How to integrate payment gateway Paytm using swift in iOS? - ios

I am developing project for paying bills through app, for that I need to add payment gateway paytm in project? But I don't know how to add. I have searched but I didn't find any tutorial to learn.
Anyone, please help me.

I am not expert in how to implement payment gateway but you can follow this example


PayPal Checkout directly using the Braintree SDK - Swift

I'm trying to integrate PayPal on my IOS app. first I tried PayPal-iOS-SDK but it's deprecated and not accepted by Apple because of using UIWebView on it. So I tried to integrate using Braintree but my country not supported yet. I don't have any options but to use Checkout through Braintree. I checked this page but it didn't help me at all. I need docs or tutorials on server side and how I will add access token from PayPal on Braintree server code.
If you tried integrate PayPal checkout through Braintree Please Help Me
Or guide me with better way to integrate PayPal.
You've linked to the correct guide.
You'll also need resources from , although you won't be integrating Braintree Direct or the Drop In UI -- just PayPal.
The credentials you will use for sandbox development will be from the bottom of (Log into dashboard then scroll to bottom), and later for live they will be in
You'll be using the Braintree SDK on iOS, but you also need a webservice to generate the nonce. All of this is covered in the guides.

Anyone have an experience to integrate Avatara AvaTax in stripe invoicing?

I have to integrate Avalara AvaTax for stripe invoice. I have Ruby on Rails development project where already integrated Stripe.
Now, as per client request, I have to integrate AvaTax with stripe which calculate Tax based on charges.
I have this link
But, still not have some clear flow for it.
Anyone have an experience which would be great help for us.
Thanks in advance

How to connect existing telephony system with Zendesk?

I have existing telephony system and now I want to integrate into zendesk, I have gone through Talk Partner Edition API but I am not getting exact idea. I am ready with softphone and all calling feature at my own now how should I connect this existing app with zendesk and how should I embed this softphone into Zendesk?
Any help appreciated!
Have you looked at this Zendesk Help Center article? It provides more details about a sample workflow and development suggestions for how to accomplish.

Integration of PayTm payment in iOS

Could anyone please tell me how can I implement payTm payment gateway in my iOS app. Searched a lot in internet but couldn't get any result. Not sure whether they provide any SDK or API to use.
I was searching for payment gateways which are mainly focussed in India. found One97's Paytm Payments but not sure how to implement this in iOS app.
Could any one please help me.
Paytm has SDK for both iOS and Android platform. It is integrated already on few merchants. Write to us at and we will send you SDK and Integration document along with test credentials.
PayTM is only for Private Ltd. companies. Unlike PayPal(unfortunately not in India), which provides access to there SDK for developers as well.
If you want to integrate PayTM, you would have to contact them and they will give you a list of things (which includes: DIN number, company name, PAN.. etc) which you should have before getting the SDK access.
This to me is pretty outdated thing. PayTM should provide access to developers to at least test their platform. Sandbox account is something developers can test their app before going live they can definitely request for all the needed details. In that sense, PayPal integration is way way better.
#Prerna Kalra Please let your team know that developers want to test their integration before going into all the official details.
To integrate with Paytm payments, you would require an SDK that they provide for the same. You need to get in touch with the Paytm's integration team for the SDK.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people are asking this and Paytm is not really ready to make its own documentation. The only way I know of is to download their sdk and contact their customer care with your query about integration. And await their response for installation queries.

Payment gate-way implementation

We are developing a rails application and now i have to integrate ZUORA as a payment gate way .
I never done third party integration so not aware about this but after googling i got some hint like
1- we can give link on our web site and can redirect user to payment gate-way
Now i just want to know that is there any gem or plug-in which can be useful to integrate ZUORA with my app
or how can i proceed and integrate ZUORA.
Is there any one who work with zuora please share their suggestion.
Zuora provides a sample RoR application:
