How to deploy an application running in docker - best practice? - docker

We are discussing how we should deploy our application running in a docker container. At the moment, we build our application image in the pipeline containing the application code. Which means we have to build the docker image every time the application updates.
Another approach we consider is putting the application code in a volume on the server. We then pull the latest release with git on the server. So the image has not to be rebuilt.
So our discussed options are:
Build the image containing the application code
Use a volume and store the application code on the server
What is best practice to do and why?

While the other answers here have explained the point of building code into your image, I'd like to go one step further and show you how to get the benefits of both worlds while following this best practice.
Docker best practices call for building source code into your image before deployment, rather than deploying an image with dependencies installed and then source code mounted in as a volume.
This gives you a self-contained, portable container that is straightforward to test, deploy, or rollback.
May I take a stab at why you are considering hot-mounting code?
Hot-mounting code is appealing for several reasons — and they're all easy to achieve without sacrificing this best practice of building a self-contained image:
Building Docker images can be slow, so why rebuild for a minor change when you can just hot-mount the code?
A complementary best practice is to use a "base image" that installs all dependencies -- usually the slow part of building a docker image. The key insight is that this base image won't change often!
But the image that derives from it -- your application image, which installs source code -- will change with every commit you want to deploy. That derived image will be very fast to build. The Dockerfile could be as simple as:
FROM myapp/base . # all dependencies installed in base image
ADD code.tar.gz /src # automatic untaring!
CMD [...] # whatever it takes to run your app
Hot-mounting enables faster development cycles, because a developer won't need to flush their docker container, rebuild, and run a new container just to see a change.
This is a fair point. I recommend making a "dev" image (which will also derive from your base image) that enables code mounting via a volume rather than the source code installation steps you'd have in your testing and deployment images.

When you build image every time with new application you have easy way to deploy it later on to the customer or on your production server. When the docker image is ready you can keep it in the repository. Additionally you have full control on that that your docker is working with current application.
In case of keeping the application in mounted volume you have to keep in mind following problems:
life cycle of application - what to do with container when you have to update the application - gently stop, overwrite and run again
how do you deploy your application - you have to do it manually over SSH, or you want just to run simple command docker run, and it runs your latest version from your repository
The mounted volumes are rather for following casses:
you want to have externally exposed settings for container - what is also not a good idea
you want to have externally access to the data produced by the application like logs, db, etc
To automate it totally, you can:
build image for each application and push to the repository
use for example watchtower to automatic update of the system on your production servers

I believe you should follow the first approach i.e. rebuilding the docker image every time there are changes in code. Reasons are-
Firstly, if you are using volume, every time you have to manage the clean closing and removing of the previous version of the application and check whether the new version of the application is running correctly. Your new application might get affected dependencies of your previous version of the application. That need to be taken care too.
Secondly, there might be some version updates of the frameworks installed and some new frameworks are to be installed with the current application. In this case, the first approach seems to be the only option.
Thirdly, As when you are using docker volume you will be removing the most important feature of docker i.e. abstraction from outside environment. Also, the image might become machine dependent because of it, which might affect if you want to publish the app in multiple environments.
My suggestion would be creating a pipeline using some continuous integration tool and fully automate the process starting from code building, building of docker image and deploying it to your environment.


Why do docker containers rely on uploading (large) images rather than building from the spec files?

Having needed several times in the last few days to upload a 1Gb image after some micro change, I can't help but wonder why there isnt a deploy path built into docker and related tech (e.g. k8s) to push just the application files (Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml and app related code) and have it build out the infrastructure from within the (live) docker host?
In other words, why do I have to upload an entire linux machine whenever I change my app code?
Isn't the whole point of Docker that the configs describe a purely deterministic infrastructure output? I can't even see why one would need to upload the whole container image unless they make changes to it manually, outside of Dockerfile, and then wish to upload that modified image. But that seems like bad practice at the very least...
Am I missing something or this just a peculiarity of the system?
Good question.
Short answer:
Because storage is cheaper than processing power, building images "Live" might be complex, time-consuming and it might be unpredictable.
On your Kubernetes cluster, for example, you just want to pull "cached" layers of your image that you know that it works, and you just run it... In seconds instead of compiling binaries and downloading things (as you would specify in your Dockerfile).
About building images:
You don't have to build these images locally, you can use your CI/CD runners and run the docker build and docker push from the pipelines that run when you push your code to a git repository.
And also, if the image is too big you should look into ways of reducing its size by using multi-stage building, using lighter/minimal base images, using few layers (for example multiple RUN apt install can be grouped to one apt install command listing multiple packages), and also by using .dockerignore to not ship unnecessary files to your image. And last read more about caching in docker builds as it may reduce the size of the layers you might be pushing when making changes.
Long answer:
Think of the Dockerfile as the source code, and the Image as the final binary. I know it's a classic example.
But just consider how long it would take to build/compile the binary every time you want to use it (either by running it, or importing it as a library in a different piece of software). Then consider how indeterministic it would download the dependencies of that software, or compile them on different machines every time you run them.
You can take for example Node.js's Dockerfile:
Which is based on Alpine:
You don't want your application to perform all operations specified in these files (and their scripts) on runtime before actually starting your applications as it might be unpredictable, time-consuming, and more complex than it should be (for example you'd require firewall exceptions for an Egress traffic to the internet from the cluster to download some dependencies which you don't know if they would be available).
You would instead just ship an image based on the base image you tested and built your code to run on. That image would be built and sent to the registry then k8s will run it as a black box, which might be predictable and deterministic.
Then about your point of how annoying it is to push huge docker images every time:
You might cut that size down by following some best practices and well designing your Dockerfile, for example:
Reduce your layers, for example, pass multiple arguments whenever it's possible to commands, instead of re-running them multiple times.
Use multi-stage building, so you will only push the final image, not the stages you needed to build to compile and configure your application.
Avoid injecting data into your images, you can pass it later on-runtime to the containers.
Order your layers, so you would not have to re-build untouched layers when making changes.
Don't include unnecessary files, and use .dockerignore.
And last but not least:
You don't have to push images from your machine, you can do it with CI/CD runners (for example build-push Github action), or you can use your cloud provider's "Cloud Build" products (like Cloud Build for GCP and AWS CodeBuild)

How to instruct docker or docker-compose to automatically build image specified in FROM

When processing a Dockerfile, how do I instruct docker build to build the image specified in FROM locally using another Dockerfile if it is not already available?
Here's the context. I have a large Dockerfile that starts from base Ubuntu image, installs Apache, then PHP, then some custom configuration on top of that. Whether this is a good idea is another point, let's assume the build steps cannot be changed. The problem is, every time I change anything in the config, everything has to be rebuilt from scratch, and this takes a while.
I would like to have a hierarchy of Dockerfiles instead:
my-apache : based on stock Ubuntu
my-apache-php: based on my-apache
final: based on my-apache-php
The first two images would be relatively static and can be uploaded to dockerhub, but I would like to retain an option to build them locally as part of the same build process. Only one container will exist, based on the final image. Thus, putting all three as "services" in docker-compose.yml is not a good idea.
The only solution I can think of is to have a manual build script that for each image checks whether it is available on Dockerhub or locally, and if not, invokes docker build.
Are there better solutions?
I have found this article on automatically detecting dependencies between docker files and building them in proper order:
Actual makefile from Philippe's git repo provides even more functionality:

Docker, update image or just use bind-mounts for website code?

I'm using Django but I guess the question is applicable to any web project.
In our case, there are two types of codes, the first one being python code (run in django), and others are static files (html/js/css)
I could publish new image when there is a change in any of the code.
Or I could use bind mounts for the code. (For django, we could bind-mount the project root and static directory)
If I use bind mounts for code, I could just update the production machine (probably with git pull) when there's code change.
Then, docker image will handle updates that are not strictly our own code changes. (such as library update or new setup such as setting up elasticsearch) .
Does this approach imply any obvious drawback?
For security reasons is advised to keep an operating system up to date with the last security patches but docker images are meant to be released in an immutable fashion in order we can always be able to reproduce productions issues outside production, thus the OS will not update itself for security patches being released. So this means we need to rebuild and deploy our docker image frequently in order to stay on the safe side.
So I would prefer to release a new docker image with my code and static files, because they are bound to change more often, thus requiring frequent release, meaning that you keep the OS more up to date in terms of security patches without needing to rebuild docker images in production just to keep the OS up to date.
Note I assume here that you release new code or static files at least in a weekly basis, otherwise I still recommend to update at least once a week the docker images in order to get the last security patches for all the software being used.
Generally the more Docker-oriented solutions I've seen to this problem learn towards packaging the entire application in the Docker image. That especially includes application code.
I'd suggest three good reasons to do it this way:
If you have a reproducible path to docker build a self-contained image, anyone can build and reproduce it. That includes your developers, who can test a near-exact copy of the production system before it actually goes to production. If it's a Docker image, plus this code from this place, plus these static files from this other place, it's harder to be sure you've got a perfect setup matching what goes to production.
Some of the more advanced Docker-oriented tools (Kubernetes, Amazon ECS, Docker Swarm, Hashicorp Nomad, ...) make it fairly straightforward to deal with containers and images as first-class objects, but trickier to say "this image plus this glop of additional files".
If you're using a server automation tool (Ansible, Salt Stack, Chef, ...) to push your code out, then it's straightforward to also use those to push out the correct runtime environment. Using Docker to just package the runtime environment doesn't really give you much beyond a layer of complexity and some security risks. (You could use Packer or Vagrant with this tool set to simulate the deploy sequence in a VM for pre-production testing.)
You'll also see a sequence in many SO questions where a Dockerfile COPYs application code to some directory, and then a docker-compose.yml bind-mounts the current host directory over that same directory. In this setup the container environment reflects the developer's desktop environment and doesn't really test what's getting built into the Docker image.
("Static files" wind up in a gray zone between "is it the application or is it data?" Within the context of this question I'd lean towards packaging them into the image, especially if they come out of your normal build process. That especially includes the primary UI to the application you're running. If it's things like large image or video assets that you could reasonably host on a totally separate server, it may make more sense to serve those separately.)

Recreating Docker images instead of reusing - for microservices

One microservice stays in one docker container. Now, let's say that I want to upgrade the microservice - for example, some configuration is changed, and I need to re-run it.
I have two options:
I can try to re-use existing image, by having a script that runs on containers startup and that updates the microservice by reading new config (if there is) from some shared volume. After the update, script runs the microservice.
I can simply drop the existing image and container and create the new image (with new name) and new container with updated configuration/code.
Solution #2 seems more robust to me. There is no 'update' procedure, just single container creation.
However, what bothers me is if this re-creation of the image has some bad side-effects? Like a lot of dangling images or something similar. Imagine that this may happens very often during the time user plays with the app - for example, if developer is trying out something, he wants to play with different configurations of microservice, and he will re-start it often. But once it is configured, this will not change. Also, when I say configuration I dont mean just config files, but also user code etc.
For production changes you'll want to deploy a new image for changes to the file. This ensures your process is repeatable.
However, developing by making a new image every time you write a new line of code would be a nightmare. The best option is to run your docker container and mount the source directory of the container to your file system. That way, when you make changes in your editor, the code in the container updates too.
You can achieve this like so:
docker run -v /Users/me/myapp:/src myapp_image
That way you only have to build myapp_image once and can easily make changes thereafter.
Now, if you had a running container that was not mounted and you wanted to make changes to the file, you can do that too. It's not recommended, but it's easy to see why you might want to.
If you run:
docker exec -it <my-container-id> bash
This will put you into the container and you can make changes in vim/nano/editor of your choice while you're inside.
Your option #2 is definitely preferable for a production environment. Ideally you should have some automation around this process, typically to perform something like a blue-green deploy where you replace containers based on the old image one by one with those from the new, testing as you go and then only when you are satisfied with the new deployment do you clean up the containers from the previous version and remove the image. That way you can quickly roll-back to the previous version if needed.
In a development environment you may want to take a different approach where you bind mount the application in to the container at runtime allowing you to make updates dynamically without having to rebuild the image. There is a nice example in the Docker Compose docs that illustrates how you can have a common base compose YML and then extend it so that you get different behavior in development and production scenarios.

Can docker be used to run a web site container that first downloads latest version prior to running web server?

I've been experimenting with docker recently but can't get my head around what I think is a fairly important/useful requirement:
The ability to download a NEW copy of a web site for running, when a container is run. NOT at build time, but at run time.
I have seen countless examples of Dockerfiles where java, tomcat, a copy of a WAR is installed and added to an image during build time, but none where that WAR is downloaded fresh each time "docker run -d me/myimage" is executed on the command line.
I think it might involve adding a CMD statement at the end of the Dockerfile but I wonder if people out there more experienced than me with docker have some advice? Perhaps I shouldn't even be attempting this and should re-build my images each time my web app has a new release? But that would mean I would have to distribute my new image via a private dockerhub or something right? I am not willing to stick my source in a public github repo and have the Dockerfile pull it and build it during an image build.
As Mark O'Connor said in his comment, it's certainly possible. A Docker container is just a process tree running on your Linux host, and with a few exceptions (generally involving privileged access to the kernel) can do anything you can do outside of a container.
So sure, you could put together an image that, when run, would download the most recent of an application and run it.
The reason this is considered a bad idea is that it suddenly becomes difficult if you want to run an older version of the application (or more generally a specific version). What if you redeploy your container and end up with a new version of the application that requires manual database schema upgrades before it will operate? Now instead of an application you have a brick.
Similarly, what if the newest version of the application is simply buggy? If you were performing the download and install at build time, you would simply deploy an image with an older version of the application.
Performing the application and download at run time makes the container unpredictable and less manageable.
