What to check to catch error in a Process.run? - dart

I’m trying to run keytool command with Process.run and if anything goes wrong I want to stop the program. I was checking stderr property of ProcessResult but it also writes it there if it is successfull. So what should I be checking to catch errors and stop the program?
await Process.run(
'cn=Unknown, ou=Unknown, o=Unknown, c=Unknown',
.then((ProcessResult results) {
if (results.stderr != null && results.stderr.toString().isNotEmpty) {
print('EXIT CODE ${results.exitCode}');
print('Keystore file is generated at /Users/figengungor/key.jks');

I just checked exitCode. If it is not zero, then smt is wrong. But error message can be inside stdout or stderr. So I went like this:
if(results.exitCode!=0) {
print('STDOUT ${results.stdout}');
print('STDERR ${results.stderr}');
print('EXIT CODE ${results.exitCode}');


How to handle FileSystemException in dart when watching a directory

I have written a simple command line tool in dart that watches changes in a directory if a directory does not exits I get FileSystemsException.
I have tried to handle it using try and catch clause. When the exception occurs the code in catch clause is not executed
try {
watcher.events.listen((event) {
if (event.type == ChangeType.ADD) {
} else if (event.type == ChangeType.MODIFY) {
} else {
} on FileSystemException {
print("Exception Occurs");
I expect the console to print "Exception Occurs"
There are two possibilities:
The exception is happening outside this block (maybe where the watcher is constructed?)
The exception is an unhandled async exception. This might be coming from either the Stream or it might be getting fired from some other Future, like perhaps the ready Future.
You can add handlers for the async exceptions like this:
try {
// If this is in an `async` method, use `await` within the try block
await watcher.ready;
// Otherwise add a error handler on the Future
watcher.ready.catchError((e) {
print('Exception in the ready Future');
watcher.events.listen((event) {
}, onError: (e) {
print('Exception in the Stream');
} on FileSystemException {
print("Exception Occurs");
My guess would be it's an error surfaced through the ready Future.

How to wrap exec.Command inside an io.Writer

I'm trying to compress a JPEG image in go using mozjpeg. Since it doesn't have official go binding, I think I'll just invoke its CLI to do the compression.
I try to model the usage after compress/gzip:
c := jpeg.NewCompresser(destFile)
_, err := io.Copy(c, srcFile)
Now the question is, how do I wrap the CLI inside Compresser so it can support this usage?
I tried something like this:
type Compresser struct {
cmd exec.Command
func NewCompressor(w io.Writer) *Compresser {
cmd := exec.Command("jpegtran", "-copy", "none")
cmd.Stdout = w
c := &Compresser{cmd}
return c
func (c *Compresser) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if c.cmd.Process == nil {
err = c.cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
// How do I write p into c.cmd.Stdin?
But couldn't finish it.
Also, a second question is, when do I shut down the command? How to shut down the command?
You should take a look at the Cmd.StdinPipe. There is an example in the documentation, which suits your case:
package main
import (
func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("cat")
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
go func() {
defer stdin.Close()
io.WriteString(stdin, "values written to stdin are passed to cmd's standard input")
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", out)
In this case, CombinedOutput() executes your command, and the execution is finished, when there are no more bytes to read from out.
As per Kiril's answer, use the cmd.StdInPipe to pass on the data you receive to Write.
However, in terms of closing, I'd be tempted to implement io.Closer. This would make *Compresser automatically implement the io.WriteCloser interface.
I would use Close() as the notification that there is no more data to be sent and that the command should be terminated. Any non-zero exit code returned from the command that indicates failure could be caught and returned as an error.
I would be wary of using CombinedOutput() inside Write() in case you have a slow input stream. The utility could finish processing the input stream and be waiting for more data. This would be incorrectly detected as command completion and would result in an invalid output.
Remember, the Write method can be called an indeterminate number of times during IO operations.

Passing flag variable to go program causing strange output

sergiotapia at Macbook-Air in ~/Work/go/src/github.com/sergiotapia/gophers on master [!]
$ go build && go install && gophers -github_url=https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=location%3A%22San+Fransisco%22+location%3ACA+followers%3A%3E100&type=Users&ref=advsearch&l=
[1] 51873
[2] 51874
[3] 51875
[4] 51877
[2] Done q=location%3A%22San+Fransisco%22+location%3ACA+followers%3A%3E100
[3] Done type=Users
[4]+ Done ref=advsearch
I'm trying to use the long github url as a parameter in my code for Gophers. It works fine for all other url types such as organisations or stargazers. However when I try to use the search results page I get the strange output above.
package main
import (
type user struct {
name string
email string
url string
username string
func main() {
url := flag.String("github_url", "", "github url you want to scrape")
githubURL := *url
doc, err := goquery.NewDocument(githubURL)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(githubURL, "/orgs/") {
scrapeOrganization(doc, githubURL)
} else if strings.Contains(githubURL, "/search?") {
scrapeSearch(doc, githubURL)
} else if strings.Contains(githubURL, "/stargazers") {
scrapeStarGazers(doc, githubURL)
} else {
It's a bash command line (or whatever the mac uses). & and ? are shell metacharacters that you MUST escape. The shell has absolutely no idea what a URL is, nor should it ever have to.
go 'http://....'
Adding quotes will prevent the shell from parsing the metacharacters. The alternative is to manually escape each and ever metachar yourself:
go http://example.com/script.php\?foo=bar\&baz=qux
which quickly gets tedious, and error prone.

Create & write a file which is having 'execute' permission?

I'm writing a bash script with dart.
Below code create a file. but that file doesn't have 'execute' permission.
so I'm not able to execute by doing ./ex.sh.
new File('ex.sh').writeAsStringSync(script_str);
Perhaps, I need to set FileStat to file. but i'm not able to find any APIs.
Haven't tried it but what if you try:
new File('ex.sh').writeAsString(script_str).then((final File file) {
return file.stat().then((final FileStat stat) => stat.mode = 777);
It seems this function is not yet implemented.
See code.google.com/p/dart/issues/detail?id=15078
As workaround, just made a utility function to run chmod command.
void _runBashCommandSync(GrinderContext context, String command, {String cwd, bool log: true}) {
ProcessResult result =
Process.runSync('/bin/bash', ['-c', command], workingDirectory: cwd);
if (!log) return;
if (result.stdout.isNotEmpty) {
if (result.stderr.isNotEmpty) {
if (result.exitCode > 0) {
context.fail("exit code ${result.exitCode}");
_runBashCommandSync(context, 'chmod 777 ex.sh');

Push notification missing messages

I am following the tutorial from this website:
to deliver push Notification in my app.
I have successfully created the certificate and other files so far. In the server side, I couldn't pass through the Making the Connection step.
I can get my device token in console while running the app. In the tutorial it is said that, after making the connection the Terminal console should give a output as "gateway connected".
But I am not getting this message. The worst case is I am not getting any error message either. I wonder what went wrong. Even though I got some errors in making the connection first like insufficient credentials, mac verify error, I solved those. Now am neither getting any error nor the correct message.
I also add my Terminal console here
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:~ AAA$ cd Desktop/
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:Desktop AAA$ cd poservices/
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:poservices AAA$ node agent/_header.js
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:poservices AAA$ node agent/_header.js
SIVAs-MacBook-Air:poservices AAA$`
var join = require('path').join
, pfx = join(__dirname, '../_certs/pfx.p12');
* Create a new gateway agent
var apnagent = require('apnagent')
, agent = module.exports = new apnagent.Agent();
* Configure agent
.set('pfx file', pfx)
* Error Mitigation
agent.on('message:error', function (err, msg) {
switch (err.name) {
// This error occurs when Apple reports an issue parsing the message.
case 'GatewayNotificationError':
console.log('[message:error] GatewayNotificationError: %s', err.message);
// The err.code is the number that Apple reports.
// Example: 8 means the token supplied is invalid or not subscribed
// to notifications for your application.
if (err.code === 8) {
console.log(' > %s', msg.device().toString());
// In production you should flag this token as invalid and not
// send any futher messages to it until you confirm validity
// This happens when apnagent has a problem encoding the message for transfer
case 'SerializationError':
console.log('[message:error] SerializationError: %s', err.message);
// unlikely, but could occur if trying to send over a dead socket
console.log('[message:error] other error: %s', err.message);
* Make the connection
agent.connect(function (err) {
// gracefully handle auth problems
if (err && err.name === 'GatewayAuthorizationError') {
console.log('Authentication Error: %s', err.message);
// handle any other err (not likely)
else if (err) {
throw err;
// it worked!
var env = agent.enabled('sandbox')
? 'sandbox'
: 'production';
console.log('apnagent [%s] gateway connected', env);
You need to add
agent.set('passphrase', '<YOUR_PASSWORD>');
agent.set('pfx file', pfx).enable('sandbox');
