Jekyll make url clickable - url

Is it possible to make clickable without using markdown syntax []( It is rendered as text by default.

I think it will depend on the markdown interpreter you use but on a default installation of Jekyll, you should get this result by using < and > around your URL.
I found this info in this cheat sheet, which you might find useful too : Markdown Cheat Sheet


How to link to internal link with ampersand?

I am trying to make an internal link to a heading called "word & word".
Since I am using Jekyll, the content is in Markdown files and the heading I want to link to looks like this:
### word & word
I know that I can not use & in URLs.
Therefore this would not be an option:
I also tried:
However, both versions are not working.
What would be the appropriat way to fix this?
Kramdown is striping non alphanumeric from header id's and replacing spaces by -.
You can just check this behavior with :
- mandatory
### word & word
Resulting link in generated table of content is #word--word
See kramdown documentation

Creating a dynamic hyperlink in Word with XDocReport

I need to create a hyperlink using XDocReport where both the URL and display name are provided using Velocity tags. There is some reference to this on the XDocReport web site, but no real guidance.
Other things I have tried, like, do not work.
Manage hyperlink with XDocReport is like mergefield. XDocReport wiki page about hyperlink with docx can be found here, but I agree, it should be improved.
If you cannot manage hyperlink with XDocReport and docx, I suggest :
use the XDocReport macro . There is a link checkbox to insert hyperlink instead of inserting mergefield.
download or get Git project fr.opensagres.xdocreport.samples.docxandvelocity. You will find samples with hyperlinks.
Based on #MarkSalamon suggested link: , it failed in my case too.
After debugging the opensagres library, it seems that instead of inserting a merge field inside the Hyperlink, the library is expecting there just a simple Freemarker placeholder. So it's enough to create the hyperlink from Word, and at the url definition part, you can specify there: ${url} .
That's it, the library is going to detect that there is a Freemarker syntax and replace the url with back-end data. So you don't have to do the trick with ALT+F9 and replace with merge field codes.
In my case this worked with opensagres version: 2.0.2

simple formatting/parsing in markdown for blockquotes

I'm using markdown in my site and I would like to do some simple parsing for news articles.
How can I parse markdown to pull all blockquotes and links, so I can highlight them separately from the rest of the document
For example I would like to parse the first blockquote ( >) in the document so I can push it to the top no matter where it occurs in the document. (Similar to what many news sites do, to highlight certain parts of an article.) but then de-blockquote it for the main body. So it occurs twice (once in the highlighted always at the top and then normally as it occurs in the document).
I will assume you're trying to do this at render-time, when the markdown is going to be converted to HTML. To point you in the right direction, one way you could go about this would be to
Convert the markdown to HTML
Pass the HTML to Nokogiri
Grab the first <blockquote>, copy it, and inject it into the top of the Nokogiri node tree
The result would be a duplicate of the first <blockquote>.
Redcarpet 2 is a great gem for converting Markdown to HTML. Nokogiri is your best bet for HTML parsing.
I can write sample code if necessary, but the documentation for both gems is thorough and this task is trivial enough to just piece together bits from examples within the docs. This at least answers your question of how to go about doing it.
Depending on the need, this could be done with a line of jQuery too.
$('article').prepend($($('article blockquote').get(0)).clone())
Given the <article> DOM element for an article on your page, grab the first <blockquote>, clone it, and prepend it to the top of the <article>.
I know wiki markup (i.e. wikicloth for ruby) has similar implementations as you're after for parsing links, categories, and references. Though I'm not sure about block quotes, but it may be better suited.
Something like:
data = "[[ this ]] is a [[ link ]] and another [ Google]. This is a <ref>reference</ref>, but this is a [[Category:Test]]. This is in another [[de:Sprache]]"
wiki = => data)
puts "Internal Links: #{wiki.internal_links.size}"
puts "External Links: #{wiki.external_links.size}"
puts "References: #{wiki.references.size}"
puts "Categories: #{wiki.categories.size} [#{wiki.categories.join(",")}]"
puts "Languages: #{wiki.languages.size} [#{wiki.languages.keys.join(",")}]"
I haven't seen any such parsers available for markdown. Using redcarpet, converting to HTML, then using Nokogiri does seem a bit convoluted.

Linking on a Redmine Wiki

I'm writing a wiki on Redmine for the program my company just developed. I've been reading Redmine Wiki formatting pages but I simply can't find how to link to headers on a page that hold spaces.
For example:
This works [[Setup#Oracle|Oracle Setup]]
This does not work [[Setup#Oracle DB|Oracle DB Setup]]
The second I have a header with a space, hyphen, underscore... ANYTHING more than one word, Redmine is unable to link.
Any ideas how to link correctly?
Hyphens worked for me using the textile formatting.
[[Wiki#Test-link-target|a link]]
If you open the wiki page you should see a little paragraph symbol next to each header that appears when you hover your mouse there. That should give you the (semi-)permalink you can use. You can always look at the wiki pages source for the link names.
One problem I remember when working on the Markdown filter was that each text formatter would create it's table of contents separately. So the anchor links for textile might be different than the ones for plain text or Markdown.

Simple Rails text field formatting

How can I easily allow blog posts (in a Rails app) to be formatted? Minimally I'd like to retain the carriage returns when text is displayed as HTML. I guess ideally it'd allow for bold, italic & indentation.
I'm aware of CKEditor. I just fear it may be overkill, and difficult to implement quickly & easily...
wrapping your text by simple_format(#post.description) will show line feeds in your text. For additional formatting, you will need to use gem RedCloth or likes.
Why not use Markdown? There are lots of implementations. Refer to this SO post — Better ruby markdown interpreter?
