I use firebase realtime as database for my app
and off course i used rules to secure my data
so more node database then more rules and now have a big code inside it
my question is about how to define function to make my rules more readable and make it less code
I would to get like this
"rules": {
function isMerchant(auth){
return "root.child('Merchant').child(auth.token.phone_number).exists()";
"UsersMetaData" :{
".read" : isMerchant(auth),
".write" : isMerchant(auth),
i see this answer for same question but is for firestore , but want to achieve it in firebase real time
thanks for help
Unfortunately, Realtime Database rules don't have support for custom functions like you see in Firestore. You will have to duplicate the logic wherever it's needed.
As Doug also answered, the Firebase Realtime Database security rules don't natively have support for declared functions in there.
What you can do however is use Firebase's Bolt security modeling language and compiler. Bolt does support callable functions, by expanding them in the way you'd otherwise do manually, and has many other nifty features.
I am trying to keep track of Outlook calendar events without the need to store information about them on my own systems. I decided to do this by adding the required ids as categories with their type of id before it as shown in the code sample below.
"#odata.etag": "",
"createdDateTime": "",
"categories": [
I tried using the 'any' lambda operator and this works fine if I want to filter based on one category using the query below:
What I need is a query that will check if an event has both ids so in this case only the events where ID1=abc123 and ID2=def456. I figured https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/events?$filter=categories/any(x:x%20eq%20'ID1::abc123')%20AND%20categories/any(x:x%20eq%20'ID2::def456') should do the trick but this keeps returning empty arrays.
Thanks in advance!
Since categories are available to the user (and this is going to look really strange in outlook), I would suggest you to use the transactionId on the events to store the external id. This will automatically deny your new event if you try to create a duplicate.
I know this isn’t the answer you were looking for, but using this solution will be much more feature proof.
I am creating a Social app and want to track if a username already exists or not. The username list is supposed to grow in future and the way I was doing it now was a key value pair of <string,bolean> like this:
name1: true,
name2: true
all the above data was to be stored in a single document and whenever I want to see if a user exists I would call this document and check accordingly. But here's the problem, firebase max document size is 1MBs and as the users grow this can be problematic, so wanted to know from firebase experts that what's the best way to solve this use case in firestore or realtime database but since I need to query exists maybe realtime db won't suit that well.
Note that I don't want any of firestore querying capabilities but only to check if an entry exists in the record or not and if not just add it.
The Realtime Database doesn't have a 1MB limit (since it has no concept of a document, and everything is just a tree of JSON), so I'd typically use that for the index of user names.
Checking whether a name exists is pretty simple there too, and in JavaScript would look something like:
const usernames = firebase.database().ref('usernames');
usernames.child('name1').once((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
I have application which have multiple users, one of the major thing left is to block and report users in firebase.
I am trying to look for the solution for the same by googling for it, but till now not any particular success.
I would like to know how I can achieve that. Please guide me for that,
and how the firestore security rules should be to achieve the same?
The typical approach is to have a collection that contains the blocked users, with one document for each blocked user and with the ID of that document being the UID of that user.
With that structure in place, your security rules can check for the existence of such a document and then block the user.
There's a great example of this in the blog post 7 tips on Firebase security rules and the Admin SDK (it's tip 7). The rules from there:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
function isBlackListed() {
return exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/blacklist/$(request.auth.uid))
// Collections are closed for reads and writes by default. This match block
// is included for clarity.
match /blacklist/{entry} {
allow read: if false;
allow write: if false;
match /posts/{postId} {
allow write: if !isBlackListed()
I'd like to pass expand parameters to read because it doesn't work if I call the service like this:
oModel1.read("/LinesSet?$expand=ToCells", {
The read API awaits a map of options as a second argument in which we can define any query using the property urlParameters:
oModel1.read("/LinesSet", {
urlParameters: {
"$expand": "ToCells",
"$select": "LineID,ToCells/CellID,...", // reduce data load
filters: [ // Filter required from sap/ui/model/Filter
new Filter({/*...*/}), // reduce data load
success: this.onSuccess.bind(this),
// ...
⚠️ Please note that loading large amounts of data significantly affects memory consumption and UX negatively. This might even lead to crashing the application altogether ultimately. See the section Loading Large Amounts of Data from the documentation.
Whenever you use methods like [...] sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel#read [...] in application code, your application must not load large amounts of data.
⚠️ read is a low-level API from the application's point of view. There are other APIs and approaches that can help reducing the amount controller code.
Alternative (better) solution
I'd like to emphasize that v2.ODataModel#read is often not required. You can simply make use of the OData Context/ListBinding by assigning the corresponding name of the <NavigationProperty> to the control in XML:
<Table binding="{ToThatRelatedSingleEntity}" items="{ToThatRelatedCollection}" growing="true">
(Note: You might have to add templateShareable to the aggregation binding accordingly as explained in the topic: Lifecycle of Binding Templates)
The binding, not the application, will then prepare a request automatically for you. No need to use an intermediate JSONModel. Same with v4.ODataModel which doesn't even have the read method.
This makes also migrating to OData V4 much easier.
The childByAutoId would be useful if you want to save in a node multiple children of the same type, that way each child will have its own unique identifier.
owner:John Doe,
user_id:<Fire base generated User_id>
owner:Jane Lannister,
user_id:<Fire base generated User_id>
owner:John Doe,
user_id:<Fire base generated User_id>
I am trying to access the List with the help of the following code:
let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference(withPath: "/List")
The current user logged into the app is John Doe. When the user accesses the list, I want all the List child whose owner is John Doe(i.e. List-1 & List-3) and ignore the other child values.
Do I have to do this in my application or can this be achieved via Firebase Security rules?
My current rule definition is:
".read": "root.child('List/'+root.child('List').val()+'/user_id').val() === auth.uid" }
But this rule is not giving me any success. Any idea how to achieve the desired result?
You're trying to use security rules to filter the list. This is not possible and one of the common pitfalls for developers coming to Firebase from a SQL background. We commonly refer to it as "rules are not filters" and you can learn more about it in:
the Firebase documentation
this answer
our new video series Firebase for SQL developers
and many previous questions mentioning "rules are not filters"
The solution is almost always the same: keep a separate list of the keys of posts that each user has access to.
JohnUid: {
KhBHJZJjZ: true
JaneUid: {
KhBHJBJjJ: true
This type of list is often referred to as an index, since it contains references to the actual post. You can also find more about this structure in the Firebase documentation on structuring data.