I am trying to package gotty into a Docker container but found a weird behavior.
$ tree
├── Dockerfile
├── gotty
└── gotty_linux_amd64.tar.gz
FROM alpine:3.11.3
RUN mkdir -p /home/gotty
WORKDIR /home/gotty
COPY gotty /home/gotty
RUN chmod +x /home/gotty/gotty
CMD ["/bin/sh"]
The image was built without issue:
Removing intermediate container 0dee1ab645e0
---> b5c6957d36e1
Step 7/9 : COPY gotty /home/gotty
---> fb1a1adec04a
Step 8/9 : RUN chmod +x /home/gotty/gotty
---> Running in 90031140da40
Removing intermediate container 90031140da40
---> 609e1a5453f7
Step 9/9 : CMD ["/bin/sh"]
---> Running in 30ce65cd4339
Removing intermediate container 30ce65cd4339
---> 099bc22ee6c0
Successfully built 099bc22ee6c0
The chmod changed the file mode successfully. So /home/gotty/gotty is present.
$ docker run -itd 099bc22ee6c0
$ docker exec -it 9b219a6ef670 /bin/sh
/home/gotty # ls
/home/gotty # ./gotty
/bin/sh: ./gotty: not found
Go into the container, the gotty command is there. I ran it with relative path. Why the not found?
You are running into one of the more notorious problems with Alpine: Musl, instead of glibc. Check out the output of ldd gotty. Try adding libc6-compat:
apk add libc6-compat
and see if that fixes it.
I have what I believe is a pretty simple setup.
I build a binary file outside of docker and then try to add it using this Dockerfile
FROM alpine
COPY apps/dist/apps /bin/
RUN chmod +x /bin/apps
RUN ls -al /bin | grep apps
CMD /bin/apps
And I think this should work.
The binary on its own seems to work on my host machine and I don't understand why it wouldn't on the docker image.
Anyways, the output I get is this:
docker build -t apps -f app.Dockerfile . && docker run apps
Sending build context to Docker daemon 287.5MB
Step 1/5 : alpine
---> d05cf6536f67
Step 2/5 : COPY apps/dist/apps /bin/
---> Using cache
---> c54d6d57154e
Step 3/5 : RUN chmod +x /bin/apps
---> Using cache
---> aa7e6adb0981
Step 4/5 : RUN ls -al /bin | grep apps
---> Running in 868c5e235d68
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 68395166 Dec 20 13:35 apps
Removing intermediate container 868c5e235d68
---> f052c06269b0
Step 5/5 : CMD /bin/apps
---> Running in 056fd02733e1
Removing intermediate container 056fd02733e1
---> 331600154cbe
Successfully built 331600154cbe
Successfully tagged apps:latest
/bin/sh: /bin/apps: not found
does this make sense, and am I just missing something obvious?
Your binary likely has dynamic links to libraries that don't exist inside the image filesystem. You can check those dynamic links with the ldd apps/dist/apps command.
When i try to build the Dockerfile, it copies the sample.pdf from documents folder. But the pdf file doesnt exist in container when i run it.
Step 6/9 : COPY . .
---> b0c137c4b5bb
Step 7/9 : COPY documents/ /usr/src/app/documents/
---> 77ac91c3ebb9
Step 8/9 : RUN ls -la /usr/src/app/documents/*
---> Running in 03c9f14669c3
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 2830 May 3 14:30 /usr/src/app/documents/sample.pdf
Removing intermediate container 03c9f14669c3
After running the docker-compose image.
The image doesnt exist in container.
sudo docker exec -it test_consumer_1 ls /usr/src/app/documents
//[None] - it should show sample.pdf
FROM python:3.6-alpine
COPY requirements.txt /usr/src/app/requirements.txt
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Without this setting, Python never prints anything out.
COPY . .
COPY documents/ /usr/src/app/documents/
RUN ls -la /usr/src/app/documents/*
CMD ["python", "receive.py"]
Server Version: 18.03.1-ce ,RHEL 7.2 .Here is my dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ENV http_proxy
ENV https_proxy
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add netcat-openbsd
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/licensingservice
ADD #project.build.finalName#.jar /usr/local/licensingservice/
ADD run.sh run.sh
RUN chmod +x run.sh
CMD ./run.sh
it build without error:
---> Using cache
---> 8fa60876c229
Step 5/9 : RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/licensingservice
---> Using cache
---> bca46b1256e1
Step 6/9 : ADD licensing-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/licensingservice/
---> a66979ed3755
Step 7/9 : ADD run.sh ./run.sh
---> 95b492565374
Step 8/9 : RUN chmod +x run.sh
---> Running in eec3075c30f3
Removing intermediate container eec3075c30f3
---> 96a2d7b89b80
Step 9/9 : CMD ./run.sh
---> Running in c338e9d33371
Removing intermediate container c338e9d33371
---> 324d5a83cf84
ProgressMessage{id=null, status=null, stream=null, error=null, progress=null, progressDetail=null}
Successfully built 324d5a83cf84
Successfully tagged johncarnell/tmx-licensing-service:chapter4
but docker run -it 324d5a83cf84:
/bin/sh: ./run.sh: not found
I debug using docker run --rm -it 324d5a83cf84 cat ./run.sh,it print the file well.
echo "hello1"
I suspect you are working on Windows and you are using the default Windows newline: CR LF. Change to LF in your run.sh and it will work like a charm.
But how to do that you ask? Open run.sh in Notepad++ and look at the bottom right of the window. Click on Windows (CR LF) and select Unix (LF).
Hi I am new to Docker and trying to wrap around my head on how to clone a private repo from github and found some interesting link issues/6396
I followed one of the post and my dockerfile looks like
FROM python:2.7 as builder
# Deploy app's code
#RUN set -x
RUN mkdir /code
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/
RUN ls -l /root/.ssh/
# The GITHUB_SSH_KEY Build Argument must be a path or URL
# If it's a path, it MUST be in the docker build dir, and NOT in .dockerignore!
ARG SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=C:\\Users\\MyUser\\.ssh\\id_rsa
# Set up root user SSH access for GitHub
ADD ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} /root/.ssh/id_rsa
RUN ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -vT git#github.com 2>&1 | grep -i auth
# Test SSH access (this returns false even when successful, but prints results)
RUN git clone git#github.com:***********.git
COPY . /code
ENV PYTHONPATH /datawarehouse_process
# Setup app's virtualenv
RUN set -x \
&& pip install tox \
&& tox -e luigi
WORKDIR /datawarehouse_process
# Finally, remove the $GITHUB_SSH_KEY if it was a file, so it's not in /app!
# It can also be removed from /root/.ssh/id_rsa, but you're probably not
# to COPY that directory into the runtime image.
RUN rm -vf ${GITHUB_SSH_KEY} /root/.ssh/id*
#FROM python:2.7 as runtime
#COPY --from=builder /code /code
When I run docker build . from the correct location I get this error below. Any clue will be appreciated.
c:\Domain\Project\Docker-Images\datawarehouse_process>docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 281.7MB
Step 1/15 : FROM python:2.7 as builder
---> 43c5f3ee0928
Step 2/15 : RUN mkdir /code
---> Running in 841fadc29641
Removing intermediate container 841fadc29641
---> 69fdbcd34f12
Step 3/15 : RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/
---> Running in 50199b0eb002
Removing intermediate container 50199b0eb002
---> 6dac8b120438
Step 4/15 : RUN ls -l /root/.ssh/
---> Running in e15040402b79
total 0
Removing intermediate container e15040402b79
---> 65519edac99a
Step 5/15 : ARG SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=C:\\Users\\MyUser\\.ssh\\id_rsa
---> Running in 10e0c92eed4f
Removing intermediate container 10e0c92eed4f
---> 707279c92614
Step 6/15 : RUN echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}"
---> Running in a9f75c224994
Removing intermediate container a9f75c224994
---> 96e0605d38a9
Step 7/15 : ADD ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} /root/.ssh/id_rsa
ADD failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-
builder142890167/C:\Users\MyUser\.ssh\id_rsa: no such file or
From the Documentation:
ADD obeys the following rules:
The path must be inside the context of the build; you cannot ADD
../something /something, because the first step of a docker build is
to send the context directory (and subdirectories) to the docker
You are passing an absolute path to ADD, but you can see from the error:
no such file or directory
It is being looked for within the build context. Again from the documentation:
Traditionally, the Dockerfile is called Dockerfile and located in the
root of the context.
So, you need to place the RSA key somewhere in the directory tree which has it's root at the path that you specify in your Docker build command, so if you are entering docker build . your ARG statement would change to something like:
ARG SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = .\.ssh\id_rsa
I thought i understand Docker already, but today i found some problem about utilizing docker cache.
Here is my dockerfile
FROM quay.io/my_company/phpjenkins
WORKDIR /usr/src/my_project
ADD composer.json composer.json
ADD composer.lock composer.lock
RUN composer install -o
ADD . .
RUN mkdir -p temp/unittest/cache log
RUN cp app/config/config.unittest.template.neon app/config/config.unittest.neon
CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
I expect docker to use the cache until ADD . .
However, every build, look like docker try to do composer install every time.
Here is some output
+ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run app vendor/bin/phpunit -d memory_limit=2048M
Creating network "xxx_default" with the default driver
Creating xxx_rabbitmq_1
Creating xxx_mysql_1
Building app
Step 1/9 : FROM quay.io/my_company/phpjenkins
---> f10ea65fb7df
Step 2/9 : WORKDIR /usr/src/my_project
---> Using cache
---> 07ad76770cd2
Step 3/9 : ADD composer.json composer.json
---> Using cache
---> 0d22314b81af
Step 4/9 : ADD composer.lock composer.lock
---> Using cache
---> 3d41825efcb3
Step 5/9 : RUN composer install -o
---> Running in 38de5f08eb46
Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/local/bin/composer self-update" to get the latest version.
Do not run Composer as root/super user! See https://getcomposer.org/root for details ....
---> aa05dc9ddc5f
Removing intermediate container 581aa7e4b00f
Step 6/9 : ADD . .
---> 8796a9235b9a
Removing intermediate container b7354231fbd7
I run out of lead, what could be possible thing that dockerfile didn't use cache for RUN composer install command
I'm using Docker version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be on Debian, if this help for investigation.
Please advise.
As a work-around you could create two Dockerfiles. One that creates an image at the point where you would like to cache. The second Dockerfile can then use the first image as its base and make modifications as required.
FROM quay.io/my_company/phpjenkins
WORKDIR /usr/src/my_project
ADD composer.json composer.json
ADD composer.lock composer.lock
RUN composer install -o
CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
Build this file to mycomposerimage using
docker build -t mycomposerimage .
Then second dockerfile picks up from there
FROM mycomposerimage
WORKDIR /usr/src/my_project
ADD . .
RUN mkdir -p temp/unittest/cache log
RUN cp app/config/config.unittest.template.neon app/config/config.unittest.neon
CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]