Where to get liber.h file/package for Lua? - lua

I'm trying to install the lualdap via luarocks with sudo luarocks install lualdap, but I am greeted with
Installing https://luarocks.org/lualdap-1.2.4.rc1-0.src.rock
Error: Could not find header file for LBER
No file lber.h in /usr/local/include
You may have to install LBER in your system and/or pass LBER_DIR or LBER_INCDIR to the luarocks command.
Example: luarocks install lualdap LBER_DIR=/usr/local
I am on Lua 5.3.
I've installed OpenSSL and HTTP.
I've tried the LBER_DIR=/usr/local parameter.
I've looked around for what rock file I need to download to get this lber.h file, but am not having any luck with it. How can I get this lber.h file?

lber.h is not a file specific to Lua, but part of a library that needs to be installed on your system in order for the lualdap rock to be compiled.
On Ubuntu-like systems, you can install it with:
sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev


Finding the binary's name after package installation

When I installed 7zip via home brew (Formula sevenzip), i noticed that i cannot run it via sevenzip and even brew info sevenzip did not tell me the name of the binary.
Only after looking in the script file on Github I noticed a command 7zz but there must be an easier way to find out the binaries or commands associated with a homebrew package.
The simplest I know is:
brew ls PACKAGE
and you can normally see it pretty quickly. Personally, I use p7zip as PACKAGE.
Alternatively, as brew --prefix tells you where binaries are installed (via symlinks), you can find the newest installed binary with:
ls -lrt $(brew --prefix)/bin
and it's the last one listed.

install MongoDB C++ Driver problem in ubuntu 16.04

I want to install MongoDB C++ Driver, so first is mongocxx
I follow this installation:
but I can not pass step 4
when I run this in mongo-cxx-driver/build
sudo cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
it shows
-- Auto-configuring bsoncxx to use MNMLSTC for polyfills since C++17 is inactive
CMake Error at src/mongocxx/CMakeLists.txt:37 (find_package):
By not providing "Findlibmongoc-1.0.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this
project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by
"libmongoc-1.0", but CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "libmongoc-1.0"
(requested version 1.13.0) with any of the following names:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Add the installation prefix of "libmongoc-1.0" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"libmongoc-1.0_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If
"libmongoc-1.0" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it
has been installed.
second question,
Step 2: Choose a C++17 polyfill how can I set MNMLSTC/core?
does anyone can help me,I already trap here for a long time ?
my env:
mongo-c-driver 1.15.1
Cmake is complaining about not finding a package configuration file (xxx.cmake), probably because you didn't build libmongoc/libbson.
I've tried to reproduce your issue and hit the same problem when I only installed them (apt-get install), so my suggestion is that you get the sources and build them as described at: http://mongoc.org/libmongoc/current/installing.html
Here's the list of commands (with the latest version of mongo-c-driver=1.15.1) which I just tried and worked fine:
wget https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/1.15.1/mongo-c-driver-1.15.1.tar.gz
tar xzf mongo-c-driver-1.15.1.tar.gz
cd mongo-c-driver-1.15.1
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
sudo make install
At this point you can go back into mongocxx/build and run again the command you were stuck at:
cd ../../mongo-cxx-driver/build

erlang is no longer supported by Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

I'm trying installing Erlang on my REHL7.2, but unfortunately I failed. I tried two approaches
First I tried downloading a RPM package from official site of erlang (in fact the rpm package is for CentOS, but there's no RPM package for RHEL anyway), but
error: Failed dependencies:
libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0()(64bit) is needed by esl-erlang-19.0-1.x86_64
libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0(WXU_2.8)(64bit) is needed by esl-erlang-19.0-1.x86_64
Then I tried
$ wget http://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
$ rpm -Uvh erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
But it failed too because
No package erlang available.
Error: Nothing to do
I wonder whether Erlang is no longer supported by RHEL? Otherwise how can I install Erlang on my RHEL7.2?
One simple solution to install the Erlang Solutions package is install the epel repository:
yum install epel-release
wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install erlang
The epel repo contains the libwx_* libraries required.
As instructed here:
enter link description here
Run the following commands (note: the commands on the above link use R15B01, but in the following commands, I changed it to the last release of Erlang (R15B03) It will take a while to finish with the installation. Run commands line by line
sudo yum install gcc glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel autoconf
wget http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_R15B03.tar.gz
tar zxvf otp_src_R15B03.tar.gz
cd otp_src_R15B03
./configure && make && sudo make install
After everything is done, you will be still at otp_src_R15B03 where Erlang is installed. Type erl and Enter, then, it should run and open Erlang prompt. I tried running Erlang from my home directory and from the root by just typing erl and it worked too. This way, Erlang is working good for me. To quit Erlang press CTRL + g then q and Enter
There is another way to install and useful info on this link:
enter link description here
I have figured it out! I found two solutions.
The first solution which is also the easiest way is to install a zero dependency version of erlang, please refer to my another Question. But I only tried this way after installing erlang from source, so if you failed this way, just try the following soltuion.
The other one is to build erlang from source (or by kerl which is essentially the same thing).
Install necessary dependencies:$sudo yum install ncurses-devel openssl-devel *openjdk-devel unixODBC unixODBC-devel
Download source code of erlang, unzip it and cd into the direcotry
sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install
Please refer to this article.
Thank you everyone!
Try this, worked for me.
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install erlang erlang-nox

Apt-get install package for libmapscript-ruby1.8 not behaving as anticipated

TL;DR: How can I get the right package for libmapscript-ruby1.8 on my system?
We have found an open source Rails 2.3 app that solves an internal tool problem.
Additional instructions
I've some experience with Rails but am just learning about the Ubuntu eco-system and apt-get.
The perceived problem is that one of the external libraries (mapscript) is not functioning.
Further detail:
The perceived source of the problem is that apt-get install libmapscript-ruby1.8 does not seem to load a ruby1.8 version of mapscript. Instead it loads to /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.9.1/x86_64-linux/mapscript.so via dependencies of libmapscript-ruby1.8
So when the Rails app links to the installed mapscript.so, it breaks, since the syntax is presumably different between mapscript.so build for 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.
Example error (note 1.9.1 version of mapscript.so is copied into 1.8.7 folder here)
TypeError (wrong argument type swig_runtime_data (expected Struct)):
Contact with the application creator has been largely fruitless so far, since they have not encountered this specific issue.
There is a rubygem but it seems to also be for 1.9.1
Is there some apt-get magic that I am missing? I've just read that something called backports exists but don't know if that is a solution.
I know it is an old threat, but in case someone else got this problem, I solved the problem like this:
(I used this github page: https://github.com/normanb/mapserver/tree/master/mapserver/mapscript)
Install old libgif
1.) apt install unzip libgdal-dev swig libproj-dev proj-data proj-bin
2.) wget "http://launchpadlibrarian.net/90361644/libgif4_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb"
3.) sudo dpkg -i libgif4_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb
4.) wget "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/giflib/libgif-dev_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb"
5.) sudo dpkg -i libgif-dev_4.1.6-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb
Install old GD
6.) wget "www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd-2.0.33.tar.gz"
7.) unzip
8.) go to folder
9.) ./configure
10.) make
11.) make install
Install webserver
12.) Download zip from https://github.com/normanb/mapserver/
13.) unzip mapserver-master.zip
14.) Goto folder mapserver-master/mapserver/
15.) ./configure --with-wmsclient --with-proj --with-gdal --with-postgis (choose the options you need for your mapscript)
16.) make
For ruby mapscript: (for others chech out https://github.com/normanb/mapserver/tree/master/mapserver/mapscript)
16.) ruby extconf.rb
17.) make
18.) make install
Please note that there is a bug in set filter and you need to comment the filter like so "\"id = 123\"" (https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/3983)
Ultimately, it appears that the packages are (for my intent and purposes) broken.
Paired with a Debian guru, who basically installed Mapserver on the system in order to compile and generate the correct mapscript.so
He recommended I get in touch with the various package maintainers and outline the problems that I encountered.

Unable to find Lua headers with find_package in cmake

I'm trying to use CMake to build generate the make file for a project of mine that uses Lua. When I run make I get this error:
/path/to/my/project/luaudio/luaudio.c:1:17: fatal error: lua.h: No such file or directory
In the CMakeLists.txt file, I have the following lines, which I thought would do it, but apparently they're not enough:
find_package(Lua51 REQUIRED)
Lua51_Include_Dirs appears to be empty (attempting to run it though the message command doesn't print anything) so I suspect that it just can't find it. Do I need to specify where to look for Lua? I was under the impression that the whole point of find_package was that it would look in a set a predefined places so that I don't need to specify where it is specifically.
(This is on an Ubuntu machine and I do have the Lua packages installed.)
install lua bin:
sudo apt-get install lua5.1
install lua lib:
sudo apt-get install lua5.1-dev
Exploring FindLua51.cmake from cmake 2.8 I found that it sets LUA_INCLUDE_DIR variable instead of Lua51_INCLUDE_DIRS. So cmake code should be
find_package(Lua51 REQUIRED)
for Ubuntu 14.04
sudo apt install lua5.2;
sudo apt install liblua5.2-dev;
