsf.
I couldn't even find that file. Can anyone help me out on this?
Thanks a lot.

Have same problem (v 5.0).
Only autodeploy works: move EAR/WAR to glassfish5/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy folder.

I was getting the same issue with GUI internal error: Archive Path is NULL. With the last version of Glassfish 5.0.1, but after change my server to stable version glassfish.-5.0. The issue is solved successfully. I Hope you solve your problem with the version of glassfish.

Here's a solution that can be found on the web. You edit the "uploadFrame.jsf" file in the Glassfish "console-common.jar".
The original line of code in "uploadFrame.jsf":
<sun:form id="form">
The new line of code:
<sun:form id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Remember to stop and restart your Glassfish Server after the change has been made. More detailed information is in these links below:
From "Glassfish Issues" on Github
A Step-By-Step Video On YouTube


Grails - Message bundles (i18n) broken for war build only

After upgrading from 2.5.5 to 3.1.1, when I build my application as an executable war (or deploy to tomcat container), messages cannot be resolved from message.properties or any i18n properties files.
org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code 'timeZoneId' for locale 'en_US'.
When run in IntelliJ, it all works fine.
In terms of configuration, I’ve tried to make my build as close to the “out of box” Grails app as possible.
I’m wondering if anyone could provide a hint or suggestion as an avenue of investigation I could travel down as I’m just about out of ideas. Happy to add configuration detail as requested.
I'm using a multi-module build with a plugin as a dependency.
I suspect that maybe you have done some modification on your Grails project (2.5.5) that cant be support on the newest grails 3.3.0.
I would suggest you to check 3.3.0 documentation on how to customise your msg.
You can refer to https://docs.grails.org/latest/guide/validation.html. There is an example of how to modify your own label or msg.
In the case of the blank constraint this would be user.login.blank so you would need a message such as the following in your grails-app/i18n/messages.properties file:
user.login.blank=Your login name must be specified!
Hope it helps. Cheers

Neos CMS installation 500 error: Specified path not found

I tried to install Neos CMS local under Windows 10 with a Wamp Apache Server. After creating the project with a composer and registering the Vhosts, I tried to run neos.demo/setup. Then I get an 500 internal server error with the message "Specified path not found”, for more information, take a look at the screenshot.
I checked the solutions for the exception code 1355480641, but nothing can solve my problem.
Thanks for your recommendations!
do you have set Neos.Flow.core.phpBinaryPathAndFilename in Configuration/Settings.yaml to the correct php.exe binary path?
This is not an actual solution, this is more of an alternative.
I was having troubles installing neos on windows 10 as well (not the same as you though), a really nice solution that I would recommend as alternative to wamp is bitnami-neos.
I got the same error in the current version of Neos CMS (v4.1). The solution to the problem was for me:
Adjust Configuration/Settings.yaml with the php.exe path (which you already did)
Launch an administrator cmd
Go to the Neos CMS directory
Run flow flow:core:compile
Run flow flow:cache:warmup
Now I could access Neos with XAMPP.
All credit for this answer goes to the following post: https://discuss.neos.io/t/running-neos-flow-on-windows-10-success/2752

Umbraco - Install packages

I'm new to Umbraco and I'm try to install some packages from the Umbraco package Repository. I'm getting a 500 - Internal server error in the Umbraco CMS when trying to browse the packages. First I thought I did something wrong in my installation of Umbraco but when I look at the source code it looks like packages.umbraco.org are having problems. Can anyone confirm if they having the same problem?
Download the packages from our.umbraco.org and install as a local package. If that doesn't work then it may be permissions. If you aren't able to download packages on our.umbraco.org, then the package server may be down.
First of all either check the logs or change the customErrors section of your web.config so that you can see more details on the error.
<customErrors mode="Off" />
I have on a few rare occasions installed a version of Umbraco where I think the installedPackages.config file was empty and without at least an empty <packages /> node it generates an error. Check the file looks like this as a minimum:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<packages />
You will usually find the file located in App_Data\packages\installed\installedPackages.config however I think this may have changed in more recent versions of Umbraco.
Some good tips already, so I'll add a less likely one!
I have seen this error when I've first installed and for some reason the .net worker process has crashed so the internal error is simply that the site can't find cassini (or IIS depending on your settings).
Or perhaps there is nothing wrong and it is in fact related to the current issue with the Umbraco servers:
ICYMI: Our ISP have issues with their virtualisation platform and it affects > http://umbraco.com , umbraco.tv, Our Umbraco and package repo.

Grails: Native2ascii error when I add a new property to message.properties

I get a strange error when I add a new property to message.properties file in my grails application during runtime. When I restart the application via the command line, or restart STS, this error disappears. I am on version 2.0.1 and until a week ago, I was able to add new properties to message.properties file during runtime. Here is the stacktrace of the error
| Error 2012-06-18 16:54:58,702 [Thread-38] ERROR plugins.AbstractGrailsPluginManager - Plugin [i18n:2.0.1] could not reload changes to file [/home/project/grails-app/i18n/messages.properties]: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Message: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Any ideas?
cd to jdk path
cp lib/tools.jar jre/lib/ext/tools.jar
It solves the issue.
Note: to get correct jdk path,
check GGTS --> Windows --> Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs --> JREs Home Path
You should be using JDK rather than JRE.
Also, if you don't need the native2ascii (which you probably don't), in BuildConfig.groovy use: grails.enable.native2ascii = false
Very frustrating bug.
After I executed all the steps suggested above in this thread, grails app was STILL not seeing tools.jar...
For anyone experiencing this problem in GGTS when pointing to the 1.7 jdk (when setting the jre) persisting afterwards, you MUST do the following:
Pick the correct jdk (1.7) in the "JRE Definition" panel within "Installed JRE's" in the GGTS Preferences panels.
Watch the jars from that jdk populate in the JRE definition window panel at the bottom "JRE System Libraries".
Check for tools.jar (mine DID NOT show up as recognized within the jdk lib or, after i tried 'zawmn83's post above) in /lib/ext.
If tools.jar does not show up as recognized in the jdk, click the "Add External JARs..." button, find it, add it.
That completely solve my problem - THANK GOD!!!!
p.s. i also had to set my JAVA_HOME to my 1.7 jdk correctly, in my .bash_profile but, that's already called out here as part of the solution.
Thanks everyone for contributing on this one - this bug has been causing me brain damage whilst tinkering with it today, and the above suggestions got me 99% of the way there!
I had a similar problem, in the end I
Removed the Debug Config for the Project
Deleted the project (but NOT the files)
Removed the .settings directory
Removed the .classpath and .project files from the project
Created a New General Project with the same name in the workspace
Recreated the Debug -> Run as Run-App
Hope this helps
This happened to me when I installed java 8 in parallel with java 7 on Ubuntu but didn't properly configure it with update-alternatives. Specifically, JAVA_HOME was not set properly.
I had a similar error when compiling Grails 2 from the command line under linux.
Error packaging application: Error occurred processing message bundles: Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Caused by: : Error starting Sun's native2ascii:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.tools.native2ascii.Main`
I solved it by setting JAVA_HOME to JDK as mentioned above, something like
and not:
also include $JAVA_HOME/bin in the PATH variable
On linux, running grails war command, it solves the issue
cp /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk/lib/tools.jar /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk/jre/lib/ext/

symfony plugin installation failing [bhLDAPAuthPlugin]

I'm working on a symfony project and I need a user access conected to an LDAP server. So I searched for something already done to add to my app and found this plugin that has all I wanted.
So I tried to install with the command $ php symfony plugin:install bhLDAPAuthPlugin
for some reason it throws me this error:
No release avaiable for plugin "bhLDAPAuthPlugin"
I don't really understand what that message means. I've checked the spell of the command (also copied the command given in the page of the plugin) and same error appears. If I had no all requeriments for instalation, other errors would be thrown, right?
PS: If you know some easy way to implement by myself the comunication with LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory) will also be appreciated.
No exactly sure how to solve the error message, perhaps it helps is specifically specify which version you wish to install.
Otherwise there's an easy workaround:
Just download the tgz file from here:
and do
php symfony plugin:install bhLDAPAuthPlugin-etc-etc.tgz
