How to handle a POST request in lighttpd + mod_magnet with lua? - lua

I've figured out how to handle a GET request and get all query parameters but couldn't see how to get the JSON body of a POST request. And I went through all the keys of the lighty object but couldn't figure out how where the JSON body is stored. Is there a way to retrieve it?

lighttpd mod_magnet can manipulate the request from the request headers and can short-circuit a response, but the lighttpd hooks from which mod_magnet runs are before the request handler; mod_magnet does not have access to the request body, which may not have been received yet, since the request body is pulled in the request handler.
If you need access to the request body, then your code must run as a request handler. You can run your lua as a CGI script (mod_cgi) or some other backend, e.g. FastCGI (mod_fastcgi), SCGI (mod_scgi), HTTP (mod_proxy), etc.


Charles, empty request body with non-empty response body

I used Charles to record a session and when I check one of the sessions, I found that there is no request body but I can see a response body, I am confused about this as how am I seeing a response without sending a request?
Also, I noticed that I can choose to see the request and response body on my phone's Charles, but on my desktop Charles, I can only see the tab called Content, I tried clicking on the request and response in the under the View tab, nothing happened as well. Does anyone know why?
I am confused about this as how am I seeing a response without sending a request?
A request consists of a few things:
Always: an HTTP method (GET, POST, or similar)
Always: a path (/document/123)
Optional: any number of HTTP headers (my-header: abc)
Optional: a request body
A response consists of:
Always: an HTTP status (404)
Always (in HTTP/1): an HTTP status message (Not Found)
Optional: any number of HTTP headers (my-header: abc)
Optional: a response body
In your case, you are sending a request, it's just that your request only contains a method, URL and headers, but no body. That's totally normal and this is very common for most HTTP requests.
The request and response body are totally independent: it's fine for neither to have a body, or for just one (either one) to have a body, or for both to have a body.
As an example, a GET request to from a browser will include a method (GET) and a path (/search) and a selection of headers from the browser (such as a user-agent), but won't include any body, and the response will have a status (200) and message (OK), headers about the response data (e.g. content-length: ...) and the body will be the HTML for the google search page.

Micropython: https request blocks further requests

I'm on a M5Stack atom lite running micropython, making POST requests to a given endpoint with json payload. The following code leads to suspicious behaviour:
if (pin1.value()) == True:
if uart1.any():
req = urequests.request(method='POST', url='', json={'requestCode':'yadayada'})
if req.status_code == 200:
The first request succeeds and the correct payload is sent to the endpoint. Yet, all subsequent requests fail.
The same holds true for GET requests to https endpoints.
If I change to http, both GET and POST requests work fine, one after another.
Defining the content type in the headers has no effect.
Neither does closing the session right after the request (using headers).
As of request 2, to a https endpoint, I get the exception:
Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong with these https-requests? Thanks in advance for any hints!

AWS API Gateway issue for HTTP Method

I created an AWS API-gateway for an HTTP method PUT. When I do a test in API-gateway, that works fine, but when I call it from a REST client, I get 404 bad-request and missing authentication token errors. I didn't set any authorization to true or a required API key to true.
I passed these query parameters to a REST client:
auth_id : 8798iuyiu123123
time_stamp :1231231
test_json : [{"id"=>"1","value"=>"mount"},{"id"=>"2","value"=>"chart"}]
content-type : application/json
When I change the test_json value to %5B%7B%22id%22:%221%22,%22value%22:%22test%22%7D,%7B%22id%22:%222%22,%22value%22:%2213+%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%, then I get the response.
i am new to react, calling from react
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.query({ auth_id: localStorage.auth_id})
.query({ time_stamp:this.props.time_stamp})
.query({ test_json:JSON.stringify(newadd)})
should i pass this test_json through body?
Am I doing anything wrong?
This is usually related to requesting a URL that doesn't exist. Please make sure you're using the correct HTTP method and resource path to a valid resource (the sample invoke URL does not include any resource path). If this still doesn't work. Make sure you actually deployed your API.
The HTTP Response of Bad Request is because you have the Query Parameter that are not URL Encoded. There are 2 things that you can do now:
Pass the test_json as Query Param but making sure that they are URL Encoded. This will put a restriction on the size of the string and hence Not Recommended.
Pass the test_json as Request Body. (Recommended)

NSUrlSession dataTask Completion handler parameters

What is the difference between the data and response parameters in the dataTask method's completion handler? Which one is used for what? Which one is the one where the json data will be returned by the web api?
JSON data is returned in the data parameter. The response parameter is a URLResponse object. You can use it to access additional information about the response (also known as metadata), such as its MIME type. If your request was an HTTP request response will be an HTTPURLResponse, which will include the HTTP status code and the HTTP header fields sent back by the server.

How to Get the tag value of JSON response in a http request

I have to make 10 different http post method to server, and I'm doing this asynchronously. but my success of failure response will hit to same method. but if some request fails of time out i want to know which http cal has failed, is this possible to track. And how to get the tag value for the response.
