How to set the value of the additional field that not include in the text file data? - informix

I would like ask how to set the value of the additional field of the table ? For my project, i will load the text file data into the temp table but there is still have additional info like user_id, upload date is the additional field which is not include in the text field. May i know how to set the value of user_id and upload date?


How to load contact field token in email template based on condition

I want to show the contact first name in the e-mail, but if the first name field is empty I want to show some other field. Is this possible?
Something like this:
Hi {contactfield=firstname} or if empty {contactfield=email}
Thank you in advance.
Yes it is possible, you can use "Dynamic Content" option available in slot type. it allows you to use variations in the content based on value of the the field.
simply add the slot, then put in a default value, click Add Variant and at the bottom right you can choose the field and comparison option.

Adobe LiveCycle: Changing binding properties of fields at runtime

I have a PDF order form that lists hundreds of product items (inside read only text fields) and they each have an associated "Quantity" field. Is it possible to dynamically change the binding property of the "Quantity" field from "No data binding" to "Use name" based on whether the user has entered a Quantity? I would like to accomplish this to limit the file size of the XML file that gets submitted from the form.
Changing the binding at runtime will not work unless you rerender/reinitialize the form.
You can however use javascript on field exit events or pre-submit event to create XML data elements for quantities. Or use bindings but remove empty xml nodes before submit if you're trying to limit the XML size.
Check out the XFA scripting guide, in particular xfa.datasets.createNode function for creating XML nodes.

New List item customisation

I currently have a custom list which contains about 20 columns, however when my user selects new to add in a new item to the list I want to only show 10 of the 20 fields.
The default setting allows me to hide some fields but this option is not what i need as later on in the workflow i require a user to add in data to say items 11-20.
I need a couple of data entry forms
new - show say columns 1-10
update - modify columns 1-10 if required and add data to columns 10-15
authorise - modify columns 1-15 if required and add data to columns 15-20
Ideally each data entry form should have its own workflow but that can come later and is a nice to have
any help please ?
by the way sharepoint designer is not an option for me, I do however have info path available.
If it is a custom list you can define which fields are going to be available on each form using the attributes ShowInDisplayForm, ShowInEditForm and ShowInNewForm.
I usually use them when im define the content type.
<FieldRef ID="{493AE2E2-DA5D-46C6-93D9-D43F85B03329}" Name="myCustomField" Required="FALSE" ShowInNewForm="TRUE" ShowInEditForm="FALSE"/>
i hope it helps!

How do I make a field required if another field has content in Expressionengine

I have a channel fieldgroup called blog
This fieldgroup has 3 fields
{body}: Textarea, required field
{image}: file field, optional field
{image_credit}: text field, optional field, that turns into a required field, when {image} has content.
Rationale behind this: An entry can be text only, but if an image is published it has to have credits.
As far as I´m aware of, this can´t be done natively with EE and I searched Devot-ee for an add-on, but to no avail.
I´d like to have this fixed on the field level. Ohterwise I have to write some code in the template, that will check for if {image_credit}=="" don´t publish any {image}. But this will lead to confusion, as why an image, that is shown in the CP will not be published...
I don't know of any way to do this natively or with an addon, but an addon may be out there.
I'd suggest writing your own jQuery validation. You can pop it into the instructions for one of the fields on that channel form. Should do the trick nicely
If you have Pixel&Tonic's Matrix add-on installed, you could create a new Matrix field in this Channel's field group.
The Matrix field has zero rows by default, and contains two field columns within:
Image field for the pic (required)
Text field for caption (required)
So, if there's an image with this entry, the client clicks the plus icon to create a row, and must fill in both the image and caption. If there's no image, they leave it as is.
Pixel & Tonic also have this addon which enables you to add your own custom js to the control panel. So you could do a check to see if the image field has content and then prevent the form from being submitted if the caption field is empty.

Confirm multiply data before save

In my app I sometimes need to import some CSV data and I wanna get a view that is shown before save imported data to provide user possibility to check that data is correct. How to achieve it in Rails?
in the first form field, have a hidden field name "confirm" with value 0.
In the rails controller, if the confirm is 0 you just populate with the csv data, show the form again with confirm = 1
if the confirm is 1, then it means the csv was seen by the user, so you can save it.
bonus points-
Instead of showing the csv, make a textfield out of each csv cell- the user will be able to update the fields, not just check if the data is correct.
