Dart search, add and remove from data model List - dart

you suppose this is my class as a sample code:
class SelectedPage {
final String username;
final String pageProfileImage;
SelectedPage(this.username, this.pageProfileImage);
in this class i want to add model data as SelectedPage when its not in _selectedPage list and when this model is in the list i should remove that from list, for example which this code is not correct
void main() {
const String pageName = 'my name';
final List<SelectedPage> pages = [];
final SelectedPage newPage =
SelectedPage(pageName, 'assets/images/my_pic.jpg');
if (pages.where((currentName) => currentName.username.contains(pageName)) !=
null) {
print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REMOVED');
} else {
print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ADDED');
class SelectedPage {
final String username;
final String pageProfileImage;
SelectedPage(this.username, this.pageProfileImage);
i want to search 'my name' in page.selectedPages which that is SelectedPage class model data, if 'my name' exist into model i should remove that from list, otherwise that should be added to list as model

The way you have it will result in the object being always removed, because where() will return a List with the result for the query you've just made, even if it's an empty List.
So, if you want to do it that way, you need to query and then check if the List is empty or not. If it is, then you don't have that element, if not, then you have.
List query = pages.where((currentName) => currentName.username.contains(pageName)).toList();
if (query.isNotEmpty) {
print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REMOVED');
} else {
print('>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ADDED');


Refactoring conditionals with polymorphism in dart

I recently came across the title of this question while studying Dart Apprentice but I couldn't find anything related to the dart language. I understand how conditionals work and while I have a fair knowledge of OOP, I understand how polymorphism works. But I can't see the relationship between conditionals and polymorphism or how one can replace conditionals with polymorphism. Can anyone help clarify?
My best guess is that it means that instead of doing conditional checks on objects to decide what to do with them, as you typically would in a static helper function, you should instead rely on virtual method dispatch.
That means doing dynamic dispatch using the virtual method invocation functionality, instead of doing it manually using is tests.
Here we have an recursive data structure, representing JSON data.
abstract class JsonData {}
class JsonValue<T> extends JsonData {
final T value;
class JsonList extends JsonData {
final List<JsonData> _elements;
JsonList(List<JsonData> elements) : _elements = elements;
int get length => _elements.length;
JsonData operator[](int index) => _elements[index];
class JsonMap extends JsonData {
final Map<String, JsonData> _map;
JsonMap(Map<String, JsonData> map) : _map = map;
Iterable get keys => _map.keys;
JsonData operator[](String key) =>
_map[key] ?? (throw ArgumentError.value(key, "key", "No entry"));
An example object graph could be:
var data = JsonMap({
"first": JsonList([JsonValue(1), JsonValue("ok")]),
"second": JsonValue(false),
Now, if I wanted to figure out whether a particular string occurs in the JsonData, either as a map key or as a value, I could write something like:
bool containsString(JsonData json, String text) {
if (json is JsonValue) {
return text == json.value;
} else if (json is JsonList) {
for (i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
if (containsString(json[i], text)) return true;
return false;
} else if (json is JsonMap) {
for (var key in json.keys) {
if (text == key) return true;
if (containsString(json[key], text)) return true;
return false;
} else {
throw UnsupportedError("Unexpected JSON value");
However, it is better to put the specialized functionality into the classes themselves, changing the classes to:
abstract class JsonData {
bool containsString(String text);
class JsonValue<T> extends JsonData {
final T value;
bool containstString(String text) => text == value;
class JsonList extends JsonData {
final List<JsonData> _elements;
JsonList(List<JsonData> elements) : _elements = elements;
int get length => _elements.length;
JsonData operator[](int index) => _elements[index];
bool containsString(String text) {
for (var element in elements) {
if (element.containsString(text)) return true;
return false;
class JsonMap extends JsonData {
final Map<String, JsonData> _map;
JsonMap(Map<String, JsonData> map) : _map = map;
Iterable get keys => _map.keys;
JsonData operator[](String key) =>
_map[key] ?? (throw ArgumentError.value(key, "key", "No entry"));
bool containsString(String text) {
for (var entry in _map.entries) {
if (text == entry.key || entry.value.containsString(text)) {
return true;
return false;
Using this approach is better for a number of reasons:
It puts the functionality near the data it works on. The individual methods can access the private state of the object, not just the public API.
It makes it easier to add more classes to the data-type. It's clear which functionality must be implemented, and you can't forget a case in a static helper function somewhere.
The individual methods are smaller and easier to understand.

Selec2 dropdown isnt show all items in Response response

I have problem with select 2. It dont show all Items, but only subset. I dont see on Select2Choice any method, which show all items. Can someone give me a poit how to show whole items.
Here is code:
originStationDropDown = new Select2Choice<>("originDgfStation", new PropertyModel<Station>(this, "originStation") , new StationsProvider(originCountryDD, productDD));
ComponentHelper.addLabelAndComponent(originStationDropDown, this, "originStation.label", ComponentOptions.REQUIRED);
private class StationsProvider extends ChoiceProvider<Station> {
private Select2Choice<Country> countryDD;
private DropDownChoice<Product> productDD;
public StationsProvider(Select2Choice<Country> countryDD, DropDownChoice<Product> productDD) {
this.countryDD = countryDD;
this.productDD = productDD;
public void query(String codeNameFragment, int i, Response<Station> response) {
if(codeNameFragment == null || "".equals(codeNameFragment)) {
List<Station> stations = stationDao.findByCountryAndProduct(countryDD.getModel().getObject(), productDD.getModel().getObject(), "code");
for(Station station : stations) {
} else {
response.addAll(stationDao.findByCountryAndProductAndFragment(countryDD.getModel().getObject(), productDD.getModel().getObject(), codeNameFragment));
public void toJson(Station station, JSONWriter jsonWriter) throws JSONException {
public Collection<Station> toChoices(Collection<String> collection) {
List<Station> stations = new ArrayList<>();
List<Station> stationList = stationDao.findAll();
for(String id : collection) {
for(Station station : stationList) {
if(station.getId().equals(Long.valueOf(id))) {
return stations;
You don't explain which items are shown and which are not.
I will guess that only the first N items are always shown. The second parameter of #query() method is int page (named i in your code). This parameter should be used to paginate the results. I.e. you should not always return 10000 items and let the JavaScript to deal with them but you have to return 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, etc.

Is it possible to add setter for inner(nested) fields in dart?

In dart we can execute some code when value of field is changed using something like
class Name{
String fname;
String lname;
class Person extends ChangeNotifier{
Name _name = Name();
set name(Name n){
_name = n;
get name=>_name;
//inside main()
Person p = Person();
p.name = Name();
I want to be able to perform similar action while setting inner fields. Such as while doing
p.name.fname ="FooBar";
But I want to be able to do it from Person class.
Because I am extending ChangeNotifier in Person class. And I want to call
that is not accessible in Name class. This is best I've come up with
Name newName = Name(p.name); //copy constructor
newName.fname = "Foo Bar";
p.name = newName;
Is there a better way?
What you can do depends on how you can constrain the API.
If Name objects are routinely being created by third-party code and passed around, and are expected to retain their identity when stored in a Person object, then here isn't much you can do. So I wouldn't design the Person object that way.
Instead I'd say that the Name object of a Person object is linked to that, and setting the name of a Person is the same as setting both name parts.
class Person {
_PersonName _name;
Person(...) : ... {
_name = _PersonName(this);
void set name(Name name) {
_name.fname = name.fname;
_name.lname = name.lname;
Name get name => _name;
class _PersonName extends Name {
final Person _owner;
void set fname(String fname) {
super.fname = fname;
void set lname(String lname) {
super.lname = lname;
That has the disadvantage that the extracted _PersonName is forever linked to the Person object, even if you try to write a different Name object.
Another option is to create a new _PersonName on every store a new name object, and detach the old object from the Person at that point:
class Person {
_PersonName _name = _PersonName;
Person(...) : ... {
_name = _PersonName(this, null, null);
void set name(Name name) {
_name.owner = null;
_name = _PersonName(this, name.fname, name.lname);
Name get name => _name;
class _PersonName extends Name {
Person _owner;
_PersonName(this._owner, String fname, String lname) {
super.fname = fname;
super.lname = lname;
void set fname(String fname) {
super.fname = fname;
void set lname(String lname) {
super.lname = lname;
This approach behaves mostly like the plain storing of name objects, except that if you do:
var p = Person();
var n = Name();
p.name = n;
print(identical(n, p.name)); // false?
you don't preserve the identity of the Name object stored into the Person object.
There is no way to do so, and also change the behavior of setting strings directly on the name using person.name.fname = ..., so something has to be sacrificed.

Show distinct values from IndexedContainers in comboboxes in a table in editing mode

In short: The comboboxes in each field of my table in editing mode is giving me a conversion error when selecting an item, but the same logic and containers are working perfectly well outside of the TableFieldFactory (createField()). What am I doing wrong?
Longer explanation:
I have a container with multiple properties (columns) and items (rows). When I edit the table that is connected to this container, I want comboboxes on some of the column fields. I'm using a TableFieldFactory for that, and it is working like a charm.
I want the combobox in each field to contain the distinct elements from its respective property. My solution to this was to implement a method in my Container class that iterate through all properties in the container and for each property creates a new IndexedContainer with unique values from that property. The method returns a map with PropertyIds/Containers, so that I, in createField(), can pick each container from each property I want to have comboboxes for.
So, say I have three propertyId's, Foo, Bar and Baz which each "contains" several items of which some are the same, like so:
... and the same for Bar and Baz, only other values...
The getDistinctContainers() method returns a Map, looking like this:
Key: PropertyId: Foo
Value: Container: contains propertyId [Foo] and the unique values of Foo, ie. [Chris, Meg, Stewie]
Key: PropertyId: Bar
Value: ... and so forth...
When I am about to set the container datasource in createField(), the container looks like this (for property Foo):
allItemIds: [0, 1, 2]
items: {2={Foo=Stewie}, 1={Foo=Meg}, 0={Foo=Chris}}
propertyIds: [Foo]
... which seems alright to me...
Now, the table shows the comboboxes in each field as intended. But when I click an item in a combobox, it gives me the following conversion error:
com.vaadin.data.util.converter.Converter$ConversionException: Unable to convert value of type java.lang.Integer to model type class java.lang.String. No converter is set and the types are not compatible.
at com.vaadin.data.util.converter.ConverterUtil.convertToModel(ConverterUtil.java:181)
at com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField.convertToModel(AbstractField.java:745)
I tried creating the same scenario outside of the table, and it worked just fine. So it seems that the comboboxes, with the same logic and the same containers, works fine outside the TableFieldFactory and the createFields() method. I can't put my finger on why they shouldn't work in a TableFieldFactory...
What do I do to get the comboboxes to set the correct values?
Here's my Container class:
public class SomeContainer extends IndexedContainer {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void addContainerProperties() {
addContainerProperty("Foo", String.class, null);
addContainerProperty("Bar", String.class, null);
addContainerProperty("Baz", String.class, null);
public Map<String, Container> getDistinctContainers() {
Map<String, Container> m = new HashMap<String, Container>();
ArrayList<Object> filter = new ArrayList<Object>();
int id = 0;
for (Object propertyId : this.getContainerPropertyIds()) {
Container cont = new IndexedContainer();
cont.addContainerProperty(propertyId, propertyId.getClass(), null);
for (Object itemId : this.getItemIds()) {
Object ob = ((Item) this.getItem(itemId)).getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue();
if ((!filter.contains(ob.toString())) && (ob != null)) {
Item item = cont.addItem(id);
m.put(propertyId.toString(), cont);
return m;
... and here is the relevant code for createField:
public Field<?> createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, com.vaadin.ui.Component uiContext) {
TextField tField = (TextField) DefaultFieldFactory.get().createField(container, itemId, propertyId, uiContext);
// ...some code here that uses the TextField
if (propertyId.equals("Foo")) {
ComboBox select = new ComboBox();
for (Map.Entry<String, Container> entry : distinctContainers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals(propertyId)) {
return select;
// ... if statements for Bar and Baz left out for brevity...
return tField;
Please help me understand what I'm missing!
Thanks in advance!
From the above exception and code snippets we can see that a conversion between Integer (presentation type) and String (model) is required. In this particular case:
presentation type: ItemId = {0,1,2}
model: value of PropertyId = {"Chris", "Meg", "Stewie"}
Since Vaadin has no no built-in IntegerToStringConverter you would need a custom converter:
select.setConverter(new Converter<Object, String>() {
public String convertToModel(Object itemId, Class<? extends String> paramClass, Locale paramLocale) throws ConversionException {
if (itemId != null) {
IndexedContainer c = (IndexedContainer) entry.getValue();
Object propertyId = c.getContainerPropertyIds().iterator().next();
Object name = c.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue();
return (String) name;
return null;
public Object convertToPresentation(String value, Class<? extends Object> paramClass, Locale paramLocale) throws ConversionException {
if (value != null) {
IndexedContainer c = (IndexedContainer) entry.getValue();
Object propertyId = c.getContainerPropertyIds().iterator().next();
for (Object itemId : container.getItemIds()) {
Object name = c.getContainerProperty(itemId, propertyId).getValue();
if (value.equals(name)) {
return itemId;
return null;
public Class<String> getModelType() {
return String.class;
public Class<Object> getPresentationType() {
return Object.class;
Please notice that is not possible to use explicit Integer<-->String conversion
select.setConverter(new Converter<Integer, String>());
as compiler rejects it. The problem has been described here.
More about Vaadin's converters can be found at:
Book of Vaadin, Chapter 9.2.3: Converting Between Property Type and Representation
Changing the default converters for an application
Creating your own converter for String - MyType conversion
I hope it helps.

ItemDescriptionGenerator for vaadin TreeTable only returns null for column

Im using vaadin's TreeTable and im trying to add tooltips for my rows. This is how they say it should be done but the propertyId is always null so i cant get the correct column? And yes i'v run this in eclipse debugger aswell =)
Code related to this part:
private void init() {
addGeneratedColumn("title", new TitleColumnGenerator());
addGeneratedColumn("description", new DescriptionGenerator());
setItemDescriptionGenerator(new TooltipGenerator());
protected class TooltipGenerator implements ItemDescriptionGenerator{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public String generateDescription(Component source, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
TaskRow taskRow = (TaskRow)itemId;
return taskRow.getDescription();
}else if("title".equals(propertyId)){
return taskRow.getTitle();
}else if("category".equals(propertyId)){
return taskRow.getCategory().toString();
}else if("operation".equals(propertyId)){
return taskRow.getOperation().toString();
}else if("resourcePointer".equals(propertyId)){
return taskRow.getResourcePointer();
}else if("taskState".equals(propertyId)){
return taskRow.getTaskState().toString();
return null;
I have passed the source object as the itemId when adding an item to the tree.
Node node = ...;
Item item = tree.addItem(node);
this uses the object "node" as the id. Which then allows me to cast itemId as an instance of Node in the generateDescription method.
public String generateDescription(Component source, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
if (itemId instanceof Node) {
Node node = (Node) itemId;
Maybe not the best solution, but it Works for me. Then again, I am adding items directly to the tree rather than using a DataContainer.
