How to instruct docker or docker-compose to automatically build image specified in FROM - docker

When processing a Dockerfile, how do I instruct docker build to build the image specified in FROM locally using another Dockerfile if it is not already available?
Here's the context. I have a large Dockerfile that starts from base Ubuntu image, installs Apache, then PHP, then some custom configuration on top of that. Whether this is a good idea is another point, let's assume the build steps cannot be changed. The problem is, every time I change anything in the config, everything has to be rebuilt from scratch, and this takes a while.
I would like to have a hierarchy of Dockerfiles instead:
my-apache : based on stock Ubuntu
my-apache-php: based on my-apache
final: based on my-apache-php
The first two images would be relatively static and can be uploaded to dockerhub, but I would like to retain an option to build them locally as part of the same build process. Only one container will exist, based on the final image. Thus, putting all three as "services" in docker-compose.yml is not a good idea.
The only solution I can think of is to have a manual build script that for each image checks whether it is available on Dockerhub or locally, and if not, invokes docker build.
Are there better solutions?

I have found this article on automatically detecting dependencies between docker files and building them in proper order:
Actual makefile from Philippe's git repo provides even more functionality:


JIB - Is it possible to see the dockerfile jib creates behind the scenes?

Is it possible to see the dockerfile jib creates behind the scenes ? If yes then where and how can i locate it ?
Context - I am bit familiar with docker file and want to make sure the docker file that gets generated has everything required for my app to run successfully.
Jib does not generate Dockerfile or make any use of Docker during image building. You don't need to install Docker to use Jib.
For a normal project, if a Dockefile existed, some part of it would roughly look like this. However, do note that the Dockerfile in the link is mostly for informational purposes; almost all the time, there cannot be a Dockerfile that can accurately reproduce the image generated by Jib.
Related, note that the way Jib works is fundamentally different than Docker's:
the way Jib builds an image is fundamentally different from how the Docker CLI builds an image using Dockerfile (reproducible vs. non-reproducible, declarative vs. imperative, Docker and Dockerfile-less build vs. requiring Docker daemon and client, requiring root-privilege vs. not). Jib is in a very different realm ...
UPDATE: if you want to examine the built image, check out dive.

Should `docker-compose.yml` be in its own repository?

I'm building a small web app with Vue.js and an Express API, each with their own Dockerfile. I currently am able to build those images and publish them to a private Docker repository, then pull them onto a virtual machine and run them. I want to add Docker Compose, and I've often seen that together with the code for the services, such as
but that seem then like you can't publish the images to a repository, since Docker Compose builds the images and runs the containers, and so my VM would need to pull all the code, when to my thinking it should just need the images and then know how to run them.
So am I thinking about Docker Compose wrong? I have very little experience with it; I'm just trying to figure out the best way to be able to run the containers and it seems like I should be able to do that on a VM without having to download all the source code to that VM.
You can use docker-compose and still publish the individual images.
I guess that the API and the client have their own Docker files respectively.
So basically you have three options:
Let docker-compose build the images via the build
Just reference the images with the image
option and
make sure they are built before.
Do both so docker-compose will build those images and give them
the name and the tag that you put under the image option.
They are all valid options as far as I am concerned. If you go with
option two I would write a little Makefile or script that makes sure
the images are in place for convenience.

How to deploy an application running in docker - best practice?

We are discussing how we should deploy our application running in a docker container. At the moment, we build our application image in the pipeline containing the application code. Which means we have to build the docker image every time the application updates.
Another approach we consider is putting the application code in a volume on the server. We then pull the latest release with git on the server. So the image has not to be rebuilt.
So our discussed options are:
Build the image containing the application code
Use a volume and store the application code on the server
What is best practice to do and why?
While the other answers here have explained the point of building code into your image, I'd like to go one step further and show you how to get the benefits of both worlds while following this best practice.
Docker best practices call for building source code into your image before deployment, rather than deploying an image with dependencies installed and then source code mounted in as a volume.
This gives you a self-contained, portable container that is straightforward to test, deploy, or rollback.
May I take a stab at why you are considering hot-mounting code?
Hot-mounting code is appealing for several reasons — and they're all easy to achieve without sacrificing this best practice of building a self-contained image:
Building Docker images can be slow, so why rebuild for a minor change when you can just hot-mount the code?
A complementary best practice is to use a "base image" that installs all dependencies -- usually the slow part of building a docker image. The key insight is that this base image won't change often!
But the image that derives from it -- your application image, which installs source code -- will change with every commit you want to deploy. That derived image will be very fast to build. The Dockerfile could be as simple as:
FROM myapp/base . # all dependencies installed in base image
ADD code.tar.gz /src # automatic untaring!
CMD [...] # whatever it takes to run your app
Hot-mounting enables faster development cycles, because a developer won't need to flush their docker container, rebuild, and run a new container just to see a change.
This is a fair point. I recommend making a "dev" image (which will also derive from your base image) that enables code mounting via a volume rather than the source code installation steps you'd have in your testing and deployment images.
When you build image every time with new application you have easy way to deploy it later on to the customer or on your production server. When the docker image is ready you can keep it in the repository. Additionally you have full control on that that your docker is working with current application.
In case of keeping the application in mounted volume you have to keep in mind following problems:
life cycle of application - what to do with container when you have to update the application - gently stop, overwrite and run again
how do you deploy your application - you have to do it manually over SSH, or you want just to run simple command docker run, and it runs your latest version from your repository
The mounted volumes are rather for following casses:
you want to have externally exposed settings for container - what is also not a good idea
you want to have externally access to the data produced by the application like logs, db, etc
To automate it totally, you can:
build image for each application and push to the repository
use for example watchtower to automatic update of the system on your production servers
I believe you should follow the first approach i.e. rebuilding the docker image every time there are changes in code. Reasons are-
Firstly, if you are using volume, every time you have to manage the clean closing and removing of the previous version of the application and check whether the new version of the application is running correctly. Your new application might get affected dependencies of your previous version of the application. That need to be taken care too.
Secondly, there might be some version updates of the frameworks installed and some new frameworks are to be installed with the current application. In this case, the first approach seems to be the only option.
Thirdly, As when you are using docker volume you will be removing the most important feature of docker i.e. abstraction from outside environment. Also, the image might become machine dependent because of it, which might affect if you want to publish the app in multiple environments.
My suggestion would be creating a pipeline using some continuous integration tool and fully automate the process starting from code building, building of docker image and deploying it to your environment.

Can you share Docker containers?

I have been trying to figure out why one might choose adding every "step" of their setup to a Dockerfile which will create your container in a certain state.
The alternative in my mind is to just create a container from a simple base image like ubuntu and then (via shell input) configure your container the way you'd like.
But can you share containers? If you can only share images with Docker then I'd understand why one would want every step of their container setup listed in a Dockerfile.
The reason I ask is because I imagine there is some amount of headache involved with porting shell commands, file changes for configs, etc. to correct Dockerfile syntax and have them work correctly? But as a novice with Docker I could be overestimating the difficulty of that task.
EDIT: I suppose another valid reason for having the Dockerfile with each setup step is for documentation as to the initial state of the container. As opposed to being given a container in a certain state, but not necessarily having a way to know what all was done from the container's image base state.
But can you share containers? If you can only share images with Docker then I'd understand why one would want every step of their container setup listed in a Dockerfile.
Strictly speaking, no. However, you can create a new image from an existing container using the docker commit command:
$ docker commit <container-name> <image-name>
This command will create a new image from the existing container that you can push and pull from/to registries, export and import and create new containers from.
The reason I ask is because I imagine there is some amount of headache involved with porting shell commands, file changes for configs, etc. to correct Dockerfile syntax and have them work correctly? But as a novice with Docker I could be overestimating the difficulty of that task.
If you're already using some other mechanism for automated configuration, you can simply integrate your existing automation into the Docker build. For instance, if you are already configuring your images using shell scripts, simply add a build step in your Dockerfile in which to add your install scripts to the container and execute it. In theory, this can also work with configuration management utilities like Puppet, Salt and others.
EDIT: I suppose another valid reason for having the Dockerfile with each setup step is for documentation as to the initial state of the container. As opposed to being given a container in a certain state, but not necessarily having a way to know what all was done from the container's image base state.
True. As mentioned in comments, there are clear advantages to have an automated and reproducible build of your image. If you build your containers manually and then create an image with docker commit, you don't necessarily know how to re-build this image at a later point in time (which may become necessary when you want to release a new version of your application or re-build the image on top of an updated base image).

Why doesn't Docker Hub cache Automated Build Repositories as the images are being built?

Note: It appears the premise of my question is no longer valid since the new Docker Hub appears to support caching. I haven't personally tested this. See the new answer below.
Docker Hub's Automated Build Repositories don't seem to cache images. As it is building, it removes all intermediate containers. Is this the way it was intended to work or am I doing something wrong? It would be really nice to not have to rebuild everything for every small change. I thought that was supposed to be one of the best advantages of docker and it seems weird that their builder doesn't use it. So why doesn't it cache images?
I've started using Codeship to build my app and then run remote commands on my DigitalOcean server to copy the built files and run the docker build command. I'm still not sure why Docker Hub doesn't cache.
Disclaimer: I am a lead software engineer at, a private Docker container registry, so this is an educated guess based on the same problem we faced in our own build system implementation.
Given my experience with Dockerfile build systems, I would suspect that the Docker Hub does not support caching because of the way caching is implemented in the Docker Engine. Caching for Docker builds operates by comparing the commands to be run against the existing layers found in memory.
For example, if the Dockerfile has the form:
FROM somebaseimage
RUN somecommand
ADD somefile somefile
Then the Docker build code will:
Check to see if an image matching somebaseimage exists
Check if there is a local image with the command RUN somecommand whose parent is the previous image
Check if there is a local image with the command ADD somefile somefile + a hashing of the contents of somefile (to make sure it is invalidated when somefile changes), whose parent is the previous image
If any of the above steps match, then that command will be skipped in the Dockerfile build process, with the cached image itself being used instead. However, the one key issue with this process is that it requires the cached images to be present on the build machine, in order to find and verify the matches. Having all of everyone's images on build nodes would be highly inefficient, making this a harder problem to solve.
At, we solved the caching problem by creating a variation of the Docker caching code that could precompute these commands/hashes and then ask our registry for the cached layers, downloading them to the machine only after we had found the most efficient caching set. This required significant data model changes in our registry code.
If you'd like more information, we gave a technical overview into how we do so in this talk:
The new Docker Hub came out with a new Automated Build system that supports Build Caching.
