When I am logged in with my google account and want to listen music over Youtube. I receive the following error message:
"Restricted Access to this video. Try to log in with Your G-Suite Account."
I am logged in with my account, already switched the account. Nothing changed. I am no developer, but damn I want to get listen to music in the shitty times. I hope one of you can help me.
More info:
- i had a trial subscription for youtube premium, but cancelled it (which hopefully was not the reason why it block some videos)
- this appears totally randomly (no matter what kind of YT-video)
- 4 out of ten videos are restricted and can not be watched
thanks for you help.
If you can, try to set up another browser with a custom DNS provider (like or, maybe this circumvents your company's restrictions.
This is most likely caused by either your company network infrastructure or some software which you have installed locally.
It's known to be caused by DNSCrypt or Forticlient and possibly anything which should filter out NSFW stuff, since this also affects rated music videos.
If nothing helps, there is also a support request that you can upvote:
I currently working on a project where I send a youtube video id and show it to the user. And I want to know if there are a method to know when the video is completely viewed by the user. In my application's client, I send a response to the server when the view is completed, and I want to prevent receiving falsed data from untrusted user. And that's why I want to know if youtube api make a things like that. I have seen other similar topics, but I haven't found a safe way to secure communication between client and server for this problem.
Thank you.
From this SO post, it was mentioned that you can use onStateChange event to log that a user viewed a video. But the general idea here is about safety which I think is more important, from there I don't think you can do this as per the privacy of a user. You can understand more about YouTube Reporting and Analytics here.
I want to play embedded youtube videos in an iOS app, using the YTPlayerView provided at https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/ios_youtube_helper
Testing my code with the following video for example, https://youtu.be/jBm7O1XCYiE, I end up with the following:
** on XCode simulator: Youtube video plays as expected
** on real device (iPad mini): I receive the message "This video is restricted. Try to sign in with a Google Apps account."
Any suggestions what I should do to overcome this message on the real device?
The weirdest thing is, very rarely, YouTube lets me watch the video on the real device as well, the same video which I normally keep receiving the above error message (eventhough I do not change any codes or settings meanwhile)
Found out that this is a domestic problem..
Solution is: configuring the network settings to use a different DNS, such as Google Public DNS.
Rootcause was: In Turkey, there is access restriction to some specific web sites, and YouTube is one of them. YouTube is not completely blocked, however it just does not function normal with default DNS settings. And I have just forgotten to change the DNS of my test device.
Thanks to the government, for all the things I've learned during the last couple of days while trying to address this issue!
My next problem is now to find out how I can overcome this situation without asking the users to modify their DNS settings. Is making a VPN connection on the background the only way out??
Any answers/hints are appreciated.
I'm building an iPad app (which is actually going to be part of a promotional kiosk), which lets whoever wants, to record a video (at the place, using the iPad), in order to get a chance to win a prize.
But I just realized that the Youtube API seems to have changed and now it requires user authentication in order to upload the video - which can't be done in my case.
Has anyone faced this problem before? Has anyone found an alternative to uploading the video from the iOS app directly to a specific Youtube account (which I've got full control of) without requiring user's authentication?
Help is highly appreciated!
For privacy issues, users have to upload videos into their accounts first. There is one way to get around it.
You can use YouTube Direct Lite.
So user's would still upload their videos with their own credentials, but then you have the option to moderate and approve those videos to have them in your playlist.
Otherwise if you try to login with only one account and upload all videos there, you will hit limits really soon.
I am developing an app that shares video across several social sites (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and SMS and Email).
Not all of these services does video upload (like Twitter), and sharing the video on multiple networks is time consuming for the user.
I am looking for a service that will allow users to upload videos, and the service will then provide a url the user can share on the social sites. It would be great if this is possible without having to create user accounts, but only one developer account.
All videos will be less than 3 minutes in length.
Hope this makes sense.
I have been thinking about creating an app linked YouTube account, but that might cause problems since users can upload all kinds of things and that might get the account shut down.
Hoping to keep costs down on this one, and not have to host all the videos on my own servers (AWS or something like that).
Hope you have got some ideas.
This is not a programming or even a technical question.
viddur.com might do what you want — its a startup and they probably don't have a public api yet, though. Other than that, no one will offer you this service for free. It cost between 0.01-03 cents to encode video (and you have to do it multiple times per video to support varios platforms). Encoding and hosting video is not as cheap as static images. You're basically trying to create a product around a free service that doesn't exist.
TL:DR: Abandon your idea, and only post technical questions to Stackoverflow.
We switched over to YouTube from a previously developed internal video system, and right now I've got it going on public upload feeds for users. The problem comes when we first got only about a dozen out of 150 or so videos available from the primary user's account. Over time of the day that number rose to about 50, and its stayed there. I found one post on the YouTube API forums about delay, but no word on how long I can expect that.
Anyone have experience about this to tell me what to expect?
Expected latencies can vary, and are documented here (http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/reference.html) - ways you can minimize it:
1) Upload the video as public. If you upload the video as private first, this will leave the video out of the fast-track indexing
2) Make an authenticated request to the user feed, this will guarantee the freshest data that the API has.
ie. http://gdata.youtube.com/api/feeds/users/username/uploads (with a dev key and auth token for 'username') instead of http://gdata.youtube.com/api/feeds/videos?author=username