New List item customisation - sharepoint-2007

I currently have a custom list which contains about 20 columns, however when my user selects new to add in a new item to the list I want to only show 10 of the 20 fields.
The default setting allows me to hide some fields but this option is not what i need as later on in the workflow i require a user to add in data to say items 11-20.
I need a couple of data entry forms
new - show say columns 1-10
update - modify columns 1-10 if required and add data to columns 10-15
authorise - modify columns 1-15 if required and add data to columns 15-20
Ideally each data entry form should have its own workflow but that can come later and is a nice to have
any help please ?
by the way sharepoint designer is not an option for me, I do however have info path available.

If it is a custom list you can define which fields are going to be available on each form using the attributes ShowInDisplayForm, ShowInEditForm and ShowInNewForm.
I usually use them when im define the content type.
<FieldRef ID="{493AE2E2-DA5D-46C6-93D9-D43F85B03329}" Name="myCustomField" Required="FALSE" ShowInNewForm="TRUE" ShowInEditForm="FALSE"/>
i hope it helps!


Cofoundry: How do I add a PageBlock inside a PageBlock?

I want to be able to build a site from the design view. Utilising Bootstrap, I want to be able to add rows, add columns to my rows and then add text and images etc. to inside those columns.
I though I could do this by making both "row" and "column" page blocks but if I do this I can't add anything inside the row or column page blocks once they're on the page (as they're not page templates).
The image below shows me adding a Row PageBlock to the introduction section in the Cofoundry CMS BasicTestSite starter theme provided by Cofoundry. But I can only add things below it, not inside it.
I know one option would be to add rows to the PageTemplate, but the limits the CMS to only being able to work with the number of rows on the page template. I want to be able to add rows and columns dynamically without touching code.
PS: I'm new to Cofundry, so apologies if I'm using this terminology incorrectly.
I think you should be able to use Nested Data Models to achevie this, whereby your row data model can have a nested collection of columns. However nested data models aren't associated with a template, and it is up to the container block type to know how to render your model.

Multiple select field in LocomotiveCMS?

I need to set up a field in LocomotiveCMS that is similar to Select but allows multiple selections. Something like in HTML... does LocomotiveCMS allow for that, or will I have to do some ruby coding to get that to work?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Old question but still a thing.
I'm unsure whether your question relates to fields within the Locomotive CMS Back Office or on the front end so I've addressed both below.
Front End
Irrespective of whether or not you're dealing with Locomotive CMS content types, either of the following will allow selection of multiple values on the front end:
Listbox (select element with the multiple attribute)
A series of checkbox inputs with the same value in the name property
Back Office
If you need to allow selection of multiple values within the Back Office, you can do this for content types using the has_many or many_to_many content type relationships.
If you need multiple value selection outside of content types (e.g. in metafields schema) you're unfortunately out of luck.

How to update certain parts of a form

I'm looking to create a report with similar that has a checkbox next to each row. Each row has some fields that are editable (such as comments). What I'd like is to give the user the ability to check off which rows he/she would like to update by selecting the checkbox next to that row. Then I'd have a save button at the bottom of the form that only updates the rows that have a check box active next to it.
I'm pretty new to rails and web programming in general so any advice/direction you might be able to give me should prove helpful.
A popular way to achieve this is to :
1- All your checkboxes should share the same name.
2- All your checkboxes' values should be the ID of the row/object
3- When you POST the form, only the checked checkboxes are in the POST data. Retrieve those IDS and only update these objects.
For example, your checkbox should be something like :
<%= check_box_tag "row_ids[]",, false, :id => "row_#{}" %>
Then, in your controller :
Row.find(params[:row_ids]).each do |row|
# do whatever you want
Well you can do this, but it adds more work for the user: they have to check off multiple checkboxes before hitting Update. It be nicer if they just hit Update and it worked.
The basic idea is you want the user to just click Update and your code only updates records that changed.
What you can do is store (in a hidden field tag) the ID of each row's record. Then when you update, you loop through all rows and you grab (based on the ID stored in the hidden field) the record from the database. Let's say only Comments were editable. Then you can check to see if the comments have actually been changed (like with a simple string comparison) and if they have, update it. If more things are editable, then you can check them too before deciding if you need to update or not.
That is a high level description, but let me know if you want some more implementation details.

Dynamic embeddedForm

I'm looking to add an embeddedForm dynamically in Symfony 1.4 using Doctrine.
What I'm mainly looking to do is:
1) Only show the relation based on whether or not a checkbox has been ticked
2) If checked, show the embeddedForm
3) Have then the ability to add a new embeddedForm or delete an existing form
I have seen ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin, which looks pretty good with los of configuration. The only problem was that 'newFormsInitialCount'=> 1, means that there is always 1 form as default. I need 0 forms as default and only.
I've also seen a couple of tutorials, but all seem to have at least one relation by default.
For me, the embeddedForm needs to be OPTIONAL, and only display when needed.
Follow information based on these links :
First is about adding "subforms" with ajax, derived from second you could hide the unneeded form fields and toggle them per javascript (e.g. jQuery.toggle())) !

Delphi: Multiple tokens edit component

I'm looking for an enchanced edit component that allow users to input multiple tokens (items) manually separated by some symbol, or to select them from another source.
It's something like "TO" field in outlook or facebook that allow you to input multiple recipients.
Can anyone suggest any solution?
The way we sort of do it is to use an normal button edit box and when the user clicks the button we present a separate form (which can be made to look like a drop down box if you like) with a checklist or listview with checkboxes enabled or similar. The user selects any number of the items then when the form closes we take the list of selected items and present them in the edit as a comma or semi-colon separated list. The edit itself is read-only so all interaction goes through the separate form.
But - I really don't like the whole approach (for our app) as it doesn't look good when you have many selected items and I'm looking to find a better way of showing the selection! I suppose one option is to use a read-only memo with scrollbars to show the items.
TMS has some nice components, one of which is the TCheckListEdit which might be of use.
